New Burn Goal - I challenge you to do the same

I wore my HRM up the mountain today, snowboarding. I went with some beginner friends so we had a very slow afternoon, but I was shocked at the number of calories I burned (and I paused it every time we stopped).
Tomorrow I'm going to go up again, go for longer, or faster or do more difficult runs as my goal is to burn at least as many calories as the year I was born. So I'm aiming for at least 1989.
I was only a couple of hundred off that today!

So anyone else that has some sport or exercise that racks up a high calorie burn, I challenge you to do the same, and burn as many as the year you were born.


  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    You do realize that even if you had a HRM on all day and didn't do a thing but sit there its still going to show up that you burned "X" amount of cal right? I mean, its a good idea but not realistic. Your heart is going to beat even if you don't workout, so it's not like you're actually "burning" that many cal. Besides, its totally unhealthy to burn that many cal in one shot... Unless you've trained your body over an extended period of time to preform that way, you're only going to hurt yourself.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    You do realize that even if you had a HRM on all day and didn't do a thing but sit there its still going to show up that you burned "X" amount of cal right? I mean, its a good idea but not realistic. Your heart is going to beat even if you don't workout, so it's not like you're actually "burning" that many cal. Besides, its totally unhealthy to burn that many cal in one shot... Unless you've trained your body over an extended period of time to preform that way, you're only going to hurt yourself.

    I mentioned above that I only had it on while snowboarding. You're clearly not a skier/snowboarder are you?
  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    I understand your intent, but it's unrealistic. Hence why no one has commented on this post besides me. And no, I'm not a skier/snowboarder but the invite for the challenge was for “anyone else that has some sport or exercise that racks up a high calorie burn” which equals out to the year they were born, was it not? Unless someone is training for a triathlon, or for some type of competition IE state swimmer, cross country runner, over even someone who’s climbing Mt. Everest, you’re not going to find anyone who is going to be willing to hurt themselves over I don’t even know what to call this. Don’t get bent over this, it’s really not a big deal. If you want to start a group challenge though, you might want to start off with something a little more realistic.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Its very realistic though. Not everyone trains in a gym. I live in the french Alps, so ski or snowboard 3 or 4 days per week from December until May. At the beginning of the winter it's harder, but you build up stamina. It's a really good workout. Try hiking up a peak knee-deep in snow with a full rucksack and a snowboard/skis on your back. That's tough to begin with. Then you have the descent itself, which burns a few hundred calories depending on difficulty and length. And you don't just do this once. Even if you take away the hike its still a massive calorie burn over the course of the day.
    I'm not the only person on here that does such things.
    And other than snowsports, where I live the trail running is pretty hardcore too. I only run up to 10K but being hat that's running up the mountain then down again that's quite a big burner too. Nowhere near as much as boarding as I don't run mega long distances, but this is again a place where many of my friends do. Heard of the Mont Blanc Ultra-marathon? That's a big deal here. And with anything, I know there are others on MFP who do similar things.
    You don't have to shoot down someone's idea just because it's not your thing.
  • FullMelt
    FullMelt Posts: 8
    This is absolutely realistic to those who participate in some type of sport that goes all day with breaks taken. I have burned 1400+ kcals on a ~27mile bike ride with ~500feet of climbs, one short break. My goal being a 50 mile ride within two months and a hundred mile ride before this winter comes. I log it as "road bike" and am riding a fixed gear, so honestly I bet the numbers are close to accurate, if not a little low for me. I would imagine that 50 miles on a single speed bike that never stops pedaling will put me well past the 1986 mark, and if I make a day of it I don't imagine there will be an issue. I would not recommend this to the far from fit, but it is standard protocol in the bicycling community, and will be followed by a party-full of calories of sandwiches, fries and beer.