
I just need a moment to explain my frustration -
This is the 3rd or 4th time I've rejoined MFP.
I'm sick of going back and forth, losing weight and then putting it on again.
I find the motivation and go strong until one trigger incident makes me fall completely.
Last time it was "stress from finals" and one time it was "stress from moving".
Ultimately, I've gone from 145 (the first time I joined) to 165 (today).
How in the world do you people find the strength and motivation to continue even on your lowest days?


  • stephlovespenguins12
    I just came back to MFP after a few months away. I just never found the time between class and work to log in. I too gained a few pounds while I was away. All I can say it keep doing it. With every diet I have done I will lose 5-30 pounds and then something will happone so I stop, and it takes a lot less time to gain back 10 pounds than it does to lose it. I have found recently that dieting with someone is the best way to go about it. I have tried dieting with my mom but she gives up faster than I do, but I have recently tried dieting with my boyfriend, so hopefully he will be a better support system. Good Luck!
  • malkb27
    malkb27 Posts: 40
    I started at 166 lbs twice. Once in May 2007 and again in January 2011. The first time I got down to 140 and then let it yo-yo between 145 and 155 for a couple of years until stress from grad school caused me to jump up to 166 again. Excuses, excuses...

    I'm finally at 140 again, but I'm not done. I've realized that I cannot be trusted with food unsupervised. I will be tracking my calories and exercise for the rest of my life because I refuse to be uncomfortable in my own skin again.

    If you do have a rough day, don't let it turn into a week, a month, a year. Each day is new. You want this. Just keep working.
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I'm afraid I am going to always have to watch what I eat. Like a drug addict or alchoholic. In the past when I would lose 30 or 40 pounds slowly I would resume eating and gain it back so this time I'm staying on a sensible plan to keep my calories down. It's not like I'm out digging ditches all day or even working out for hours and hours.
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I think this is the million dollar question! I have yo-yo'd all my life. A recent job loss created a huge gain (I refuse to step on the scale but I guess 35+) that I have been working off. Having gotten back into size 8 clothes I say to myself how easy it is and how much better I feel but I know it can all change in a moment. If you find the answer please let me know!
  • wd4142
    wd4142 Posts: 7
    My motivation is my health the more weight I loose the better I feel. I am almost 60 years old and I weigh the same amount that I did when I was in the 8th. grade. The problem is that I weigh 287 pounds so my weight has been a life long problem. I am planning to get down under 200 lb. and see how I feel and how I look because I am not pleased with what I see in the when I look at myself. Good luck to you but remember that once that you find out how to lose weight the way you want then realize that the reality is we will always be on a diet so never quit.:smile:
  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    I dropped to 145 and have gained 10 back in my hiatus from my fitness pal. I am back and amazed at how optimistic I feel about feeling good about myself by being an action and not a dreamer and to take control of my own choices again instead of victimizing myself. I feel empowered to succeed again. Be forever optinistic about struggles and they will forever empower you!
  • ewertley
    ewertley Posts: 5
    Thank you for all the responses, everyone. You all make so much sense. I know that it's ultimately up to me, and that I have to make this work. Staying optimistic is the only way I'll get through this - complaining never gets anywhere! So again, thank you everyone for your reassurance and support! Wish me luck, and hopefully this time around things will be different. Much love!