Shoulder pain and Cortisone shot?

So, I've been experiencing shoulder pain for about a year and a half. I have had an xray, went to PT, did exercises for 8 weeks from the Chiro I work for and nothing helps. I still have strength in my arm, but in certain positions (ie: sitting at a desk at a computer where my arm is hanging there or even holding my phone up to my ear) I start having this dull ache and burning in my left shoulder and down the arm.

I still don't know what I did exactly, except it started about 6 weeks into Insanity workouts- and I had to stop. My Chiro thinks I have bursitis and the PT said I have an injury/tear in my Supraspinatus muscle. Either way, something is just not right. So, my Chiro recommended a Cortisone shot. I've been researching it- and probably freaking myself out by reading horror stories online. I'm thinking it's worth a try since I can't get this pain to go away and it's driving me nuts.

Has anyone tried a Cortisone shot and had success? Did you have to stop exercising? Is anyone else experiencing shoulder pain?


  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    My mum had it done, and she says it has been fabulous. She said it has been awesome, Took it easy on the shoulder for a couple of days then carried on with normal exercise.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Bump..I have the same pain.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Hi! I had a Cortisone shot years ago in my foot. I had what is called a Morton's neuroma. The pain was so bad, and when the doctor said "Cortisone" I did a little freak out, but he did it, the pain went away, and I never had any problems after that. Hope this is helpful!
  • robynatk
    robynatk Posts: 38
    I have had cortisone shots before...not in the shoulder, but in my heel (heel spurs and plantar faciatis). The first time I had them, it was like a miracle, within 15 minutes I could walk with no pain. I had no pain for almost a year. After that time I went in for another shot, and that only lasted a few months (maybe 4), and went back in for another. Cortisone is nice, but its temporary, and over long periods of time, you can build up scar tissue in the area. I was lucky the first time with it lasting that long...I have a friend who goes in every few months. I'd give it a try though, just to see how it works for you.
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    I have bursitis in my hip. I have had cortisone shots twice. The first time it gave me a lot of relief (2007), the second time I think the doctor missed the bursa (2008) and I had no relief at all. My pain returned eventually which is why I had the second shot and I have had pain since the shot wore off in 2008. I would get it again, I just haven't because my current family doctor is the doctor that missed it the second time.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    So, I've been experiencing shoulder pain for about a year and a half. I have had an xray, went to PT, did exercises for 8 weeks from the Chiro I work for and nothing helps. I still have strength in my arm, but in certain positions (ie: sitting at a desk at a computer where my arm is hanging there or even holding my phone up to my ear) I start having this dull ache and burning in my left shoulder and down the arm.

    I still don't know what I did exactly, except it started about 6 weeks into Insanity workouts- and I had to stop. My Chiro thinks I have bursitis and the PT said I have an injury/tear in my Supraspinatus muscle. Either way, something is just not right. So, my Chiro recommended a Cortisone shot. I've been researching it- and probably freaking myself out by reading horror stories online. I'm thinking it's worth a try since I can't get this pain to go away and it's driving me nuts.

    Has anyone tried a Cortisone shot and had success? Did you have to stop exercising? Is anyone else experiencing shoulder pain?

    This happened to me while doing Chalene Extreme last May. I've had 3 cortisone shots--no help at all and went to PT for 24 weeks and took pain meds. It's getting a little better now, but I think it's time more than any of those other things. I don't know what it is and my doctor doesn't seem to either.

    As to your question about cortisone. I didn't have to change anything. The shot itself hurt a lot. But the pain of the shot was over quickly and I carried on as usual.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I have bursitis in my right shoulder. I've been using a steroid cream that helps. I haven't gone the route of having any shots yet.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I had a total of 4 in my knees.
    I truly believe that while it made the pain go away at first, it is worse now...
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia and I get over 10 shots every six weeks or so just to tollerate the pain. I mostly get them in my back and they do help, only temporarily, but for someone like me who is in constant pain it's nice to get a break from the worst of the pain cause I can handle lesser amounts :)

    I also agree about the knees though, I got 3 shots in each knee and it hurt more after, still does.
  • oneder080
    oneder080 Posts: 20 Member
    I had it done a few months ago in my shoulder. I reached the wrong way for a butter knife and WHAM! Unbearable pain! No problems at all with it after the shot. I threw my arm in a sling and kept on going. My kids thought it was funny watching me Just Dance with only one arm! In a couple of weeks I was back to normal.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    Cortisone is a temporary fix, it will work for a while and if you give the injury enough time to heal afterwords you have a beeter shot of letting it heal perminantly . I had a shot in my lower back while i was competing in track in college and it worked well for a few months then i took the summer off to let it fully heal and its been fine ever since.. that said most doctors won't prescribe cortisone shots, something like 85% of all cortisone injections are in collegiate and proffesional athletes and you are not supposed to get more than 3 a year. But if you had a good sports med doc then listen to what he has to say
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
    Thank you for all the responses! I truly appreciate it- especially since it sounds like many of you had the shots with no issues (which eases my mind a bit).

    The office is working me in (since it's a friend of the Chiro I work for) so I figure I should give it a try- it may help quite a bit. It's horrible having this pain and somedays I don't notice it, but the days I do it's very annoying and frustrating. It's like a toothache that just doesn't ever go away.

    The only thing that has helped is Biofreeze, but I just can't stand putting that on everyday of my life. I'm a lefty- I need my shoulder!
    I'll let you know all know how it goes tomorrow!
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I had shoulder problems for quite awhile - partially "frozen" shoulder, probably a small tear, possibly in subscapularis (didn't get an MRI or anything), couldn't lay right arm on ground overhead, couldn't make a "goalpost" against the wall with right arm, it was about 5 inches away to start. Chiro/rehab (blackburns, other stretches) and therapeutic massage helped. I'm convinced the massage work was most helpful in the beginning, painful as hell, but helpful. Subscapularis, teres major/minor, pec major/minor work - yuck, but I grew to like it... :)

    It was months of feeling worse before it got better but it did. And I certainly wasn't doing any heavy lifting, just rotator exercises a few times a day.

    On the other hand, I do know someone who had great success with cortisone.
  • dellafiora3395
    dellafiora3395 Posts: 29 Member
    Not me personally, but my boyfriend has had awful luck with those shots. He has a herniated disk in his back, and the doctors tried giving him Cort. for the pain. The first one held for three months, the second one for a month, and the third didn't help at all =/
  • nickiebb
    nickiebb Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I feel your pain (pun intended). I have been told I have: bursitis in my hip, lower back arthritis, a pinched nerve bundle in my upper back that results in pain under my shoulder blade and down into my arm and hand. I've been athletic since I was a young child; i'm now 41. For the past few years I've been into triathlon and long distance swims. Finally, I decided to give myself a year off. When I say a year off I mean I simply took it easier: aqua aerobics, stationery bicycle, elliptical machine, some lap swimming. Wow, taking it easier worked! My pains are almost gone! I had always been the type to ignore pain.

    So, long story short...take it easier on yourself and perhaps your pain will diminish. However, I gained weight when I took it easier. I am just now back to MFP because I need to take those extra pounds off. Also, I couldn't ignore a triathlon invitation I received in the mail and am back to training harder. Yes, I've got some pains back. So, I am being cautious.

    Good luck! Add me as your friend if you like. We can keep each other updated on our aches and pains!
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    i just had a cortisone shot in my shoulder about a month or so ago. The pain was amazingly better until I broke my foot and used crutches for a week. Now the pain is pretty much back to how it was before I was going to PT. I haven't been back to the doctors because I feel like a walking accident. lol. Cortisone, in my opinion, is only a short term fix and really only masks the pain. You should find out what's really going on in your shoulder and get it taken care of. insist on an MRI so at least they are sure what the treatment will be.

    Good luck with it. I plan to get an mri as well, because I was told that I have impingement and a possible rotator cuff tear, but again, they aren't sure.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I got a juggling injury a couple of years back (yep jugglers get injured too :smile:) - torn rotator cuff, and the pain I had sounds very much like what you are experiencing. I was lucky though, PT and rest and stretching exercises helped it heal in about 9 months and I didn't have to go as far as Cortisone shots.

    As you've had it for a year and a half though, and you've tried most other things, it sounds like you may not have much choice than to try the shot, have surgery or decide to live with it. Before you do that though, see a real doctor. PTs are good but nowhere near as well trained as full medical doctors, Chiros are generally quacks imho. I would seek out a reputable orthopedic surgeon instead, just for a second opinion.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • Ms_Jae
    Ms_Jae Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I have a pulled hip flexor and my ortho suggested a cortisol shot. I refused because I used to work for a GP doc and watching what the pt's went through was not appealing to me. then I did a lil research as well and found out that there is a side affect. The cortisol shot deteriorate the cartilage of the joint over time and that does not include the possibility that the needle when inserted may scratch the cartilage and cause more damage. If you must have the shot I would limit the number of shots and remember that it’s temporary use that time to relax and heal. But if you must have a corticosteroid oral corticosteroids are an option as well. I use pt therapy, yoga moves, massage therapy and cut my workouts down from 2 – 2 ½ hr 4-5 days a week to 1hr at most 3-4 days a week and gave myself a yr to heal. I want my joints when I’m older. I wish you the best! Good luck!
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
    I had the injection in my shoulder yesterday. It didn't really hurt that much at all. Would I want to do it everyday? Well, no.

    My shoulder was extremely sore and tender yesterday, but icing helped. They said to rest it and I would hopefully notice a difference in 2-3 days. I can't do any exercises involving my shoulder. Because they think it is my supraspinatus muscle, they recommended that I see an Ortho, so I'm debating about that until I see how the injection holds up.

    Today the area is tender, but I was able to sleep on that side okay last night. Hopefully it helps- it stinks having to deal with any pain in general.

    Thanks again for all the input!