Shift work & weight loss

Hi everyone!!

I work shift work (4 weeks days, 4 weeks nights).. I don't seem to have any problems eating/tracking my diet on days.. but I seem to have problems on nights... I log stuff under breakfast/dinner.. and lots under snacks. I find my snacks are bad.. Any suggestions??


  • Try to imagin the night shifts as a day when you wake up have "breakfast" on you break have "lunch" and pack it yourself
  • shoover10
    shoover10 Posts: 32
    I did 3.5 years of shift work (12 hour shifts, 4wks nights/4wks days) and it was hard on my weight. Lots of ups and downs. Mostly ups.
    The best way I found to track it was to not think of tracking in terms of 24 hours, but in terms of your day. Do a breakfast (normal dinner time) and a lunch (late at night) and a dinner (Normal breakfast time) with a couple healthy snacks.

    I am a huge believer in packing food and not purchasing it - usually it is healthier and cheaper.

    Good luck!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Well, the concept is the same... If you really are concerned about meal timing. Breakfast is soon after you awaken. Lunch is somewhere about 4-5 hours after that. For most night workers, dinner is probably your lunch break (somewhere about 0200 .. And snacks is at other times. In reality, as long as you log it all, it really don't matter that much. As for me, there are times I log a fiber bar under breakfast when it was consumed as a snack. Why? because breakfast is usually when I consume it and it is easier to use the quick log ... Then again.. that is just me.
  • eheller005
    eheller005 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been working shift work for 17 years now. I do 4 on/4 off with two sets of days and two sets of nights. It sucks! With that said ... I have had much success in weight loss due to thinking in 24 hours. Just log everything and your calories are refreshed at midnight just how MFP does it. It doesn't matter where you log it (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) as long as its logged. You can't think that when you're on nights that your daytime is your night - because you wouldn't be able to eat during the day when you're off or when you're coming off nights. Consistency helps - whether you're days or nights, calories are the same and change at the same time.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    I do shift work and mostly i'm on the same day, but if i ever come in early, i'm only getting a 2 hour nap before coming in at 1am. So many times i'll log my first item under a snack from the previous day, then do my logging as normal. I know shift work can reak havoc on a weight loss plan. Good luck!!!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Keep a normal schedule even if it is on Night shift. Eat within half an hour of waking.. boost the metabolism. Eat every 3 hours from the time you wake until about 3 hours before you plan on going to sleep. Make your 3 larger meals in the day freshly so that your food choices stay healthy.
    Pack snacks like celery and peanut butter. Fruit and red pepper, cucumber and and apple. or apple and walnuts.

    Power snacks, keep the metabolism going and help you to keep your sugars balanced throughout your awake time.

    Pack your own food. You'll know what you plan on eating, you'll even look forward to it and you'll feel better for it.

    Good luck!! This is the easy part.
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    I just put the hours down you can look at my log and see mine..
  • juleskirpu87
    juleskirpu87 Posts: 4 Member
    I have got the same problem! Although my shifts aint so organised i.e. one week of nights then days with sometimes one day off in between and weight management is a huge issue cause I eat at night and the next day too. I was told to try and have light snacks at night time. also have meals during night time round about the same time you would have ur lunch etc (helps with tracking and ur waistline will be pleased too) e.g. if u r having ur lunch at 1pm during day try having ur "lunch" at 1am etc...Also loads of water and good 8hr sleep helps.
    All the best and good luck! :)
  • wheath13
    wheath13 Posts: 2
    I agree with everyone else on how to log- first meal of the day is breakfast and such--
    On thing I have learned working on night for years though- carbs are a killer at night, especially for snacks. Its really easy to get on a rollercaoster of energy spiking up and down and needing more carbs to stay awake. If I eat carbs on a night shift "day" I eat them early or make sure I eat them with something to slow down the adsorption- like cottage cheese with a fiber bar. I always pack my lunch to make sure I have plenty of healthy snacks. Good Luck!