AI vs. The Voice(and no - I am not a ____)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I am 49 and i love both, but I like the voice better. but i do think the talent on american idol is way better then it was last season. Oh wait I am not a teen anymore. LOL. Does it count that my 2 daughters 12 and 14 love to watch them with me , they prefer the voice also....:smile:
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I watch both (I know, take my man card away). While I think AI is more "teenagerish" and I like the concept of The Voice....Christina is annoying. I keep telling her to shut up and get to the point (although, I do enjoy the low-cut outfits she wears). All of the judges on AI annoy the heck out of me.
    I do think that some of the talent on AI is better than most of those on The Voice - love Elise and Phillip.
    Something I've noticed is that the sound production on The Voice has been horrible at times. Bands and backing vocals have seemed to overwhelm the singer's audio. Even when Maroon 5 performed, I thought the mixing was sub-par. AI's production is superior.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    As a previous AI addict, I can say AI is more teeney-bopper driven.

    LOVE the Voice as it is all genres and ages and types of people. That said..... I do not agree with a lot of choices for judge eliminations this year but still 110% better than AI.... I've not watched in 2 years because it's so not worth the time out of my busy day. But, that is just my opinion! :ohwell:
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    I used to be very dedicated to AI but after Scotty winning last year (with Lauren runner up), I have kind of lost my love for the show. Actually, after Adam Lambert lost the year before, I was mad at the show but gave it another shot. He was clearly the best....IMO.
    I watch The Voice occasionally but I really like the concept of that show - much more so than AI.
    AI is definitely more "teenager-ish".
  • Symphonic_Silence
    J-Lo is just horrid...every time she opens her mouth I just want to reach through the screen & staple it shut

    I second that. We'd get along just fine. We could throw our 94% fat free popcorn at the TV together while we scream at J-Lo for being so darn irritating.

    Can I join you, please?
    I counted the amount of times she used the phrase "and you made it your OWN!!!!!" in one show and lost count after about 15.
    And that's not counting the slight variations on the phrase, either.
    Ugh..she just irritates me to no end :explode:
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I watch both - and I can honestly say that last night while watching the voice, I actually said out loud - "Why in the hell are we watching this?" I don't like the host. I don't like Christina or Cee-low. I hate all the twitter crap they talk about constantly. I don't think that we get to see the contestants perform enough. The instant eliminations are crap. I do like the idea of coaching though, and being able to sing WHATEVER song you want to.

    But I have issues with Idol also - I can't stand J-Lo or Steven Tyler. I don't understand why we have to hear them sing Motown or 80s night. That's not the type of Music they would be selling. So why base the entire competition off of crap that they will never sing?

    Here's my thought. Combine the two. Get Randy, Adam Levine and Blake together on the Idol judging panel. Get rid of the Motown and 80s nights, let the contestants pick whatever song suits their voice best, and keep the voting like it is on Idol. None of this instant elimination crap. Go back to season one of Idol - with no stage performance, no lights, smoke or wind machines, captain america's flying through the background, or "X-tina" perfoming.

    Let's hear them sing. Sing the songs I am going to put on my iPod when this is all said and done. For instance - last night on the voice - Katrina Parker sang Jar of Hearts. I can hear that on the radio right now, and she did amazing. I would buy that right now. But Cheesa - Whitney? Really? I mean she still has a great voice, but I wouldn't buy that. WE know you can sing. But you are telling me that out of EVERY SONG that has ever been written, THATS your choice? THATS your first single? It's old, and irrelevant, and I think she'll go home tonight for it.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    American Idol is for sure for teenagers/young adults. I actually used to watch it only because I liked Simon and what he had to say. Then he left and the show went to crap. Anyways, I now actually like The Voice way better, though I can do without christina, she annoys me.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member

    that was NOT the disagreement. The disagreement was what was more teenage~ish - ME watching AI or YOU watching The Voice WHILE READING the twilight series.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member

    that was NOT the disagreement. The disagreement was what was more teenage~ish - ME watching AI or YOU watching The Voice WHILE READING the twilight series.

    oh, well twilight totally puts you in the more teenager-ish category. sorry, tim. you lose.
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366

    that was NOT the disagreement. The disagreement was what was more teenage~ish - ME watching AI or YOU watching The Voice WHILE READING the twilight series.

    oh, well twilight totally puts you in the more teenager-ish category. sorry, tim. you lose.

  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366

    that was NOT the disagreement. The disagreement was what was more teenage~ish - ME watching AI or YOU watching The Voice WHILE READING the twilight series.

    Reported for being hot and hijacking
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    The two things did NOT happen simultaneously - and, oh hell.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member

    that was NOT the disagreement. The disagreement was what was more teenage~ish - ME watching AI or YOU watching The Voice WHILE READING the twilight series.

    oh, well twilight totally puts you in the more teenager-ish category. sorry, tim. you lose.


  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    I love The Voice. I like that people have to be invited to try out, so it's all talent from the beginning. I like that they are coaches and not just judges. I like that the coaches pick talent they can work with because the coach of the winner is also considered the winner, but I love that they pick talent based on what they sound like and how the audience reacts, vs what the person looks like.

    Also, I have a crush on Blake Shelton.

    I have never watched American Idol.
  • Amyoct
    Amyoct Posts: 11
    I'm a The Voice fan. I like it cause it isn't based on looks. I haven't agreed with some of the choices on who to let go. I've only seen one or two episodes of AI and I've never been impressed. I just ignore Christina half the time and watch Blake and Adam a lot :D
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    J-Lo is just horrid...every time she opens her mouth I just want to reach through the screen & staple it shut

    I second that. We'd get along just fine. We could throw our 94% fat free popcorn at the TV together while we scream at J-Lo for being so darn irritating.

    Can I join you, please?
    I counted the amount of times she used the phrase "and you made it your OWN!!!!!" in one show and lost count after about 15.
    And that's not counting the slight variations on the phrase, either.
    Ugh..she just irritates me to no end :explode:

    Of course you can! :love: