A Phrase the Pisses you off and a Weird but Tasty Food Combo



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I honestly can't think of a phrase at the moment...

    But weird food combos that make me just want to throw up is Chocolate covered fruit!!! It's so gross...My ex-bf thought I was crazy because he really wanted to buy me/make me chocolate covered strawberries.. It really got to him when I told him, "Buy me chocolate today by itself, and then buy me fruit tomorrow by itself or....just bring me a big box of ice cream..I think ice cream is a romantic gift" :laugh:
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    "Boys will be boys" :mad: :mad: :mad: :explode:

    Mango sauce on lamb... it gets funny looks and then high praise whenever I serve it.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778

    Oreos and French Onion Dip
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I LITERALLY died. No you didn't or I wouldn't have to listen to you misuse the damn word.

    I was just informed on Friday that it is weird that I put chocolate peanut butter on strawberries.
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I hate when people respond with "its ok muscle weighs more than fat"

  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I hate it when people say "It is what it is" No, really, jackwagon.... I was under the impression is it ISNT what it is and that it was something completely mysterious that the univeres put in my path to teach me the value of understanding reality.... how dumb was i? UGHHHHHHHHH!

    Mustard & popcorn... really buttery popcorn with French's yellow mustard drizzled over top
  • missingsocks
    missingsocks Posts: 24 Member
    "You look so good NOW." That really bugs me.. and kinda hurts my feelings! Or one time I was told "Wow, you clean up well." Not really phrases exactly, but sentences I've heard that piss me off!

    And I LOVE french toast with ketchup on it. Mmm. My whole family eats french toast this way!

    Your weird food just took the cake.

    Haha. It's the same as eating toast with eggs (with ketchup on those eggs)!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I cant stand it when people say what they want to say but put "no offense" at the end. Like it makes it better.

    Bacon and chocolate
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Ridonkulous. I hate that word and automatically hate anyone I hear using it.

    Vanilla ice cream with rice-crispies stirred in. mmm
  • emcohen
    emcohen Posts: 46
    Lots of these bug me! Along with oh-em-gee, I hate when people will say "LOL" out loud and not even be laughing.

    I also notice people type sammich instead of sandwich on these boards a lot. Do people really think that's how it's spelled?

    Weird food combo: I used to LOVE spaghetti with ketchup.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member

    Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches dipped in ketchup
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Weird food combination? I dunno. I'll try just about anything once. I love bacon apple grilled cheese sandwiches though, which some people think sound gross. They're the bomb though.

    That sounds delicious, I'm gonna give it a try.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    "Just a little won't hurt"

    and I am sure there are all kinds of weird stuff I eat but nothing comes to mind right now. Just the "little won't hurt" phrase! YES, a little leads to a lot!!!!!
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    the phrase that pisses me off is " MY BAD" I jsut really want to slap someone when they say that.

    I really dont ear anything that weird but I do like honey on a chicken biscuit LOL
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    the phrase I hate is "and what not" What the f is what not!???? :tongue:

    I cant think of a really weird food combo, I suppose its bc im a picky eater but a couple of people said its weird I eat hot sauce on french fries and peanut butter in my oatmeal... :ohwell:
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    "I could care less"....ok, well let me know when you couldn't care less then we can b*tch about the situation together.

    Meat with jelly
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    "Not to be rude, but..." Gah! Stop while you're ahead, honey.

    Onion rings dipped in honey.
    Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich.
    Miracle Whip and iceberg lettuce sandwich.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    "whatever" ugh makes me see red in seconds...

    Chicken tender with tartar sauce and topped with a pickle
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Oh I have another one, a co worker of mine always says " I have a good ideal or that was a good ideal" I want to scream "its IDEA!
    Use the webster.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member

    Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches dipped in ketchup

    You would hate it in our house lol...That's said ALL the time.