A Phrase the Pisses you off and a Weird but Tasty Food Combo



  • thejen75
    thejen75 Posts: 90
    "It is what it is" - really? ugh.
    and Garlic toast with peanut butter.
  • thejen75
    thejen75 Posts: 90
    I don't really like being told to "relax"... Not really a phrase, but I still don't like it...

    I love ichiban noodles and cream cheese

    Too funny, whenever my grandmother hears someone say "relax".. she says, "that's what the gynecologist always says." hehe
  • a phrase that always pisses me off is when people ask, "And you are...?" instead of introducing themselves or gving me a chance to introduce myself. I don't see that as a polite way to meet people. (GRRRR!)
    Weird food combo - haven't had this one in years, but - peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich.
    My mom used to make them when I was a kid. It does sound yucky now.
  • Breezedew
    Breezedew Posts: 134 Member
    "This shirt is HUGE, do you want it, it should fit you?" Uggg.

    Baked potato, salsa & cottage cheese! Don't know if that's too weird but Yum!!! Wait.... Fudge bars with white cheese popcorn. Yum. I love them together!
  • Dlopez678
    Dlopez678 Posts: 97
    Annoying phrase to me.. "have a good one" a good what? why not finish the dang sentence.. good day, afternoon, night, weekend, etc.. bugs me.. my husband tries to say it just means a good whatever you're going to do.. but I still find it annoying.

    weird food.. I do not eat this but my husband used to. miracle whip and peanut butter sandwiches... and a guy he works with eats bologna and peanut butter sandwiches.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    Phrase is more of a word.....K. I hate "K". Especially over a text.

    Food: Baby Spinach and Mango Chunks in my smoothie...with a touch of Tang powder
  • Minkime
    Minkime Posts: 41
    A friend on my Facebook says just sayin' after EVERY status update. I really think she thinks it make her sound young! A word that makes me cringe is the word amazing. It is so over used. Not everything is amazing!

    Peanut butter and bacon
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Annoying phrase to me.. "have a good one" a good what? why not finish the dang sentence.. good day, afternoon, night, weekend, etc.. bugs me.. my husband tries to say it just means a good whatever you're going to do.. but I still find it annoying.
    I never used to say it until I worked a customer service job and people would jump all over me for using the wrong word. I'd say, "Have a good day," and they'd snap, "It's already 7:00 at night!" Really? You can't just accept that I'm being nice? Or recognize that I've been in a windowless fluorescent-lit building for the last eight hours and have no idea what natural daylight is like anymore?
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    Phrase "have to" life to me is about wanting to
    Men calling women babe or baby, never mind kicking babes how awful!

    Seems like lots of people like mayo and peanut butter ummmm never tried that.
    Popcorn dipped in peanut sauce or sprinkled with vinegar
    When I was younger I used to love peanut butter and honey sandwiches made the night before so the bread would get crusty from the honey
    Love mayo and ketchup mixed and dipped with anything
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Phrase I'm super tired of hearing: "At the end of the day...."
    Weird food combo I tried and liked: Monterey jack cheese with strawberry jam on toast
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    a phrase that always pisses me off is when people ask, "And you are...?" instead of introducing themselves or gving me a chance to introduce myself. I don't see that as a polite way to meet people. (GRRRR!)
    Weird food combo - haven't had this one in years, but - peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich.
    My mom used to make them when I was a kid. It does sound yucky now.
    UGH! My mother used to make those too, and I hated them. Of course it probably had to do with the fact that what she called mayonnaise was actually Miracle Whip!

    The words "you don't understand" annoy the pants off me.

    Cinnamon Sugar Spam. :laugh:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I hate "roll with the punches",
    It really just means it's okay for others to mistreat you and that you're not worth the effort it takes to stand up for yourself. That the inconvenience it you cause some else by speaking up for yourself out ranks your own injury.

    "pick your battles"
    is okay, that implies using strategy to reach your own ends.

    "don't rock the boat"
    implies your actions affect others and that the safety of the group is interdependent with your own.

    French Toast with Cream Cheese.
    Once at a business meeting I was on the tail end of the breakfast line... Eggs were gone... There was french toast & syrup, cream cheese but no bagels, there were muffins, and scones and danishes. I knew my brain would be completely useless if I ate too much sugar. So I went for an odd combo of protein and was made fun of, but I held my own in the meeting.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Guess for me its when I talk to some one and after every sentence they have to say "right". They dont have to comment after every sentence......."right". Makes it seem as if they are mentally challenged or some thing.

    Weird but tasty food combo: Dorritos and Summer sausage.

    That bugs me too. As for Doritos, they go with everything! :happy:
  • jworb
    jworb Posts: 146 Member
    I hate when people say "i'm in shape....round is a shape." because it is minimizing their true feelings about themselves and their bodies.

    weird food - ummmmm scrambled eggs with cream cheese
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    Ridonkulous. I hate that word and automatically hate anyone I hear using it.

    Where did that STUPID word come from anyway? My friend uses it all the time and I want to slap her! That and "Fo' shizzle" and "what's up home skillet?"... It makes me worry for her because she is quite intelligent when she wants to be.

    Weird food combo: I LOVE pickles and cool whip. I tried it as a joke because it was something my foster mom craved when she was pregnant.
  • I hate when people respond with "its ok muscle weighs more than fat"

    yep so agree with you there, that is my biggest peeve, helloooo a pound is always a pound doesn't matter if your weighing bricks or feathers get your equations right people :grumble:
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Phrase "I was gunna" sends me into a tailspin every time!

    food: Peanut butter and bacon sandwich :)
  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    Raw Mushrooms and SPicey Brown Mustard
    French Fries and Wendy's Frosty
    A teaspoon of cream cheese over a pickle coin with a strip of ham around it - sooo good. i used to eat that before i was vegetarian
    Mozarella Sticks and NOT Red Sauce but Shrimp Sauce
    Pizza and Ranch Dressing
    Frosting on Graham Crackers
    Nutella on Popcorn (my cousin from L.A and I used to stay up all night watching Princess Diaries ((we were like 11 shut up!!)) and we'd have a jar of nutella and a bag of twizzlers and we'd dip the twizzlers in Nutella and eat them. MMMmmmm.. no wonder i was so fat!!) ha ha
  • cyndirose67
    cyndirose67 Posts: 11 Member
    I hate being calleD ma'am. Ugh. It's so condescending. "clearly, I'm younger than you Ma'am."

    My favorite pregnancy craving: potato bread, nutella on one slice, peanut butter on the other, bananas and marshmallows in the middle, grilled in the George Foreman.