Thin In My Skin! (CLOSED GRP)



  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Name/ real name:  Roni / Roni_M

    Current Weight:  240.1
    Challenge Goal Weight:  216.1

    04/09:   240.1
    04/16:   238.9
    04/23:   237.0
    05/07:    <<< mini goal weight - 232.1 >>>
    06/04:   <<< mini goal weight - 224.1 >>> 
    07/02:   <<< challenge goal weight - 216.1 >>> 

    I'm a little behind goal but hoping some of it's water weight. Going to cut back on my sodium this week in hopes that I can catch up!

    Good luck everyone! ☺
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hello Thinnies!

    Well after some sedentary days (mostly due to busy schedule) - I got in a great power walk today while DS8 was at baseball practice. Oooh if felt delighful (although it is wicked cold here! brrr)

    I was thinking about those first few weeks when you start a weight loss/fitness program & how motivated you can be (I think Purple Cookie was mentioning how she was missing that motivation from the "early days" of losing weight). I like to think of it as the "honeymoon period" - because I know I have to prepare to find ways to keep the motivation alive! are some things I try...
    1. Finding some new healthy recipes to try (love
    2. Reading a book by someone who has been there, done that in terms of weight loss - or overcoming an obstacle (Ali Francis (1st female BL winner has a book)... Jennifer Hudson has a book... Lance Armstrong's "It's not about the bike" was very motivational...
    3. I watch the Biggest Loser each week for inspiration
    4. I've seen a few episodes of "I used to be fat" on MTV
    5. If you've ever seen "I used to be fat" - they make a big countdown calendar ie: 100 days until college starts, so each page has a number on it until you reach the end (100, 99, etc)... I'm thinking of making a countdown to my next "big" event (my 20th HIgh School reunion)
    6. Reading a success story
    7. Joining / participating in a challenge (when I'm lacking motivation, I come on here & get inspired by what others are up to)

    Those are just a few ideas to try to keep my focused - or to bring my focus back

    purplecookie - hoping you can get your motivation mojo back up & running. You've been so successful - keep the streak alive! :)

    KristenKC - thanks for sharing the Olivia method - I finally understand it now the way you explained it!

    legnarevocrednu - great work getting down 3 pounds

    brinascat (Nancy) - yay on the loss!
    Myjourney2 - we all have those bad days - what can make them work for us is to get back up & keep going instead of letting ourselves be destroyed or our efforts halted because of them

    ksraider (regina) - great job on the loss!

    Brenda - good work maintaining

    getfitE - do you have access to a Microwave? I like to make things in my crockpot, then put single serve leftovers in 2 cup tupperware & freeze - then I can grab lunch on the go. (turkey chilli, soup, skinnytaste santa fe chicken)...Or, I'll whip up a batch of healthy muffins & freeze - if I grab one on the go, it usually thaws by the time I get whereever I'm going. I also pack my lunch the night before most of the time (or bad last minute choices would ensue). Ie: organic turkey on a mini bagel topped with 1/2 oz of fresh mozerella, fresh basil, sliced tomato (I package the tomato separately so that my sandwich doesn't get mushy). Single serve container of cottage cheese with baby carrots.... Putting some of your "snacky" foods in mini-snack bags once home to grab on the go (ie: pretzels, nuts, cheddar cheese rice cakes...)

    Pbprincess/Crystal - great work on the loss! Love that you had a family fitness activity this week!

    howeasyis (Lissa) great job on the loss!

    surferfreak07 - great job on the workouts & the pound loss!

    crysbutcher3 - wow on the amount of overtime you put in! That will be a very pretty paycheck! Love that you treated yourself to the movies & a full night sleep after your busy week!

    meerkat70 - great job!

    tdamask - yay on the loss!

    caitlinws - nice work this week!

    kadazle - great job keeping things up at the gym!

    losing4life - yay on eating above your BMR!

    trimformecmb - christine! Yay on being down 2.5!!! Excellent work! So very happy for you :)

    KristinKT - welcome to the 160's!!! Can't wait to make the same trip myself! You've come a long way - so inspiring!

    audrey - good luck traveling!

    Roni - another great week! Fantastic work!

    Wishing you all a wonderful weigh in!

