Stupid Scale

So, we started this new "Biggest Loser" competition at work. I am way stoked about it! However, we have to weight in weekly at work. Yesterday was my starting day. I sucked it up and weighed in on the work scale. Could you believe there is and 8 POUND DIFFERENCE between the scale I use at home and the scale at work!!!!!:noway: How friggin depressing!


  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    When you weighed yourself at home. was it in the morning and had less clothes.

    Naturally you would be a bit heavier during the day after a meal or two and some water.
    Also clothes are alot heavier than people think.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Stupid work scale is off by 8 pounds! They need to fix it. :bigsmile:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    So, we started this new "Biggest Loser" competition at work. I am way stoked about it! However, we have to weight in weekly at work. Yesterday was my starting day. I sucked it up and weighed in on the work scale. Could you believe there is and 8 POUND DIFFERENCE between the scale I use at home and the scale at work!!!!!:noway: How friggin depressing!

    Don't be depressed! Obviously the scale at work is broken! :laugh: Just chalk it up to machine error not user error. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Kalubsmommy
    Of course I weigh myself in the morning without clothes on before eating. I can't be naked at who would want to see that. However, my clothes DO NOT weigh 8 POUNDS!
  • Kalubsmommy
    Thanks yo! That's what I am thinking too. I mean seriously, 8 LBS???????
  • tabstattooed
    and if you flip it probably says made in china!!:mad:

    weigh on both and keep a log. also track your inches with a tape measure when the scale stops working or lying to you.....sometimes its inches your losing.:smile:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Sucks!!!! :grumble: :noway: :sad:

    Is there any way to adjust it??? :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • msloribeth
    What if the stupid scales show you weigh more than the previous week and then you measure inches and that's no better, but my clothes are fitting and hanging on me better, but it's very discouraging. I decided I would weigh once a month instead once a week. Also, I will continue to do my abs and arms and tell myself muscle weighs more than fat. I feel better, so I guess that's really my goal.
  • Narkeena
    :blushing: it must be the breakfast, meals you had.. or something is just wrong with the scale at work.. (it's the one that added 8 pounds anyway!) :wink: :happy:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Thanks yo! That's what I am thinking too. I mean seriously, 8 LBS???????

    When you really think about it though. Is it going to bother you? :flowerforyou:
    You know what you weigh at home... in the morning au natural.

    So, work scale is off 8 lbs, and you have clothes on, and you have had a meal and water.
    Everybody else in the office is going to be using the same scale, and has clothes on.
    They are all in the same vote. Even playing field.

    As someone said, keep two weights. One at home, and the one at work.
  • tabstattooed
    you need to get rid of the scale if it is causing you grief.

    You need to rely on measurements too and how your clothes fit. Maybe just weigh in monthly for a while. Some people get addicted to weighing in.....I used to wake up in the night to weigh in, I was obsessed then got rid of the scale for months and now I do better...once a week or maybe every 2 weeks.

    I think a scale is better used for maintaining weight....that way if you creep up or down you can catch it.
    Always remember there is Flux....thats when you go up or down the few pounds due to water waste clothes and so on. Can you weigh in at a drs office once a week if you get rid of your scale? I have seen many people fall off the diet wagon due to the scale when they are in the midst of losing weight. We hit plateaus.....and sometimes thats when we lose inches but the scale does not move.

    Maybe instead of looking for a scale number you should have another goal.

  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I saw my doc for my monthly checkup (I'm on Meridia BTW) about 3 hours after I got up and weighed myself at home and I was 5 lbs heavier according to his scale. He said that between my breakfast and the clothes I was wearing that was normal and to consider m true weight as the weight naked when I had just gottemn up. So don't worry about it. I'm not. The good news is I was down another 4 lbs (even after 2 weeks vacation and a huge wedding reception) and am now just 20 lbs from my wedding day weight 35 years ago next Feb. He also told me to stop my last blood pressure med since my pressure was 112/70. That was great news!

    For those of you who are afraid of regaining the weight he explained that there is a hormone that controls your feeling of fullness and its secretion is reduced during weight loss. That's why e intends to keep me on the Meridia for 6 months after I reach my goal so that the hormone can increase over time without the hunger to eat also increasing. Hope it works!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Doesn't matter in the long run. As long as you keep losing weight faster than your coworkers, you'll still be moving forward towards your goal "weight" and, more importantly, your goal SIZE.
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    and if you flip it probably says made in china!!:mad:

    weigh on both and keep a log. also track your inches with a tape measure when the scale stops working or lying to you.....sometimes its inches your losing.:smile:

    Hey I resent that :laugh: :laugh: home scale is from China :laugh: :laugh: basically alot of things here are hard to get away from in not many things are USA made nowadays:laugh: good one