Looking for friends to share motivation, advice...

Hello everyone! I am excited to start this journey to a healthier me. My goal is to lose 30lbs. I have started tracking my calories, walking/running, zumba and weights. I like to alternate. It's good to get outside to walk/run and breathe in fresh oxygen. If I don't feel like getting out, I will definitely stay active by working in a zumba routine or lift weights and do leg workouts like lunges and squats. With all the physical activity, it has motivated me to eat healthier. I'd hate to have all that hard work and sweat go to waste. :) I do like to eat. I'm not following a very strict diet. I am controlling my portions and just being more aware of what I'm ingesting. I'm learning more about super foods and bad fat vs. good fat.

I'm looking for friends to share motivation, advice, healthy recipes and healthy habits. Please feel free to contact me. Good luck and best wishes! :)


  • wow... way to go.. you are young... i hope you find your way to fitness and happiness.. you are so lucky to only have 30 lbs to loose.. keep it up and soon the days will have passed and you will be enjoying your new health, weight, and happiness... life opens up when we feel good and happy about ourselves... take care.
  • Thanks for the encourgement. I just got tired of coming home from work and being too tired/lazy to do anything. I'm never going to lose weight and be healthy that way. I've been talking about it for so long and I'm finally putting those words into action.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm looking for the same; been using MFP for 3 months now and have 2 friends only. Never went to message bds before to add friends.
  • Yeah same here. Well I just joined a couple days ago, but I wasn't able to access the boards or other members using my phone. So I'm on my laptop now reaching out and hopefully will meet others like myself! :)