Work sucks...



  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    Hiking in the gorgeous Colorado Rockies with my hubby and our puppies... or soaking in the Strawberry Park Hot Springs up in Steamboat Springs.... ahhh.... take me away, Calgon....
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Take a run at the beach.
    Take a nap at the beach.
    Play frisbee at the beach.
    Have a drink (or 5) at the beach.
    Read a book at the beach.

    Pretty much anything as long as I'm at the beach :smokin:
  • Take a run at the beach.
    Take a nap at the beach.
    Play frisbee at the beach.
    Have a drink (or 5) at the beach.
    Read a book at the beach.

    Pretty much anything as long as I'm at the beach :smokin:

    Do you like the beach??????
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I would like to go for a run or hike, then lay out on the beach and soak up the sun. The weather's beautiful today.

  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Take a run at the beach.
    Take a nap at the beach.
    Play frisbee at the beach.
    Have a drink (or 5) at the beach.
    Read a book at the beach.

    Pretty much anything as long as I'm at the beach :smokin:

    Do you like the beach??????

    Is it that obvious?
  • Take a run at the beach.
    Take a nap at the beach.
    Play frisbee at the beach.
    Have a drink (or 5) at the beach.
    Read a book at the beach.

    Pretty much anything as long as I'm at the beach :smokin:

    Do you like the beach??????

    Is it that obvious?

    Just a smidge!!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I would climb a mountain, and punch the giant bear that lives at the top. Then it would come to respect me and I would have a pet giant bear. Then we'd roam the countryside saving people from bandits and rescuing damsels in distress. And they would all think I am so sexy and I would be like no, sexy ladies, I'm too cool for you. And they would be like noooo we love youuuu. Then me and my giant pet bear would overthrow the evil magician overlord using our mad skillz and he would be like auuugh nooo you're just too coooooooool. And me and all the sexy ladies would live happily every after. The End.
    I bow... your post rocks so much (except for punching bears cuz that's sad) but it was still funny as hell...
    But it's necessary to win the bear's respect! It's important. Now the bear and I are best friends.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i usually sleep way too much.. then hate myself for wasting beautiful days
  • mmdavidson0128
    mmdavidson0128 Posts: 12 Member
    Go and find some sunshine. I'd likely would have to leave the state. I would be on the water...kayaking. That's sounds great. Better than driving this tractor/trailer around restraining from squashing all the "four wheelers"! It would be easy...80,000lbs and 500 horsepower...yea. Just go ahead and pull out in front of me!
  • I like that!
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    Sitting on the beach in a tropical location sipping on a fruity drink