I am in a mess, it's all gone wrong...



  • dont give up there. not alls been thrown away ... your in the right place!!:smile:
  • lwakelin
    lwakelin Posts: 3 Member
    Tracking, tracking, tracking. Whether here or through WW, determine to track every morsel you put in your mouth and I guarantee you'll see a turn around within days.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    You are coming to this realization with just a 21 pound gain instead of the whole 70 so that's good news! You need to figure out what has caused you to gain the weight back. Was there a stressful or hurtful event in your life. If so, you need to acknowledge the problem and maybe speak to some one about it. Just asking for help is a big step in the direction you need to be to get back on track. :)
  • Jeneanhh
    Jeneanhh Posts: 16 Member
    you can come back! I lost 100 lbs and then 2 years later gained 75 lbs back. I started back with mfp and logging my food helped. I would say just make a commitment to log your food everyday. It starts with a single decision and you have already decided to start again so you are well on your way. Good luck you can do it
  • tinks1999
    tinks1999 Posts: 11
    Thank you for all your encouragement guys.

    I feel very motivated again. When I feel I might slip I'm going to come here and read your advice.

    We are all in this together :flowerforyou:
  • dariadoll
    dariadoll Posts: 18
    I know how you feel. I lost 3 stone then stopped and for some reason went back to my old ways!! I put on a stone, felt like overnight. It wasn't until I saw some pictures of myself, I thought ARGH!! And kickstarted myself back into weight loss. I have to say that if it wasn't for my friend showing me this site, I probably would only be losing 1lb a fortnight, if that!!

    Stick at it, motivate yourself by looking at old photos or maybe buying a top a size smaller and picturing yourself wearing it and make that your goal! Small goals to start off with, noone can instantly get to their ideal weight :)

    I know it's tough, but you CAN do it!! You lost all that weight before, so don't give up hope!!! :D

  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    this sounds like me!! lol i lost 116 pounds in about 18 months and then i went home for 4 weeks for the easter holidays and regained a stone (14 pounds!) haha but im back on track and exercising again now:) i dont regret those 4 weeks, i had drank a lot, ate out, and had fun with my friends. but i know im not happy with my appearence atm so i know i could never carry that lifestyle on for too long as it makes me feel tired and miserable with myself lol. just think about how good you feel when you lose weight, thats what keeps me going :) good luck! add me as a friend if u want x x
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    I need help here guys. Last year I lost 5 stones (70 pounds) but now.....:sad:

    So far I have put back on 21 of those hard earned pounds and it's getting worse.

    I'm eating everything in site and it aint healthy.

    In desperation I have just purchased the WW starter pack to try something new and give myself a kick up the bottom.

    Give me you comments, good or bad.

    I really need some encouragement

    Has anyone out there recovered from a nosedive in their success?

    STOP EATING! .. If you realize your doing it, you have to start putting more effort NOT eating! .. Don't buy junk only buy things that will put you in the right direction.

    You can do this.. you just need to find that groove, find some kind of activity (running, biking, zumba etc) that makes you feel accomplished and good about yourself - once you start feeling good about yourself you will want to continue doing it!

    This! You've already taken the two toughest steps. You've realized the problem......and now, you've admitted the problem out loud! If you can do that, you can do the rest of it! I totally...totally...totally agree with finding some sort of activity that makes you feel GOOD about yourself. Set small acheivable goals so that you don't have to wait months to feel like you've succeeded. At first try setting daily and weekly goals for both your food choices and your exercise. Next move on to bigger monthly challenges and THEN worry about the big picture once you're in your groove.

    For me, it was running. At first my only goal was to make it through an entire minute...lol. Then I moved up gradually to 1 mile. THen I started working on my 5k and then 10k. Now only 1 yr later, I"m ready for my first half marathon. I was by all rights, an aging, lazy, morbidly obese woman. If I can do it, anyone can!

    i could have written that above two comments myself! Running for me is my everything when it comes to exercising. I do 5k a day upto 6 times a week. I started this on new years day with an attitude I soon kicked after being on here "I will be thinin weeks".....don't look at it as dieting either lifestyle change is a much better way of looking at it! Once I started the 5k a day thing, I could only walk it and that would take my around 70 mins, almost 5 months on and I jog/pwer walk it in 42mins 42secs (as of yest!)...its a slow progress and you will slip...I slip all the time but I make sure that I counteract it with good exercise.

    I also find that not buying the tempting yummy things helps. When someone told me on here to STOP EATING I was hurt and eflt like smakcing that person square in the face but the fact is I was eating for too much of the wrong things I stopped buying the rubbish for about 3 months and started to look at my eating habits. Now I can buy it and not be bothered about it (with easter just been my house is over flowing with easter eggs and I haven't bothered!) not saying I don't treat myself when I'm out but I do it in moderation and I exercise to make up for it!

    don't be hard on yourself you know what you have done and it is now time to rectify it....good luck! Oh and a massive congrats on the 70lbs loss........AMAZING!
  • KarenPostmus
    KarenPostmus Posts: 28 Member
    I can sympathize for sure!! When I had a really hard time committing and keeping myself motivated I decided to find my maintenance level and stay there for a good few months...kind of give myself a breather from the weight loss (and give myself a chance to indulge a bit too :blushing: )

    You've done a really good job in the past so you know you can do it. Take your time sorting it out and you'll be ready for battle soon enough!:flowerforyou: