Diabetes is really scary.

Thankfully I don't have it --- yet. But at three points away from having it my father, who is way smarter than me, gave me two options: lose weight, or eventually get diabetes and have my body slowly fall apart under me. At 21 God's given me a long life to look forward to. I am NOT going to mess that up by walking into a disease.

Anyway, I look forward to meeting all of you!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    You can do this, and you can beat the diabetes! I'll be here for you! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I'm excellent motivation!

    Very nice to meet you!
  • AndreaCimmino
    AndreaCimmino Posts: 16 Member
    My family has diabetes something awful. I can fully relate. My grandfather lost both of his legs due to it before he died :(
    You CAN do it
    feel free to add me xx0x0x0x0x0
  • carly_pear
    carly_pear Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me.....love giving and receiving support.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm glad that you're starting to take action right now before its too late. I'm a type 2 diabetic & so I know how it sucks to have diabetes but it was my fault because I was always in denial about my weight & my prediabetes until I become a full blown diabetic. Right now I'm taking a medication, still not yet into insulin (and I hope I won't get to that stage) but ever since I lost weight, I feel better & although I still have those occassional hypoglucemia attacks but at least it is not as frequent as before.

    I know you can do it
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    When I found out I had diabetes the week after I had my AHA moment it was the final wake up call that I needed to secure my spot on the path to regaining my health.. You see in 1993 I lost my sister to diabetes after she abused herself by not taking care of her health after getting diagnosed. She continued her destructive lifestyle (eating junk food and sweets and drinking regular pepsi by the cases) So when the doctor told me my A1c was 10.0 and I had no choice but to lose the weight and get control of this disease or I would be following in her footsteps... I listened and came home that day read up on the do's and don't and began to take control of the disease before I let it control me.. 34 months later my diabetes is well under control (prediabetic now with A1c of 5.3) and if I continue to take care of myself then hopefully I will keep it at bay and will live a long and normal life.... So for me I have embraced my disease and have used it to motivate me to regain control of my life..... Best of Luck to you.......
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    I can totally relate. I'm right on the brink myself and it runs in my family so its really scary. Feel free to add me. I'm comitted to taking control of my health before it gets worse. Good luck!
  • zumbagirlwf
    zumbagirlwf Posts: 18 Member
    Has anyone heard of Body By Vi. They are meal replacement shakes and have been known to help diabetics and lower blood pressure.
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
    Same here. Both my sister and brother have had their big toes removed. and my sister lost her life at the age of 32 4 years ago from her kidneys shutting down due to high sugar. I am 32 years old now and way overweight and have been recently diagonsed so I am working on getting this sugar and weight under control as I am also fighting cancer.

    Feel free to add me as well.
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    My Father has diabetes And that ish scares the crap out of me. I think I was borderline at one point but thank the heavens I beat it before it was too late
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    It runs in my family, and the lifestyle I was living would have made me more prone to it.

    Thankfully I decided to change for the better!
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    yup. a good friend of mine developed it at 25. much easier to deal with it now than later, when you do have it and find it harder to shed the weight and have complications!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    It can be beaten. At your age you have plenty of time to make the changes. I got it at 38 now at 42 I am back down to nearly pre-diabetes levels..
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    When I found out I had diabetes the week after I had my AHA moment it was the final wake up call that I needed to secure my spot on the path to regaining my health.. You see in 1993 I lost my sister to diabetes after she abused herself by not taking care of her health after getting diagnosed. She continued her destructive lifestyle (eating junk food and sweets and drinking regular pepsi by the cases) So when the doctor told me my A1c was 10.0 and I had no choice but to lose the weight and get control of this disease or I would be following in her footsteps... I listened and came home that day read up on the do's and don't and began to take control of the disease before I let it control me.. 34 months later my diabetes is well under control (prediabetic now with A1c of 5.3) and if I continue to take care of myself then hopefully I will keep it at bay and will live a long and normal life.... So for me I have embraced my disease and have used it to motivate me to regain control of my life..... Best of Luck to you.......

    Your ticker looks amazing. 306 lbs. lost, WOW! Great job :drinker:
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have it on both sides of my family and I had gestational diabetes while pregnant. My grandfather was about to have his leg amputated but he died first. Don't mess around, clean up your diet and get healthy. I try hard to limit my carbs as anything that raises your blood sugar is trouble.

    If you can go see a registered dietician.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Same here. Both my sister and brother have had their big toes removed. and my sister lost her life at the age of 32 4 years ago from her kidneys shutting down due to high sugar. I am 32 years old now and way overweight and have been recently diagonsed so I am working on getting this sugar and weight under control as I am also fighting cancer.

    Feel free to add me as well.

    Wow I admire your strength & your fighting spirit in battling those two life threatening diseases. I wish you all the best.
  • lmc536
    lmc536 Posts: 9
    Your dad is right. My dad has had diabetes since he was in his early 20's. He passed away two years ago at the age of 60. Everything just slowly shut down in his body over the years because of it. He even had to get his leg amputated. My grandmother also had diabetes along with my cousin. It is heavily in my family so I have the same worries as you. Lets try to make some healthy life choices. Add me if you like :)
  • mamamia05
    mamamia05 Posts: 82 Member
    Been diabetic for 16yrs....moderation and portion control are key..excercise too. I have 5 children who I teach to eat well etc..personally I feel your diabetic or your not~ yes there's warning signs but lowering carbs, even fruit will help..I'm far from perfect but since I'm healing from spinal surgery[car accident] excercise is out of the? ...good days and bad..diabetes is something you hit head on..no time to feel sorry for yourself. I have lost 88lbs so far~ it can be done...my last 25 I'll be sure to get off And I'm insulin dependent so it can work and weight loss can happen...positivity the word to live by :-)
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    My mom's diabetic. She is now in kidney failure and goes to dialysis 3 times a week. This was a wake up call for me! I wish I could do more for my mom. She's changed her eating habits but I don't think she has the right mind set. I'll try to explain...
    She sometimes eat stuff she knows is a huge no-no with the excuse that "they just drew my blood/checked my numbers so it will be a couple weeks before they check again."

    It's good you are taking steps now!
  • YossDillo
    YossDillo Posts: 19
    Oh my gosh, guys, I can't even say how supportive you all are being right now! It's so encouraging to read your stories and see how far you've come since you started, I can't even begin to describe. Thank you so much! If I was unsure about taking the steps I'm currently taking, I wouldn't be after this.