  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Name/ real name: My1985Freckles/Kayla

    Current Weight: 161.6                    
    Challenge Goal Weight: 149.6

    04/16: 166.8 
    04/23: 163 - still need to recover from the sugar overload of Easter :/
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>>  (157.6)
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>>  (153.6)
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> (149.6)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member

    5. If you've ever seen "I used to be fat" - they make a big countdown calendar ie: 100 days until college starts, so each page has a number on it until you reach the end (100, 99, etc)... I'm thinking of making a countdown to my next "big" event (my 20th HIgh School reunion)

    I've never heard of this show (which honestly isn't a big surprise as I've pretty much lived out of the US pop culture loop for the past 3 years thanks to the military, but I do this. My current countdown is until we PCS from our current overseas duty location back to the United States. While we sadly still don't have an official flight date, we are going to be out of here in 30 days or less. I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds by then. I'm only 11.6 pounds away, which seems doable to me if we're here for exactly 30 more days. If we leave before then, then it's going to require a big weight loss every week (since we could be leaving as early as 20 days from now!) But regardless of when we leave, I'm not going to let my total weight loss get me down in case I don't actually reach that 50 pounds. Because I will still be at a smaller weight going home than I was coming here 3 years ago. :)
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Hi all,

    My weight in is on Friday's:

    Name/ real name: Tatyanne/Andreia

    SW: 146
    GW: 136

    04/06: 146.0
    04/13: 144.2
    04/20: 145.5

    This was not a good week :sad:
    I'm on 30DS, and today was the last day of Level 2. It was hard for my backs and the worst times was when the alarm sounded (my neck and shoulders felt really soared) as the only time I have to exercise is in the morning this week i didn't achieve the exercise calories. I'm feeling bloated as well, definitely with some water retention.

    I will work towards better results this week.

  • Hey guys,

    Thanks so much for the support. I'm feeling a bit better about things. I'm still sure that tomorrow's weigh in will be... well, shocking and upsetting, but I'm prepared for it. And this week is going to be awesome. I'm going to make sure it is, because feeling this crappy about things isn't fun. Eating crappy food isn't worth this feeling of disappointment.

    Does anyone have any ideas for filling, super cheap lunches/snacks for work? I think my main issue is that I get really hungry at work (still trying to sort out whether or not it is emotional/boredom/stress eating or proper hunger) and I end up going for the vending machine, which is really cheap where I work. I'm so unbelievably broke this week that I feel like I can't afford healthier options, but I'm sure that isn't true. I'd love some suggestions!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Name/ real name: Sarah

    Current Weight: 165.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 158

    04/09: 173.4
    04/16: 168.0
    04/23: 165.4
    05/07: 165
    06/04: 161
    07/02: 158
  • mrsgstone
    mrsgstone Posts: 115 Member
    Not really a whole lunch idea but... pop corn! Buy the regular kernels in the bag (unpopped). Put about 1/4 to a 1/3 cup in a glass bowl with a lid in the microwave for about 2 mins. 30 sec... and boom! Delicious! Love it with parmesan cheese and creole seasoning. Careful because the bowl is SUPER hot when it's finished!
    Hey guys,

    Thanks so much for the support. I'm feeling a bit better about things. I'm still sure that tomorrow's weigh in will be... well, shocking and upsetting, but I'm prepared for it. And this week is going to be awesome. I'm going to make sure it is, because feeling this crappy about things isn't fun. Eating crappy food isn't worth this feeling of disappointment.

    Does anyone have any ideas for filling, super cheap lunches/snacks for work? I think my main issue is that I get really hungry at work (still trying to sort out whether or not it is emotional/boredom/stress eating or proper hunger) and I end up going for the vending machine, which is really cheap where I work. I'm so unbelievably broke this week that I feel like I can't afford healthier options, but I'm sure that isn't true. I'd love some suggestions!
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Name/ real name: rainas25/Raina

    Current Weight: 204.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 192.6 (12 lb loss)

    04/09: 204.6
    04/16: 204.6
    04/23: 204.6
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 200.6
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 196.6
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 192.6

    I can't believe that my weight has been the exact same number for this long! I'm trying to let it go, but it's really frustrating. I had gotten impatient and moved my weight loss goal to 1.5 lbs per week about a month ago....that obviously isn't working for me. Going to set my goal back to 1 lb per week and hopefully I will start losing again!!
  • Hey guys,

    Thanks so much for the support. I'm feeling a bit better about things. I'm still sure that tomorrow's weigh in will be... well, shocking and upsetting, but I'm prepared for it. And this week is going to be awesome. I'm going to make sure it is, because feeling this crappy about things isn't fun. Eating crappy food isn't worth this feeling of disappointment.

    Does anyone have any ideas for filling, super cheap lunches/snacks for work? I think my main issue is that I get really hungry at work (still trying to sort out whether or not it is emotional/boredom/stress eating or proper hunger) and I end up going for the vending machine, which is really cheap where I work. I'm so unbelievably broke this week that I feel like I can't afford healthier options, but I'm sure that isn't true. I'd love some suggestions!

