Looking to lose 30-50 lbs...anyone else?

Been here for a month and lost a little weight without exercising but i am starting that today. Need to lose around 30lbs for now and looking for some supportive friends. Anyone else looking to lose between 30-50 lbs?


  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    You will ramp up your weight loss through exercise, I can tell you that. Plus, it is an excellent stress reliever. It helps. With me, its a domino effect...I exercise, I feel better mentally, I get in the right frame of mind, I feel motivated, I do more, I make an effort, I lose weight.
  • My personal goal is 35 pounds...I have 30 to go. Recently started going to Zumba classes. Twice last week. Plan to go 3-4 times a week depending upon my kids' and husband's schedules. Add me as a friend on here if you'd like, I'll try to encourage you!:smile:
  • nakedsun
    nakedsun Posts: 115
    I'm aiming for about 50lbs all together I think but depending on how I feel when I get closer to that goal it could be less or a tad bit more - we'll see!

    What sort of exercises have you been thinking about? Feel free to friend me if you're looking for a bigger support network!
  • efindlay
    efindlay Posts: 9 Member
    I tried doing this a year ago, but my mind was not in the right place. I made a commitment to myself March 12th, to workout at least five days a week and to continue with this program. I do zumba, and a little bit on the treadmill, I am NOT into exercising, but I have to say it does make me feel good. I only get on the scale once a week, but I am trying not to focus so much on my weight loss, instead, I am focusing on the way I am feeling about myself and the commitment I've made to myself! KEYWORD: myself!!! I am doing this for me, and I am the only one responsible to stay with it, and to make the right decisions. Good luck!! BTW, I also focus on 10 lbs. at a time :)
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    My personal goal is 35 pounds...I have 30 to go. Recently started going to Zumba classes. Twice last week. Plan to go 3-4 times a week depending upon my kids' and husband's schedules. Add me as a friend on here if you'd like, I'll try to encourage you!:smile:

    ZUMBA is AWESOME! I always feel amped up after doing it for an hour.
  • vbell418
    vbell418 Posts: 2
    I just started counting calories and using the myitnesspal program on last Thursday. I need to loose about 40 pounds. I too cannot get motivated to start the exercises yet. I think once I loose at least ten pounds, I will then feel motivated.

    Hang in there girl. It's not easy but we can do it.
  • lyn611
    lyn611 Posts: 7
    I agree with Michele - I am the same way - the more I exercise the better I feel the more that I do - I am also an all or nothing type of person. I have learned that I do enjoy exercising most of the time - Zumba is a GREAT way to exercise, you have a bunch of fun and you don't realize that you are burning so many calories (you can burn up to 1,000 per hour).

    I go to Curves 5 - 6 days per week, then I hit a regular gym 2 - 3 days per week and I also bike or walk (outside or on treadmill) I am trying to learn to run, never liked it but my son would like to start so we are going to "learn" together - starting with a walk/jog.

    you can friend me, I will do my best to help you over the humps! I have lost about 15 lbs since February, most of that was in February and beginning of March - I have been very lax in my cardio so I am picking that back up. I am trying to get to 20 lbs total by the end of May because it my 10 year wedding anniversary. Best of luck to you!
  • QueenEbony
    QueenEbony Posts: 7 Member
    I had been on here before but wasn't consistent. I re-started last week and have set the goal to lose 50 lbs. I find this site so helpful and am looking for people as well who want to lost 30 - 50lbs for support and encouragement.
  • I'm aiming for about 50lbs all together I think but depending on how I feel when I get closer to that goal it could be less or a tad bit more - we'll see!

    What sort of exercises have you been thinking about? Feel free to friend me if you're looking for a bigger support network!

    Im doing a bit of circuit training and walking...also running after a 1 year old is a pretty good workout as well
  • jobana1u
    jobana1u Posts: 2
    My total weight loss goal is 40lbs. I would love to lose 15 by the end of May! I find it so hard to stay motivated :frown: I love to eat out a lot, that is my biggest downfall. I try to exercise but then something hurts or comes up and I stop... Looking for some motivation and tips.
  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    Feel free to add me..I do try and comment on friends progress and could do with support as well! Aiming to lose 35lbs.....probably need to lose more but 35 :ohwell: seems less scary!!!!!!
  • gklibby
    gklibby Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking to lose more like 60 pounds, but 50 would be great. I just started today, actually. I've been exercising on my own (pilates and zumba) 4-5 times a week, but my eating is out of control. I know it is day one, but I can already see where I was consuming excessive amounts of snacks. Logging in all my food today already helped me decide not to eat a pudding cup!. :)
  • wendy8883
    wendy8883 Posts: 50
    you can add me, im also going to lose about 40lbs..........we can ecourage each other
  • whoaaxitsxkatiex
    whoaaxitsxkatiex Posts: 4 Member
    40 pounds! I need someone to keep me motivated! I work out whenever I am at school, but when my schedule gets too hectic, I slack!!
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    40 lbs here! I'm doing Les Mills body pump, running, elliptical, and jillian michaels... for now i'm building muscle... i can't wait until this pays off! its' ALOT of work!
  • kgbr1602
    kgbr1602 Posts: 37 Member
    I need to lose more than 50lbs, but would love to have more friends on here :-) My initial goal is 82.6lbs, and then I am going to go from there depending on how I feel at that weight. I have lost 6.6lbs so far so only 76 more :-p Would have liked it to be more than that by now, but it is better than nothing in the 5 weeks I have been counting calories and exercising. I would love to have lost a total of 15 - 20lbs by the end of May when we go on vacation. I started lifting weights again (for the first time in almost 14 years) last week, and I can't believe how much I actually have missed lifting. Can't wait to see how the lifting helps with the whole process. I lift on Tues, Thurs, and either Sat or Sun, and then I do the stationary bike, walk, or elliptical on the other days.

    Feel free to add me if you want!! Good luck with your journey!!!
  • Im trying to lose 30lbs! I started hitting the gym three times a week and just picked up the brazilian butt lift and i figured i could do that when im not able to make it to the gym. Im also on Herbal life? Has anyone tried it and actually has gotten results from it? Please if anyone can give me tips about working out or food anything really in order for me to reach my goal will be greatly appreciated :)
  • Omg! I just started too :) if you like we can be buddy's and give eachother incouragement to lose the weight..
  • I am looking to lost at least that much! My first goal is to lose 10% which is 20 lbs. I am exercising and doing body by vi shakes. together we can do it!!!