Sweet addicts... do u still allow a sweet a day?

For those who are addicted to sweets (like me) do you allow yourself one small treat while dieting? If I go a day without some sort of chocolate, I crave it. LOL. But is it good to have something small every day?


  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    For those who are addicted to sweets (like me) do you allow yourself one small treat while dieting? If I go a day without some sort of chocolate, I crave it. LOL. But is it good to have something small every day?
    If you allow for it in your calories and the majority of your diet 'healthy' - you betcha! I have a small square of 68-72% dark chocolate after dinner every day and I've been steadily losing a pound a week since mid-January.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    yes. No need to cut out any entire food group. Stick to cals/macros and eat a majority of unprocessed foods and it's all good.

    By cutting it out, you're setting yourself up psychologically for a mass binge at some stage.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Yes, I allow myself a little treat per day, as long as it fits in to my alloted calories for the day. I don't "diet," I just eat healthy and make smart choices. If I try to totally deprieve myself, things typically get ugly down the line with a binge. My mantra is everything in moderation!
  • armadillolabrat
    armadillolabrat Posts: 104 Member
    Yes I do. I have some type of sweet treat daily with coffee. However I usually get a treat at the coffeehouse with my husband and we split one item. I try not to keep the sweets in the house that way I don't have late night binges.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    If you allow for it in your calories and the majority of your diet 'healthy' - you betcha! I have a small square of 68-72% dark chocolate after dinner every day and I've been steadily losing a pound a week since mid-January.
    Yep. I have some sort of chocolate every day. I keep Dove Dark Chocolate Promises in the house and they are about 42 calories a piece. You just have to make sure you set limits. I also love ice cream and I find the Skinnycow Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches satisfy my ice cream AND chocolate cravings at once and they are 140 calories a piece. I have tried several Skinnycow ice cream sandwiches but I only love the mint ones:smile: .
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well I do or I foresee a binge, as long as i have a treat a day I'm fine, can even resist the grocery store candy bars at checkout (my old addiction).
  • gracie2586
    gracie2586 Posts: 69 Member
    I do allow myself a semi healthy sweet everyday like a small piece of dark chocolate, a vita top, or kashi cookie but after a while i kinda stopped craving it i still have them sometimes but not as much as i used too because i don't crave it as often
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Every. Single. Day. I am a Self Proclaimed CHOCOHOLIC!
  • NickiChase
    NickiChase Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, I allow myself a little treat per day, as long as it fits in to my alloted calories for the day. I don't "diet," I just eat healthy and make smart choices. If I try to totally deprieve myself, things typically get ugly down the line with a binge. My mantra is everything in moderation!

    ^^^^^ This...exactly! ^^^^^^
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I allow sweets all the time. If I come in under goal then I have them, no restrictions. Previous poster had it right, if it's something you love and you deny yourself, you are setting yourself up for failure. Just limit yourself, that way you keep the cravings in check and don't gorge at the soonest opportunity.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Depends on your definition of "sweet." I have cut out all sugar, doctor's orders. But I couldn't live without chocolate, either, so I have a chocolate protein powder shake at least once a day. It's 0-carb and fake sugar so it doesn't affect my blood sugar levels, and the protein is good for me too, but my taste buds don't know the difference. :wink:
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    Pre MFP I use to have the worst sweet tooth! Like candy bars galore, girl! Once you’ve worked it out of being a main staple in your diet, your cravings will change! I now only crave chocolate about twice a week instead of twice a day :wink: Soooo I got these awesome chocolate bars from Trader Joes called Chocolate Chip Brownie & Oat Bars. So much chocolaty goodness and so very satisfying at 120 calories its perfect for a snack and filling because of the oats. However gum is my life saver, seriously though!! I use to chew like up to an entire pack of sugar free gum a DAY just to kill the sweet tooth! Worked to :happy: I use to weigh 265lbs at my heaviest, Im 186.1 now so this is like an ode to gum curing my sweet tooth! For reals!!! :heart:

    Edit: Ps, don’t EVER deprive yourself of something you really really want or your going to go crazy eat half a pizza and a gallon of ice cream (my previous diet, no lie) Just remember everything in moderation! You can have that pizza but how about 1 or 2 slices and you can have that ice cream but it’s a cup not a gallon. At least that’s what helped me :flowerforyou:
  • mlhandsmp
    mlhandsmp Posts: 28 Member
    You can't cut out what you enjoy, you just have to limit wht you enjoy. You still deserve to enjoy your food! Eat up and excercise a bit more!
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Yes, I fit it into my plan. I make sure to eat the sweet with protein (like after a meal) because then it does not spike my insulin and make me crave more. If I eat a piece of chocolate alone, I crave another. If I end a meal with it, one is good. And I eat it sloooowly, mindful of how wonderful it tastes, because if I gobble it, I feel like I have to have another one because I didn't 'notice' it in my mouth.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I have something sweet every day. It is usually a Weight Watchers ice cream bar (about 110 calories), but sometimes a Ghirardelli filled chocolate square...mmmm raspberry filled milk chocolate (about 70 calories). It's just a matter of budgeting your calorie bank for the day. Why deny yourself? It can lead to binge eating.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Try Chocolite candy by Health Smart Foods. It's so good, low cal, low fat, low sugar/sugar alcohols, and high in fiber. The carmel pecan cluster is the best. It's like a turtle/pecan flip over.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I usually have a little dark chocolate every day - one small piece is all I need!
  • SherryLohr
    I find that if I don't have any around then I really crave it. But if it is there I don't touch it. Weird I know. But my daughter's birthday is this Wednesday and I am totally eating a piece of cake. It will be a small one. And when we have her birthday party on Sunday I will be having another small piece of cake. I have been very good on my diet and the reason I am doing so well this time around is because I am not cutting out everything I liked. If everything is off limits then you have a better chance of getting off track. Just remember to choose smart and keep the portions small. I probably wont end up eating more "junk food" until July when my brothers birthday comes. Gotta love that birthday cake! LOL
  • _CiaoParis
    _CiaoParis Posts: 166
    Yes, I crave sweets a lot. If I deprive myself to long I will binge :grumble:
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I do occasionally. However, I have found serious pseudos... Zone bars, fiberone bars, carob covered raisin, and fruit! Keeps me where I need to be. I love the protien bars... seem indulgent but have lots of good stuff in em"