spare tire! =(

I am in the best shape of my life right now thanks to mfp. I admit I don't always eat the best, but I usually manage to stay under my calorie goal with workouts. Fridays I eat pizza and drink beer, but thats usually the only day I go wild, and only for dinner. I have lost more weight than I could have imagine from where I started (182 down to 144), but my spare tire around my mid section will not go away! I feel like it hasn't even gotten smaller, even though it probably has. I have a muffin top without pants on by the end of the day (wish I could look how I do in the morning all day)! When I wear cute tight short dresses, my legs look great and toned but my hip area looks weird because I have an indentation where it shouldn't be(and unfortunately my butt has shrunk, its still round, but smaller than I wish)!

My workouts mostly consist of running and hiking, but in the past few days I decided to do more ab work outs to tone the mid section, and I think I see a difference only after 3 days, but I want to maximize results! I do crunches, bicycle crunches, the ab scissor leg things from jillian, supermans, and side plank raises.

I NEED to lose this fat(and tone) for bikini season!

What are the best suggestions you have? Be it something I need to leave out of my diet, a more effective exercise move, etc?

I LOVE having one meal a week to indulge with, but is this killing my results?

I know some will suggest eating clean, what exactly does the entail? (no more fiber wheat thins or fiberone 90 cal bars?, only stuff that grows out of the ground and chicken?)


  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    btw I've been plateaued at 144 lbs for like a month. I tried going down to 1200 cals again and got down to 142 one morning, but 1200 cals is hard for me to stick with, especially when I exercise, I get so hungry some days!
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I've heard this a billion times about mid sections..

    "Ab's are made in the kitchen!"

    you can do tons of ab exercises, but if you don't eat clean, you'll never have them. This is just what I've been told. Try incorporating some different types of cardio into your workout routines, I've found a love of kickboxing. Good luck!
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    If that is the case then I am relieved, I would like some people to look at my diary and let me know if they see anything wrong with stuff I consistently eat.

    I have a huge sweet tooth and some days I can't resist having a chocolate vitatop, fiber bar, and weight watchers ice cream. Is chocolate that bad for bellies even if its within the calorie count?

    I usually have fage 0% for breakfast as well as cereal or a fiber bar. That is the only meal that I am very consistent with eating mostly the same stuff. Should I try to do the same for lunch and dinner?
  • bosquebrewer
    bosquebrewer Posts: 13 Member
    You need to read this and then read this for some inspiration and then you need to lift heavy things 3 x week.
  • bosquebrewer
    bosquebrewer Posts: 13 Member
    PS, notice I said read the nerdfitness blog for inspiration. I wouldn't necessarily read it for nutritional advice.