Do you weigh yourself everyday?

I am trying to get out of the habit. How often does everyone get weighed? And any advice to stop me from weighing myself everyday x x


  • I want to but my friends on MFP Say not to... I have my fiance put it up high so I can't reach it..
  • I was weighing every day and it was making me nuts so I had my bf hide the scale while I was at work. Haven't thought about it since and the urge to weigh is gone.
  • I do. Drives me bonkers because I can fluctuate so much! I'm scared to stop though because I'm afraid one day I'll be up 10 pounds or something. Bah!
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    my doctor told me never ever weigh yourself every day. it is best to weigh yourself once a week in the morning before food on the same day every week. you fluctuate every day due to water ad food, and it leads to false readings. once a week or once a fortnight is just fine and is more accurate.
  • Tntowers
    Tntowers Posts: 11 Member
    Once a week is what is recommended. Too often and you'll drive yourself insane and it's probably not accurate. It's true that you can fluctuate by around 2lbs throughout the day. The best time is when you've just woken up. Sometimes it can be better to just hide the scales!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I weigh myself once a month, the scale is one thing, the mirror is a better indicator
  • missmuertos
    missmuertos Posts: 15 Member
    I was weighing myself every day and it was making me neurotic, as like most people I fluctuate so much from day to day. I've had to slowly wean myself off of it, (weighing every two days, then every few, days, and soon it will be back to just once a week.. just to get out of the habit.

    I've heard a lot of people put their scales where they can't reach them so they won't be tempted to weigh daily, or have their other half hide them!

    Good luck :)
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I do weigh every day but I expect the fluctuations so I don't let it worry me... I just watch the trending figure and I've learnt that I will go up and down 200-300 grams each day but the number will trend downward over a week... I'll generally lose about 1kg a fortnight.
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    I do it every morning out of habit...i feel like if it has changed from the pervious day then I will be that little bit better with my eating and exercise that little bit more today
    Keeps me honest. Everyone's different
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    I do, but I'm trying to stop. It makes me more frustrated. Lately I try to eat something in the morning before I am tempted to step on the scale, that way I know the reading won't be right, so it kills the urge.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Nope! I weigh myself every couple of weeks. Have to dust the scales off each time I want to use them. Looks like more of a drastic loss then when I do lose! :wink:
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, as long as you understand that you naturally fluctuate due to water retention and the like.

    I am in no way an expert on these things so don't take my advice too seriously but if you want to do it everyday, then why not? It gives you an amazing picture of what your body does over time and I think really helps you understand how the food you eat really affects your body.

    I am a bit of a geek and I just love numbers for some reason. Yes I go up and down, but since I started this I have gone down, way down further than I ever expected and I feel great!

    Do whatever you feel comfortable with, everyone is different.

  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 176 Member
    Yep...I weigh every morning. The fluctuations don't bother me, im eating too good to gain weight. ;)
  • Nuttytart2012
    Nuttytart2012 Posts: 15 Member
    Just like other posters are saying - It makes no sense to weigh yourself everyday.
    It might go up 1lb from yesterday then you would not be happy so you might go and eat something you shouldnt.
    When really if you weighed yourself at the correct time each week or so then you will get a proper figure.

    I strictly weigh myself fortnighly every friday before my Zumba class.
    As usually ill be wearing the same sort of clothing, its the same time and its before the weekend when I tend to be a little naughty.
    And its great as I really look forward to weighing myself because its been so long since I last weighed myself so I should always lose a few lbs!

    You should try it :-)
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Every day, first thing in the morning. It keeps me on track and reminds me of my goals.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Every day, first thing in the morning. It keeps me on track and reminds me of my goals.

    Same here, I put the numbers into a phone app called "Libra" that does a weighted moving average.

    If you're the sort of person who freaks out at a 1 oz move in the wrong direction then don't weigh daily.
  • MarianneDarroch
    MarianneDarroch Posts: 71 Member
    I do - whilst I know I shouldn't because as a few people have said weight does does fluctuate daily.

    Am slowly trying to wean myself off my 'habit' and am aiming for once a week twice max :)
  • kudaguti
    kudaguti Posts: 6
    I did it everyday until last week, and am trying to break the habit to just once a week. A friend suggested that I measure other things too such as waist and hip measurements, body fat and fitness levels rather than just weight, as this can be misleading. You are not the only one who wants to see results everyday, but from day to day you are more likely to fluctuate than anything else. Take care.
  • sa7toot
    sa7toot Posts: 10
    I started my third attempt to lose weight last week only and I weighed myself only today. I'm keeping away from the scale as much as I can, but temptation to jump over it is very high.

    I think once a week is suitable to avoid large fluctuating and the reward yourself on timely basis. :drinker:
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I weigh myself nearly every day, but only once a week under strictly controlled conditions: in the nude, after pee, and before breakfast. The rest of the time I just step on scale wearing whatever I happen to be wearing and whenever I think to do it. I know roughly what I should weigh, even dressed, and the inevitable fluctuations are easy to write off to differences in the weight of my clothing, etc. It's a good compromise for me - less stressful than having to resist temptation and a LOT less stressful than than making a serious effort to get the best possible reading every morning and not getting any consistency.