Cannot come to terms with the weightloss

So I've lost 60 lbs and I just don't feel it..I still feel fat..even though I am still lol..Everyone else says how good I look and they can see a difference..but I still just don't feel it or see it..Anyone else have the similar problem? or am I alone lol


  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    60 lbs and you can't tell?? I'd say a visit to the optomitrist is in order. =)

    We all have days where we feel that we're not making progress, but 60 is a huge amount of weight loss. The change has been slow and steady that you see every day. Other people are seeing you less frequently and can quickly spot the differences. Find some pictures, take some new ones and see the difference for yourself.
  • holycabbage
    first off, congrats! 60 lbs is an amazing amount of weight to lose :)

    secondly, it can be hard to see yourself as skinnier if you're concentrating on how much fat you still have. instead of looking at how much farther you still have to go, try and focus on how far you've come. take measurements and compare them to how big you used to be. look at old photos of yourself. try on clothes that used to fit perfectly or be way too tight but are now too big/just right. use as many visuals as you can to remind yourself of how much lighter you are now. your brain might be able to trick you, but that pair of pants you couldn't button until now won't.
  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    ya'll are right..i've been fat since birth lol..last time i was under 200 was when i was so focused on how much i have left to lose and its so far away I can't look past it and see the accomplishments i have done..thanks :)
  • miss_september
    First, congratulations on the 60 lbs!

    As to you not seeing it, I can kinda relate. I've lost 48 lbs in the past two years, 28 since joining mfp in January, and I know I am smaller because my clothes and such are, but I am still the same shape I was before I lost weight, and often have a hard time seeing it beyond the "I"m still fat" feeling. I just try to focus on the small victories, and keep plugging away. Keep at it, you'll start to really *see* results in not time =-). Best of luck!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Amazing work, well done so far with your success!!

    I can relate to you not being able to see any change. I've lost 36lbs and I really couldn't tell any difference at all. People were starting to ask me how I was doing it and telling me I was "skinny" and nope I was just plain old tubby me in my head. My mindset changed when I took some pics of myself and compared them to older pics. The camera doesn't lie as they say and it really gave me quite a shock.

    I hope you find a way over your mental block and keep up all the fab work :flowerforyou:
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I feel the same way. In fact, just yesterday I was telling my husband about it - I'm wearing way smaller clothes than I used to and when I look at photos it's SO obvious, but when I'm just here in my body, I feel like it's the same body from 80+ pounds ago. I know it's not true - my body is vastly different than it used to be, but it sure feels like it's the same. I think it takes a while for the brain to catch up. :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It's something we all fight with, at least once in a while! I know I don't feel like I've lost anything yet. But then, I've gained again too. It's a never ending cycle! I look in the mirror and feel fat. Can't change that most of the time. I can see new muscle definition, my clothes fit way better, but I still feel fat. I can't get into a lot of my old 'skinny' clothes yet. That doesn't help at all. I just feel distorted!
    So yeah, I know what you mean!

    Learning to love yourself just the way you are is a super challenging, but super rewarding thing to do. Start to change that image of yourself in your mind. See yourself skinnier, as you are! Stop picking out the things you don't like about yourself. Start focusing on the things you do like. Each day, find something new you like. Work on it daily. I'm a work in progress, but I'm getting there!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I've lost right under 40 so far and I have those days too. Some days I actually feel skinny. Other days I feel like a big fat blob.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    So I've lost 60 lbs and I just don't feel it..I still feel fat..even though I am still lol..Everyone else says how good I look and they can see a difference..but I still just don't feel it or see it..Anyone else have the similar problem? or am I alone lol

    When I just a little younger than you, I am 55 now, I lost about 80 lbs. Just like you this was intentional and with a lot of focus and effort. When I finally got to my goal I was surprised that I did not feel any different AT ALL! I know exactly how you are feeling.

    With hindsight I now know that my mind had to catch up with the changes in my body. I can even look at photos from that time and remember that I still felt fat in those photos but today I know that the weight I was in those photos was normal - I just could not see it. And I wasted time continuing to "feel " fat, being so self conscious that I did not allow myself to enjoy my new body.

    You have to give yourself some time for your mind to adjust. You spent a long time being the heavier weight. Your mind is used to thinking the way the heavier woman did. Your mind needs to be retrained and it will get there. This is one of the reasons I don't take the weight loss shows on TV seriously - without the mind catching up that weight will not stay off.

    For me, I started having experiences I was not used to and these experiences were disarming - like all the flirts from guys, gentler treatment in clothing stores, learning I felt invisible prior to the weight loss. I realized my fat was a protective cocoon and sometimes wished I had it back as the changes were a lot to manage.

    Give yourself some time. Understand that this is normal, you have changed significantly physically. Your brain will catch up.