Do you weigh yourself everyday?



  • viser_haut
    viser_haut Posts: 97 Member
    If I weighed once a week, thought I had been doing well every day and then stepped on to find I had gained weight, that would really put me off and I might slip because of it.
    But if I weigh every day or every other day, and know I've been steadily losing weight but on my MFP 'weigh-in day' I'm up, I know it's just a fluctuation.

    Everyone is different, but I definitely prefer every day :)
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    I weigh myself every morning first thing and sometimes even twice, once when I get up then sometimes after about half an hour still before breakfast as it makes me laugh how after being up for a while the scales go down which is great lol I know to expect to fluctuate each day, it helps me keep on track and I can also see that I haven't drunk enough water the day before too. The main thing is not to let the fluctuations bother you if you like to weigh yourself each day
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I try to officially weigh once a month, but I do notice that if I have an event coming up that I want to lose weight for, suddenly I'm on the scale every day. It's counter-productive, because all it does is make me stress more.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I weigh myself every day at about the same time of day, but since I drink a gallon of water a day my level of hydration can very greatly. I can be one weight one day, be two pounds lower the next day, 3 pounds higher the next. Day-to-day weight gain or loss is little more than two or three data points.

    Your weight today doesn't matter: the downward trend is what matters.
    I was weighing multiple times a day and recently have been working to change that habit. I now way on Monday mornings and then again mid-week to see where I stand. It is tough to do, but I have been doing fairly well at that. I would like to get away from the scale completely, but I feel like I will fall off the wagon if I don't have something to go by. :embarassed:
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Ultimately it depends on your personality. If you're an obsessive person then it may not be such a good idea. I weigh myself every day because it's too easy for me to get lazy and stop weighing when I don't want to see what the scale says after a bad day/week. I only record my weight in my journal once each week but getting on the scale for me is just one of the "healthy" habits I need to stay on track and motivated.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    I weigh every morning, naked, after peeing :) For me it works, I chart my weight, and I understand that some days are gains and some are losses, and as long as the general trend is downwards I'm doing fine! If I only weighed once a week I might be weighing on a day where Im retaining water for whatever reason (a big issue for girls anyways!) and think that I'm not progressing. Twice a month I retain water due to hormonal swings, so if I only weighed weekly, the chances are really good that I'd be weighing on one of those weight swing times where I might be gaining 4-5 pounds (of WATER) in a week.

    I don't freak out over temporary gains on the scale though, so it's not like it crushes me to see the number changed/unchanged on the scale. If it did, I'd put it away.
  • deliseann
    I weigh every morning! But I do my business first so that it doesnt add that. And it makes me feel better about myself cause I went like two weeks without weighing and I gained almost 20 pounds
  • Denise6914
    Denise6914 Posts: 176
    I weigh daily, but I don't let minor fluctuations get me down.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    I am trying to get out of the habit. How often does everyone get weighed? And any advice to stop me from weighing myself everyday x x

    throw away the scale. no joke! just get rid of it. i haven't weighed myself in over a month and i don't miss it! now i just observe the changes and feel a lot better about myself :) besides water weight makes one fluctuate so much! the human body probably fluctuates 3 pounds or more easily and its not even fat (it isn't fat unless you ate 3500 calories more than your TDEE which I'm assuming ur eating under anyways if trying to lose weight)

    so yea just ditch it :D