First 5k ever....

skibladr18 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all! The company I work for started a 10 week biggest loser contest 4 weeks ago and so far I am winning with 8.3% weight lost or 21 lbs. I made a comment(jokingly) about running a marathon, since I have never ran more than a mile. 5 minutes later my CEO came to my desk and handed me sign-in sheet for a 5k in 4 weeks. I accepted.:devil:
My question is what/how is better to train in such a short amount of a set distance and increase it over time, or run a set time and increase that time? I started on this past Monday with a mile, but yesterday I changed to time with the same pace I did previously with the mile. I am determined to finish this thing without walking!
Please give me some suggestions/recommendations.


  • I would try, like, an accelerated Couch to 5k program....that's what I did. But it's an 8 week maybe try to cut out some days...?

    Good luck!! I run my first 5k on Monday!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I would look at doing 3 types of workouts.
    1. Interval, Run for 2 minutes walk for 1 (or some variation of this) for 4-6K
    2. Try running the whole 5k (Learn to pace yourself)
    3. longer runs at a slower pace (6-7K)
    Try these at least once week each for the next 4 weeks, don't run within 48 hours of your run, you will need the energy.
  • Thanks erick for the suggestions. I have thought about trying the whole 5k, but was afraid of not coming close to finishing.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    The Couch to 5K is am amazing program - I would recommend that, if you are not yet a runner.

    I know you want to get ready for the 5K but running part of it and walking some in intervals would be better than beginning to run it all and not being able to make it. And injuring yourself is a good possibility. If you want to make this change stick it's worth doing it in steps.

    You can get plenty of good advice on the runners forums at CoolRunning. Here is the page where it explains the C25K

    I have never run before in my life - and I'm loving it. But if I had tried to go full throttle on day 1 I'd not be still doing it.
  • I wouldn't try the whole 5k, or longer, at very first. I just finished the 8 week couch to 5k and found it just the right level of challenge, and learned that running a long distance at first would have been very discouraging. I second the idea to do the couch to 5k program, just maybe do 2 days of each "week," instead of three and do a run every other day instead of 3x per week, (so it would go: week1day1, off, week1day2, off, week2day1, off, w2w2, off, w3d1, off, etc so it takes you just eight days to do two weeks of the program) with some low impact cardio on your "off" days, maybe. You can get podcasts for the program that are helpful.

    Good luck!
  • Wow, thanks all for the helpful advice. I greatly appreciate everything! The coolrunning website is pretty awesome I must say.
  • Here's the schedule based on smart coach at

    This is based on running 3 days a week with a rest day in between each run. I wouldn't run much more than this or you can risk injury to yourself. Ice your knees or shins, anything sore as necessary. Sometimes icing before and after helps out. Don't worry about your speed at this point...aim for finishing the race.

    Week 1 - run 2 miles x 3 days
    Week 2 - run 2 miles x 2 days, 3 miles x 1 day
    Week 3 - run 2 miles, run 3 miles, run 4 miles
    Week 4 - run 2, run 3, run 5 miles

    You took on a huge challege. I wish you the best of luck.
  • :happy: Thank you Anna! Along with coolrunning website and runnersworld, I am set.
  • For anyone that cares, here is an update on my 5k training. It has been 3 weeks since I signed up for a 5k. I have trained everyday except Fridays. I am now currently as of yesterday running 3.1 miles in under 35 minutes.:drinker: My 5k is in 8 days and I am stoked. Also, I am still winning the weight loss challenge at 12% body weight loss after 7 weeks.

    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    That's awesome! Are you running outside or on treadmill?

    Make sure you get some outside time - its definitely different than the treadmill.

    My first 5k is on Oct 3 too - good luck - you'll do great!
  • I have trained solely outside. I google mapped out a route in my neighberhood that was always different to decrease boredom, slowly increasing the mileage. I also found a trail (paved) near a river I live near and I run during my lunch break.
    My actual goal is is to get under 32 minutes, which I am sure I can do.
  • So, my first 5k is finished. My previous record for 3.1 miles was 32 minutes. I finished the 5k in 26 minutes and 20 seconds. I was so excited. I just wanted to let everyone know that a 5k can be done by anyone!
  • wow, you are a machine!
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