Anyone Up For A Little 30 Day Challenge??

It's not about money, it's about YOU taking control of YOUR life and learning how to be fit and healthy. This challenge is completely FREE! You don't have to buy anything! All I want from you is a commitment for the next 30 days. I'll put everyone in a private facebook group (or if we get enough interest, we can start one here) where we will all help and support eachother. Send me a message and I'll give you details. I WANT to HELP you!!! WHO'S WITH ME??? Let's make this a HUGE group!! Young or old, fit or not!! You've got to start somewhere and THIS is it!!



  • Errinwalker
    Errinwalker Posts: 18 Member
    I am interested in your challenge. I have been picking away at P90x and not really following any kind of system. I am expecting the nutrition guide in the mail in the next couple of days and planning to get more serious :)
  • I am up for it. I have so far lost 8 pounds since doing mfp seriously. Since april 9th I have recorded food, only missed 2 days, so far have lost 8 pounds . About 4 a week. So count me in.
  • add me please. I just hit my 20 lb mark and would love to get closer to my goal in the next month. I just purchased a couple wii games to increase my exercise amount. cant afford a gym membership at the moment so hopefully they help.
  • 20diane
    20diane Posts: 18 Member
    OK I'll give it a try, could do with a kick up the bum :)
  • victoriasnow
    victoriasnow Posts: 111 Member
    count me in! i would love to try this. messaging you now about the details.. :)
  • agambh
    agambh Posts: 9
    i would like to give it a try as well!
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I'd love to, I'm feeling really discouraged the past couple days. I could use some more support/motivation. I'd like to be down 5-7lbs in 30 days.
  • Count me in...I need all the motivation I can get! :) Let me know what the next step is & BTW - THANKS for the suggestion!!
  • nickiebb
    nickiebb Posts: 57 Member
    Okay, I'm in. I've just mentally committed to doing a triathlon on June 23. So, this will help me stay focused with training.
  • kathym59
    kathym59 Posts: 51
    I'm in, I need a little motivation at the moment, my birthday at the beginning of June, so it would be nice to lose a bit more before then.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I would love to join. I've slowly been slipping and I so want to get it together. This could actually be just the thing to do it. Thanks for doing this!!
  • I would LOVE to be invited to your private Facebook group, please let me know how to join! Thanks, this sounds awesome!
  • Im in as well, if my medical restrictions allow
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Count me in! My RL friends and family don't really support me so I need all of the extra motivation I can get! :D
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    I am in never done a challenge before sort of new to this but would love the motivation and support to give and receive.
    Will send a msg
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Count me in! My RL friends and family don't really support me so I need all of the extra motivation I can get! :D

    Thats terrible! They should fully support you!

    Oh ya and I am in, send me an invite!
  • Robino01
    Robino01 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join as well....birthday coming up late next month, want to start tomorrow with exercise and logging food each day....watching biggest loser adds to the motivation too...thanks.
  • Abby8908
    Abby8908 Posts: 3
    I'm in! I was just saying that I need a challenge to get me back on track!
  • andyblue1
    andyblue1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love a challenge. I lost my way a bit with one thing and another and today is a new beginning. Count me in!!
  • aiwich
    aiwich Posts: 63 Member
    this sounds just what i need. love to join! let me know the details!!