    I work 12 hour shifts and I pack Tuna sandwiches or Egg least I have been lately and it fills me up which is what I aim for. I also take crackers (I change it up every so often) as a nibbler when I'm taking my 10 minute breaks. Those sandwiches are cheap and quick to make. :wink: I agree with the popcorn thing also...I have done that too. I used to take carrots, but to be honest, they just don't fill me up that much. If they fill you up maybe take some of those. So very glad to see you getting back on the horse after your disappointing week. Way to go! :flowerforyou:
  • roxlen75
    roxlen75 Posts: 21 Member
    Name/ real name: Roxlen75/Rox

    Challenge Goal Weight: 230

    04/09: 250.0
    04/16: 249.4
    04/23: 249.0
    05/07: 242 mini goal
    06/04: 235 mini goal
    07/02: 230 challenge goal

    I really haven't been doing well at logging my calories, but I am going to work on it this week
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Name/ real name: dajndae/Amy

    Current Weight: 149
    Challenge Goal Weight: 139

    04/09: 149
    04/16: 148
    04/23: 151
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>> 145
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>> 142
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 139

    ugh. i expected this. it was a nightmare of a week . . . regarding food!

    hoping to get back on track and still meet my goal! (ya, but my first mini goal might have to change).
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    GetFitE - See my post about the Olivia method. It's just above yours...

    surferfreak07 - Sounds fine. :-)

    CrysButcher3 - Yay for treating yourself to the movies! Good luck with the Olivia method!

    kristinkt - Yay for getting in the 160s!

    audrine - Good luck this week! Woo hoo for getting into the 130s!

    AmyByExample - Thank you for consistently motivating us!

    shadowkitty22 - Yay for being smaller going home!
  • Linda1053
    Linda1053 Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Seems im back on track im happy to say. However it seems the more exercise I do the less the scales move. Will keep at it at least going the right way now. Yesterday I did my first day of 9 weeks of NHS C25K I thought it may kill me never having run and only walked. BUT! Im here to log in so it cant have been that bad. Good luck everyone !

    Name/ real name: Linda1053/Linda

    Current Weight: 173.1
    Challenge Goal Weight: 163

    04/09: 173.1
    04/16: 174.2
    04/23: 173.3 Yesterday first day of C25K in 9 weeks
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight>>>
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight>>>
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight>>>
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    Name/ real name: Sailingsal ; Sarah

    Current Weight: 179
    Challenge Goal Weight: 159

    04/09: 179
    04/16: 182.2
    04/23: 179.8
    05/07: <<<170>>>
    06/04: <<<165>>>
    07/02: <<<159>>>

    Yea, going in the right direction!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Name/ real name: thurberj / Jody

    Starting Weight: 148
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135

    04/09: 148
    04/16: 144
    04/23: 144.2
    05/07: 142
    06/04: 138
    07/02: 135

    Well, i had a crazy week and it showed in the scale. I've been driving an hour to work and back to the mountains because I'm cat sitting for my daughter who ran a marathon in Madrid yesterday. I was a bit tired and slacked off the exercise and ate too many snacks....ugh! So, I'm leaving the cat for a couple of days and am doing a challenge to burn at least 500 calories every day this week (not Friday). I got a great start with a 1200 calorie burn yesterday with a long gym workout and a hike in the mountains. Hope to do better with the snacking too. So, I hope everyone has had great results this week and I am going to work hard to improve this week!!

  • macdale
    macdale Posts: 6
    Name/ real name: macdale/ Mac

    Current Weight: 262.0 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 240 lbs

    04/09: 264.0
    04/16: 262.2
    04/23: 262.0
    05/07: <<<258>>>
    06/04: <<<250>>>
    07/02: <<<240>>>
  • Name/ real name: mrsfitztobe
    Current Weight: 167
    Challenge Goal Weight: 147

    04/09: 167
    04/16: 169 (tough week L)
    04/23: 166.9
    05/07: <<< mini goal weight - 161 >>>
    06/04: <<< mini goal weight - 153 >>>
    07/02: <<< challenge goal weight - 147>>>
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Migoi357/ Tim Billings

    Current Weight: 203.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 187.4

    04/09: 203.4
    04/16: 202.4
    04/23: 201.2
    05/07: <<<197.4>>>
    06/04: <<<192.4>>> 
    07/02: <<187.4>>> 
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Name/ real name: Julidav/ Julie

    Current Weight: 153.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 141.6

    04/09: 153.6
    04/16: 155.0
    04/23: 155.0
    05/07: <<<mini goal weight 149.6>>>
    06/04: <<<mini goal weight 145.6>>>
    07/02: <<<challenge goal weight 141.6>>>

    Keeping my weight the same as last week. I forgot to weigh before I ate this morning.