Only motivated by Special Occasions??

dearingtl Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel like I never lose weight unless it's for a wedding... I have been in a wedding every 2 years and every 2 years I lose weight for it. I have always reached my weight goal but then fall off the wagon as soon as the wedding is done. I was just in the lastest wedding 2 weeks ago and am worried the same thing is going to happen again. I am totally incentive driven and feel like I need some sort of goal (which includes a prize!) to keep me going. Any tips on how not to fall of the wagon this time??

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  • PinkDog
    PinkDog Posts: 68 Member
    My tip is decide not to.

    You control whether you fall off the wagon or not. Decide not to. The power is yours.

    Also -- some goal/rewards I've used in the past are:

    1 week of staying within calories = new make-up
    1 month of staying within calories = mani-pedi

    The biggest rewards will be how you feel and the long healthy life you get to live.

    Good luck!

  • How about this goal. FOR YOURSELF. What about your health. These are goals that everyone forgets about but is quick to remind others. If you don't do it for yourself then of course you will put the weight back on. If you don't take care of yourself then who will?
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I am just like you...I always try to lose weight for special occasions. It's hard for me to stay on target when I don't have a specific reason too. Right now I am trying to lose 7lbs. before my husband's birthday in 3 weeks. It may or may not happen, but if it wasn't his birthday I wouldn't be trying so hard.
  • KellenRae
    KellenRae Posts: 8 Member
    I think what Pink said can be used for almost everything we discuss on this board.
    People talk about not being able to stop themselves from eating the whole box of cookies or chip. They say they can't have just one.


    YOU are in control. You are a human being with a brain, intelligence and the power to make decisions and take action. You are FAR smarter than those cookies or those chips.

    Make the decision not to fall off the wagon after the wedding. Give yourself a goal. Make it short term if you have to. Reward yourself once you've met the goal and then make another goal.

    It doesn't have to be a sweeping goal, such as "I will not fall off the fitness/diet wagon after this wedding." In fact, it's probably best if it is not.
    Make it smaller: "I will maintain my weight for one month after this wedding." And then outline how you plan to do that and what your reward will be once you reach the goal.

    Don't just say you will do something. Tell yourself HOW you'll do it and what good things you can look forward to once you get there.

    Take control! ....and enjoy the wedding! :smile:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    It IS hard to keep yourself motivated after a goal is acheived or and event has passed.

    How about once you reach your weight goal ( which obviously you can do) set a fitness goal to keep yourself going. Exercising is a huge factor in whether I stick to my plan or not.

    Sign up for a race that you can train for! There are so many you can always be working towards something!

    It's all about you! :flowerforyou:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    It's always best to make your goal a positive. It has more power. saying, "I won't gain the weight back" isn't as powerful as a positive statement.

    and look, if you need a "thing" happening in your life to keep you on track, well make something up. for instance, if the wedding is in October then when the wedding is over decide that you're going to throw a party in February - how about in honor of valentines day and you're going to wear a hot red dress. that'll give you motivation. and then after that it'll be looking hot in a bathingsuit at the beach. you can always come up with something IF you WANT to.
  • Thanks for all of your good ideas! I will start planning my special occasion date instead of waiting for someone elses. I'm going make sure to reward myself along the way. I turn 30 next August and really want to start out my 30s on the right foot!

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  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Make new fitness goals! Set a body fat % goal, or learn a new sport, or compete in something...dancing, running, swimming, skating, skiing, bodybuilding, rock climbing, canoeing, just about anything that involves exercise will require that you become and stay fit. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to meet new people :)
  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    I have the same problem.

    Its true that you can make your choices wisely, but will power can wear out. Especially if you are stressed.

    This is what i do...and is a great idea if you can afford it.

    Me and my husband take one big vacation a year. We mostly use some of our tax money to pay for it.
    So in March, we are going to Jamaica for a week. We will both be in our bathing suits the whole time.
    This is what keeps me on track. And it helps me with dealing with stress, just knowing that I will be on an Island with fruity drinks and not a care in the world!
    I love this way of keeping on track, because not only is it a great way to keep me fit, but its a great way to relax and see the world!
    Our trip is only $2500 and it includes EVERYTHING! (air, resort, food, drinks, ect).
    You only live once so you have to treat yourself!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    It's always best to make your goal a positive. It has more power. saying, "I won't gain the weight back" isn't as powerful as a positive statement.

    This is true. I started on MFP with a goal of looking good for my wedding. Now that I am getting into good shape, I am so excited to continue-- after the wedding! My fiance asked me yesterday if I was still going to work out as hard and watch my calories after the wedding, and I was surprised he even asked! I told him I know I'm not even going to look my "best" at the wedding, but that's okay because I look a heck of a lot better than I did 6 months ago, and can't wait until I look back 6 months from now and I am in even better shape!
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I am the same. I find I can stay on track better if I have a goal date in mind. Recently my best friend and I challenged ourselves to loose 5 pounds for my birthday. And we both did it!! And now we made a new goal that we will both loose 10 pounds by her birthday with is in 10 weeks. I have found that having a friend like that helps also because we check in with each other.
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