stress and depression

been under ALOT of stress lately from my job and im looking for a new one, so my mind is all over the place and allthough i hate my job and want a new one badly im also nervous about having to start at a new one. its all really starting to get depressing and ive noticed im starting to snack on junk thats in my house instead of my healthy snacks. i need to snap out of this **** and re focus on my goals. i dont know why i cant just resist from eating junk food when im stressed out, i always feel stupid for doing it after i do.


  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Ohhh, man. You are not alone.

    It's really easy for me to "keep to the diet" when I'm sitting at work and not surrounded by crap food. But as soon as I get home all I want is that bag of potato chips.

    I don't know where to begin with "how to snap out of this ****" suggestions, since I hit rock bottom a few years ago and had to start taking meds.

    I can say with certainty though, that being nervous about change is 100% normal - and after I had a job change forced upon me recently, the grass on the other side is DEFINITELY greener and worth the effort.

    Good luck, dude. Others have pulled through those kinds of situations - you can, too.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    I started to do the same yesterday, but I walked away and refocused. Stress is always there and we have to learn new ways to deal with it. You can do it man. We all fall, but you just gotta get up faster and continue to fight the good fight.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Well. Two whole responses!

    I will also throw out there - on the non-snacking side of things - I think it is really easy (as a guy) to let your sense of self-worth and identity get completely wrapped up in the job. A sense of usefulness, perceived status, all that crap.

    It's insidious and really difficult to get your mind out of that place. I believe that the snacking is a symptom. Comfort, say. Or just something that's familiar and that you "choose" to do, rather than is done TO you.

    Of course, ppl on MFP are also chronically hungry, which I'm sure has an effect ;)
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I can totally relate. My recent stress and depression is caused by more personal things. My Uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and prognosis is very poor and on top of that, a person who up until this point has been a very good friend, freaked out on me over something that had absolutely nothing to do with them, thus ending our friendship of almost 10 years. These both happened around the same time, and even though I still make sure to hit the gym and exercise, due to my snacking I have actually gained a few pounds back and I am having a terrible time trying to get back on track. I think many of us on MFP have used food as a crutch in the past and learning to make that life change is often very difficult. That's why we are on here though right? To find people that are similar that can help keep us on track? We will get back in the good habit again, we just have to give it our best!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    When I stress, I tend to do this too. I don't know maybe it's the feeling of the grinding of my teeth on certain foods or what ever..........Stress and anxiety is really difficult, but just remember you are in charge of what you feel. Take a deep breath and rethink things for that moment when the panic starts.

    When the snacking binge wants to start - have a glass of water, then get down and do sit ups, push ups, run on the spot. The best thing is to get out of the house and get away from it. I understand that is sometimes hard in itself when you are anxious, so little things at home can help a lot. Exercising will make you feel better with those feel good hormones and most likely will get rid of that snacking for nothing desire, but if not, you will have some awesome looking abs!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is what I say to myself when I get here "You have more days ahead than behind! Press on!!!!"
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    been under ALOT of stress lately from my job and im looking for a new one, so my mind is all over the place and allthough i hate my job and want a new one badly im also nervous about having to start at a new one. its all really starting to get depressing and ive noticed im starting to snack on junk thats in my house instead of my healthy snacks. i need to snap out of this **** and re focus on my goals. i dont know why i cant just resist from eating junk food when im stressed out, i always feel stupid for doing it after i do.

    Here's what I used to do when I went through that. When you open that bag of chips and eat one out of stress-then realize what you're doing and get ticked and start to reach for another-stop. Throw the open bag into the trash. Then go get a healthy snack or go write a journal entry or blog post or something that expresses your frustration/nervousness/feelings. I used to throw out mostly full bags of bad snacks all the time just to get them out of my reach.

    In addition, if work is that stressful, start making a plan. Come up with some possible things you can do and the probable outcomes of each. Build some different plans and see where they can go. Be sure to include outcomes for staying where you are, too. Compare where you'd like to be. I find planning helps me relax a little and realize that the probable outcomes aren't nearly as bad as my subconscious would have me believe.
  • Revenga1980
    I have a long long history of depression and I'm a constant stress ball. I stress about everything, my life is a struggle more than it is peaceful.

    What I found helped was getting the depression under control with proper medication and therapy. Once I started feeling a bit better I started makes changes in my life I could feel excited about like quitting smoking, joining the gym, eating healthier.

    The exercise and diet help with the depression and the getting the depression under control helped give me the motivation I needed to get started. It's win win.

    If this is a chronic thing you may want to talk to your doctor, depression and stress can really be bad for your health. Try and think of things that make you happy :) Remember a job is a job, while its stressful it can always be replaced. Concentrate on the other brighter points in your life.

    You can do it :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    firstly, get rid of all that junk out of your home. if its not there then you cant be tempted to have it. wouldnt you want a nice hearty home made fillnig food than a packet of biscuits which will be gone in minutes and leave you feeling worse?

    make sure you are drinking enough water to beat of cravings and stress, exercise will certainly beat stress.

    Also, go and see your doctor, they are there to help and the sooner you act, the sooner you can gain control x
  • rkbruner521
    rkbruner521 Posts: 2 Member
    I can totally relate too! One thing that works for me is I keep the junk out of the house. If I'm wanting something sweet, I make sure I have Weight Watchers icecream bars in my freezer. One thing I need to get back in the habit of, is couting out my chips, or salty snacks and putting them in snack bags - one bag equals one serving.

    Also - at lunch go for a walk - get outside and get some Vitamin D. That always boosts my spirits in the middle of the day. Find an exercise you like. Excersicing increases your endorphins making you naturally happy all while reducing your stress.

    Good luck in your job search! I was there last year and God blessed me with an amazing job.
  • auntiepoo50
    auntiepoo50 Posts: 6 Member
    I so understand..I to have lots of stress at work and some at home.....

    This past year has been hard with the lost of two close family members...I feel sad a lot.

    I have noticed that when I am upset and fustrated that is when I eat. After it is all said and done, I feel like I have punished myself...

    I am not no good at dealing with anger and when I get angry I am afraid of the feeling, so I rarely get angary, so I guess it all keep inside....I try to stop and think positive and tell myself, its OK, its OK to feel helps some, but I am still not comfortable with the feeling.......but I try not to eat when I feel that way.. (sometimes it work, sometimes it don't)

    Good Luck and I hope your journey will lead you to a happy and healthy place