Doing everything right but no more weight loss - Help!!

Hi Everyone!
I started my weight loss journey a few months after my now 9 month old was born. I wasn't too serious about things until I decided I couldn't stand where my body was headed. I started with Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, then did her Ripped in 30. In that time I also signed up for MFP and started logging calories. I lost about 7lbs and a ton of inches from those two programs. I was feeling it was time to step it up so I purchased a Polar FT7 HRM and started Insanity (about a week and a half ago). I log EVERYTHING I eat and drink, and feel like I'm getting an accurate picture of my calories burned. I'm looking to lose that last 10-15lbs but I am in better shape now than I ever have been (finally seeing muscle definition - yay!). I was eating approx. 1300-1500 calories while doing the JM videos, but upped my calories to 1600-1700 (which would be 500-600 calories below my calculated maintanence calories) but am no longer losing weight. In fact, even while doing JM's videos I was only losing on average .5lb a week, some weeks nothing at all. Last week (the week I started Insanity) I actually gained a pound, and this week was only down .5 from two weeks ago. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here? I'm getting REALLY discouraged as I was trying to do this weight loss thing safe and slow but feel like I should be getting considerably more bang for my buck at this point! I also forgot to add that I haven't lost any inches from anywhere in about three weeks, so it's not that I am just gaining muscle and still losing fat. I know you guys are so helpful and experts when it comes to this stuff so I'm hoping you can help me figure out what I am doing wrong! Thanks so much =)


  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Take photos. They can be the best judge of progress. I have not lost any weight in months and some inches but my photos tell a whole different story.

    Usually when you start any new exercise you go up in weight anyway.... like the Insanity. Eating the way you are and exercising the way you are something has to be changing.... :)

    Another thing, if you only have 10-15lbs to lose, you might not ever lost it.....HOWEVER ....that is because when you are fit you weigh more than someone who is the same size but skinny fat....
  • liamsmommy082011
    liamsmommy082011 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you! I took a picture the day I started Insanity so I will hopefully see some results. I keep thinking something has to be happening as my husband calls me "obsessive" with getting fit - I say I'm dedicated =) Hopefully my body is just adjusting to the new workout. Considering I'm lying on the floor heaving after each workout, I better get some lost inches soon! Thanks again =)
  • amandabateman411
    I am having the same problem. I am way bigger, i weigh 179 so i dont see why i stopped losing weight. it is very frustrating. I have lost 11 lbs so far and then it just stopped. i have not lost weight in a month. makes me wanna just give up and forget it. that way i wont be so sad bc i feel like i am doing no good. but insanity prob will not make you lose as much weight as it will inches!
  • RandomMiranda
    Starting insanity probably has your muscles retaining extra fluid while they repair. That probably accounts for at least some of the slowing/stopping. You might try messing with you proportions of carbs/protein/fat too, if you keep an eye on those in addition to calories. Retaining water from sodium and your menses could be responsible as well.
  • liamsmommy082011
    liamsmommy082011 Posts: 7 Member
    I know the feeling of giving up cause you're not seeing results but don't give up! When I feel like it I look at a quote I found on pinterest that says "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!". It motivates me to keep going.

    Thanks so much for the advice, I don't currently consider the carb/protein/fat ratios (I do drink a recovery drink after Insanity with a proper carb/protein ratio but that's it) so maybe I will look into that. I wasn't aware that my muscles are probably retaining water to repair so that makes me feel hopeful that that (along with water retention in general) could be slowing me down. I started drinking this detox tea (distiller water, dandelion root tea bag, cranberry and lemon juice) that's supposed to help get rid of bloat so we will see where that goes. For now it's just making me pee every 5 mins and feel like crap lol

    Thanks so much to all if you for responding and for your great advice =)
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I've started doing Insanity too and my scales have not budged a mm. However I am feeling fitter and stronger. As someone mentioned before, your muscles will literally rip and take their time to repair themselves. You just wait until your muscles are stronger and leaner - they will be eating up calories like nobody's business!!

    It's like people who do strength training. They weigh heavier than people that are their clothes size, but are toned and defined. Generally strength training people have to eat more calories just for their muscles to keep burning fat, otherwise ketosis occurs and the muscle eats itself.

    Take heart, many people, myself included, experience exactly the same thing. Things will change eventually, you just have to keep plodding on with the goal in mind! Add me as a friend if you would like as we're going through a similar journey! xxx
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    same problem for over a year. 15 pounds from goal. Not getting there. But my body continues to change in appearance and I've just decided to to obsess about the scale. I continue the lifestyle forever because that is my commitment to myself. All you can do is eat healthy and live a happy, healthy lifestyle! That's what counts!
  • volcom101
    volcom101 Posts: 1 Member
    I have not done insanity myself but i have spoken to people who have. Some of them said in the first month they either gained or stayed the same. Its most likely do to the fact that ur gaining muscle so even if ur losing lbs from fat ur gaining it from muscle leaving u at the same weight if not a higher weight. I sugget tracking ur progress by inches and not pounds