So confused!!! Aahhhh!

toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
so I posted earlier am
I better to calculate my bmr and then male sure I don't go below bit eat my exercise calories back to ensure my net is my bmr or....
Calculate my TDEE with work outs already in it x not eat exercise calories. I'm so confused now. Too many conversations and people doing different things.
I was calculating my bmr and eating back ex calories but now people are saying they don't eat all/some/any!
Please advise!
Thank you.


  • YossDillo
    YossDillo Posts: 19
    Speaking as a newbie myself, I think you should just eat within the minimum and the maximum. It's like a point system; eating adds a certain amount of calories, and exercising takes a certain amount away. Try thinking like that; it's easier!