How do you stop wanting to eat?


I am new to this site, just started it a couple of days ago so I need all the support I can get. My biggest thing is that I LOVE to eat. I don't eat out of hunger, I eat because I love food. And not "good for you" food either. I am a person with depression so food is a temporary escape for me. I don't know how to get away from that "wanting to eat" feeling.


  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Options some food then you wont want to eat any more.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    Options some food then you wont want to eat any more.

    nice abs!
  • Kiisu101
    Kiisu101 Posts: 23
    When I use to have those I wanna eat cuz I'm bored moments I would just get myself busy with a hobby of some kind and it would take my mind off it.
  • HappyHealthyDoll
    Sit there and ask yourself are you hungry, no, then don't eat.
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    I try to eat every 2-3 hours, small amounts of food.
  • Kiisu101
    Kiisu101 Posts: 23
    Sit there and ask yourself are you hungry, no, then don't eat.

    Another good thing is asking yourself how will I feel after i'm done eating this junk? Most likely not very good >.>
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Eat often, typically eat things that are good for you and chew gum during the times that you just want something to do but are not hungry.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I had/have this problem. The key for me is to start doing something else when I get bored, or feel the nerve to eat. I also drink a full glass/bottle of water, it fills your stomach up and I typically don't feel like eating if my belly is completely full. Also, the key to successful weight loss is to find out what it is that is making you depressed, work on that, then you'll be able to nip the problem in the butt, but until you figure out what it is, you'll always have that issue of food being your escape. Or find another escape. For me its kickboxing, nothing makes me feel better than an hour of pretend kicking someones butt haha
  • TamTamW
    TamTamW Posts: 27
    Gee Monty, how long did it take you to come up with that one? That was realllllllly helpful!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Options some food then you wont want to eat any more.

    nice abs!

    lol thanks, its because i eat when im hungry
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Gee Monty, how long did it take you to come up with that one? That was realllllllly helpful!

    took me about a second, hence the first response.. but hey on a more serrious note try drinking lots of water because most times when you feel you are hungry the body is actually thirsty and will be more than satisfied if you drink a tall glass of water or two... so before you eat try that and i bet half the time it will fill you up
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    Unfortunatly your body will not change this overnight. You are going to have to work hard to redirect your thought process and retrain your brain. First of all you seem to understand the connection between your depression, eating and the temperary jump in saratonin. My suggestion, when you feel the desire to eat to feel better DO NOT GIVE IN! Redirect your brain by having a substitute. I use coloring books or needle point. I have them about the house so when I need something to keep my mind off of things I can just grab one and stay busy. Also, learn to reward yourself with something else. A hot bubblebath with candles can really help or a new lipstick- whatever you like. And lastly, excersise raises saratonin so try to do something active. I have asthma so I cannot run, I got to the gym, pop in the earbuds and walk on the treadmill and daze out to some good music. I day dream and work up a mild sweat and I always feel better! I hope this helps- and just so you know I LOVE FOOD but now I love me more!
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    Lots of gum and water!!! Seriously, like tons. After you eat a snack or a meal, drink a bottle of water and chew a stick of gum. I also will drink a bottle of water and chew a stick when I think I'm hungry but it's not time to eat yet. If I'm still hungry after that, I eat.

    Good luck on your fitness journey!

    Edit: I eat small meals/snacks every 2-3hrs, about 7 times a day.
  • TamTamW
    TamTamW Posts: 27
    Thanks funny man!
  • musiclover69
    musiclover69 Posts: 3 Member
    I struggle with this too. Currently, I'm trying to get into planning my meals more and keeping track of all food consumed. For me, I know I need to treat my body as a machine. Think of it as "garbage in, garbage out". Yesterday I seriously got off track, by having too much sugar. Thus, I felt horrible in the evening. I've learned that when I get off track, I need to remind myself how much better I'm feeling since I've lost 20 plus pounds and how hard I'm working out at the gym. Reading labels seems to help me too. When I saw how many calories that pound cake have, I just reminded myself I'm not going to backtrack. I wish you all the best in your journey towards better health! Take care!
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I down 3 cups of water as fast as I can and see if I still want to eat after that. if I do, I'll pig out on grapes or carrots or something healthy, you know? get rid of the unhealthy stuff that way if you do binge, you won't feel so bad about it!

    myfitnesspal also helped me control my eating too. I log my food intake religiously. as soon as I eat something, I get on MFP and log it. if I can't, I have a little memo pad with me all the time (i'm a list making person!) and I write everything I ate to log later.
    I ate past my calorie goal the first few days I was on here, but I eventually got the hang of how to control myself! If I do end up going over, I make time for a work out before I go to bed.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Options some food then you wont want to eat any more.

    Her problem is more complex than that. Some of us want to eat even when we aren't hungry, even if we just ate an hour ago. It's not really food her body/brain wants, it's something else like a pleasure or comfort associated with food, or relief from boredom. She needs to figure out what what else will help fulfill that craving because it's not really a food issue.
  • kittymeeowmeeow
    kittymeeowmeeow Posts: 22 Member
    I want to eat all the time. I just choose not to. This doesn't make me happy AT ALL, but my pants getting looser does. It sucks. I love burgers and steak and dessert and all of it and it just doesn't get easier for me.
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    Water! And get busy! You really need to get as active as you can, not just for burning more calories, but because that way you are not focused on eating. My worst days are sitting in front of the computer, I just want to snack the whole time. But once I get busy, cleaning, walking, sorting out etc, I forget about being hungry. :happy:

    Also, if you are going to exercise and you can afford it, get a heart rate monitor. We tend to over estimate the calories we burn!
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    :( I just did this right now, I emotionally ate. If u see my Diary it is good all the way till the evening. and It didnt help that my friend is over and handed me that boston creme roll but o well... he even laughed and said he knows hes an enabler. and daaaamn it! Im not sad, or mad its a different frustration and so I ate.. ughh wish I didnt eat it or the 14 little figs. but I tricked myself to eat it all cuz they are LITTLE.. but the calories yea I wont say ne more..