30 day shred



    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    have @ 30lbs more to lose. I've lost 50 in the last year, mostly due to Atkins/low carbs. I had my calories set at 1520 but I wasn't losing there either. I just decreased to 1200 @ a week ago.
    I was 196 lbs in November. I'm currently fluctuating between 203 and 205. I'm 5'8".

    Figure out your BMR and TDEE. Eat 15 - 20% below your TDEE, making sure that you do not eat below your BMR.

    I just figured my TDEE (3894) and my BMR (1674). I'm consuming 1200...a little more with exercise cals.
  • I got to day 11 and my knees were absolutely screwed so had to stop :(
  • michellecorvin
    michellecorvin Posts: 36 Member
    I am planning to start it on the 1st of May so we shall see... ;D
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I got to day 11 and my knees were absolutely screwed so had to stop :(

    I've been hearing my left knee make some noises during the dvd. I hope I'm not injuring myself.
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 121 Member
    I heard a lot of good things about it. I purchased it yesterday or so I thought I did but when I got home realized I had purchased 30 Days Ripped by accident.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I am finishing level one tomorrow and am very happy with the workout. it goes by fast! i am already starting to see some slight arm muscles and lower ab definition :) The last circuit in level one is definitely the toughest for me, but is a great challenge!
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member

    I'm thinking about getting this. Can't seem to find much actual information about it just people expressing their inch-lost love! (of course i'm probably looking in the wrong places)

    What weights do you need? Can you just use heavy books/litres of water or is their a precise weight?
    Do you do the workout every day or are you supposed to do it for 30 days consecutively? and is it just one 20ish min workout a day?
    I gather there are 3 levels of intensity, how long are you supposed to take on each one ,I'm assuming 10 ? :)

    Thanks in advance!

  • What weights do you need? Can you just use heavy books/litres of water or is their a precise weight?
    Do you do the workout every day or are you supposed to do it for 30 days consecutively? and is it just one 20ish min workout a day?
    I gather there are 3 levels of intensity, how long are you supposed to take on each one ,I'm assuming 10 ? :)

    Thanks in advance!

    You can hold a bottle of water in each hand or a can of beans each. There's no specific weight for the dumbells.

    I started it 8 days ago for the first time ever and I AM doing it EVERYDAY. I'm planning to do 10 days Level 1, then straight on to Level 2 for 10 days then the final 10 days at Level 3. Some people take a break in-between but as it's only 20 mins (ish), I can press through.

    I don't know how long Level 2 and 3 are for. Hoping it's the same 20mins :laugh:
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    Awesome, no need to spend money on weights then! thank you for the quick response.
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    I like to workout a minimum of 45 minutes per day (5-6x a week) so I do level 2 twice. It's a great workout and has me sweating like crazy! Like others I can only do it about once a week because I run and do a boot camp class once per week. I really like how she incorporates all the big muscle groups at once. In boot camp class we generally only focus on one muscle group at a time so Jillian kicked my butt by incorporating legs and arms in one exercise. LOVE IT! I also like her six weeks to six pack. My abs was sore baby! :-) I like that she's not overly professional, she's kind of goofy!