So what do you fine people do for a living?

stevecpo Posts: 16 Member
Hey again,

Second post woo hoo! Just wondered what you ladies and gents do for a living and how do you fit your cooking/preparing meals around this. I work as a Close Protection Operative and most on the go all the time and find it really hard to prepare meals and stick to the timings. I'm also in the reserve armed forces and its impossible to take food on training weekends.

Any ideas would be really appreciated :)



  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I'm a long haul trucker. While I do have a fridge and microwave in the truck I am trying to avoid processed foods and wind up eating in restaurants and truck stops for the most part. The MFP app is making it easier to pick the healthier foods, but it still isn't the same as being able to cook at home.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,266 Member
    I am an international man of mystery
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Financial controller. I work at a desk so it's easy to bring meals. I also have a 24 hour fitness across the street so there's no excuse I can come up with not to workout during lunch. :)
  • stevecpo
    stevecpo Posts: 16 Member
    I can imagine being on the road for lengthy periods of time would be quite difficult to manage with food prep and exercise.
    Good on you for sticking with MFP my mission doesn't seem that difficult now.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,266 Member
    Ive been on the road (currently on day 7 of a 10 day clip) and my diet and exercise have gone to hEll..its been freaking awful.

    I would bet I have gained almost 10 lbs.
  • stevecpo
    stevecpo Posts: 16 Member
    Financial controller. I work at a desk so it's easy to bring meals. I also have a 24 hour fitness across the street so there's no excuse I can come up with not to workout during lunch. :)

    I'd love to have gym access at lunch time, not possible in my role. Its either work out at stupid o'clock am or stupid o'clock pm
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I am a daycare provider and stay at home mom. Although the kids are teenagers and want me to not be here! LOL. I worked at a call center for about 6 months and my daughter said to me "Mom, dad can't cook and I am sick of hamburger helper." Kind of glad I got sick when I did and had to come home for a permanent job assignment here. :)
  • stevecpo
    stevecpo Posts: 16 Member
    Ive been on the road (currently on day 7 of a 10 day clip) and my diet and exercise have gone to hEll..its been freaking awful.

    I would bet I have gained almost 10 lbs.

    Must be a mare! But on the plus side you must see lots of cool places :)
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    Financial controller. I work at a desk so it's easy to bring meals. I also have a 24 hour fitness across the street so there's no excuse I can come up with not to workout during lunch. :)

    well there is a list of them.. i can help:

    1. my feet hurt
    2. this report is really important and must get done.
    3. its all the way across the street and i cant get a full workout..
    4. the more i try the more i realize that i hate being sweaty.
    5. but i did that yesterday!
    6. if you had to work this hard just lose 10 pounds you would quit also
    7. that guy is looking at me so weird.. and so is that woman...
    8.i can only wear short shorts while doing squats.
    9. dancing with the stars were on last night.. and i stayed up to late..
    and the best reason to skip..
    10.MFP Forums have me twisted up like a pretzel and i cant step away
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work two jobs: Full time as a Certified Advanced Medical Reimbursement Specialist
    Part time as a Personal chef running my own small side business

    I volunteer two nights per week as a Bassoonist for Orchestra and Symphonic Band

    The nights Im practicing music are my two-days off from exercise to recover.

    I put in at least an hour on the other nights at the gym. Im home at a reasonable time to cook dinner for my husband and I and everything works well. I can even pull a little overtime here and there too!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Options trader. I sit at a desk all day and eat lunch here. I make a point of getting to the gym at least three times a week and eating at the desk allows me to avoid fast food traps since we have a group of places that deliver.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Financial controller. I work at a desk so it's easy to bring meals. I also have a 24 hour fitness across the street so there's no excuse I can come up with not to workout during lunch. :)

    well there is a list of them.. i can help:

    1. my feet hurt
    2. this report is really important and must get done.
    3. its all the way across the street and i cant get a full workout..
    4. the more i try the more i realize that i hate being sweaty.
    5. but i did that yesterday!
    6. if you had to work this hard just lose 10 pounds you would quit also
    7. that guy is looking at me so weird.. and so is that woman...
    8.i can only wear short shorts while doing squats.
    9. dancing with the stars were on last night.. and i stayed up to late..
    and the best reason to skip..
    10.MFP Forums have me twisted up like a pretzel and i cant step away

    Hahaha! I am so printing this out. It may make me fat in 6 months but at least I won't feel guilty. AM I RIGHT?!
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,236 Member
    Financial controller. I work at a desk so it's easy to bring meals. I also have a 24 hour fitness across the street so there's no excuse I can come up with not to workout during lunch. :)

    well there is a list of them.. i can help:

    1. my feet hurt
    2. this report is really important and must get done.
    3. its all the way across the street and i cant get a full workout..
    4. the more i try the more i realize that i hate being sweaty.
    5. but i did that yesterday!
    6. if you had to work this hard just lose 10 pounds you would quit also
    7. that guy is looking at me so weird.. and so is that woman...
    8.i can only wear short shorts while doing squats.
    9. dancing with the stars were on last night.. and i stayed up to late..
    and the best reason to skip..
    10.MFP Forums have me twisted up like a pretzel and i cant step away

    Hahaha! I am so printing this out. It may make me fat in 6 months but at least I won't feel guilty. AM I RIGHT?!

    its proven to work.. infact ive created an inverse fat tracker.. because of this alone..
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I write. A lot.

    Most of my life is spent writing, so my fiance cooks when he's home and on the rare occasions he's not I just have to take a break and get on with the cooking. Unfortunately, those breaks are so rare that I end up taking a few hours off. To compensate, if I know I'm going to have to stop and cook my own food I start work a few hours early. Ugh.
  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    I am a stay at home mom. When I did work I was an assistant manager at dollar general.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I run a home daycare and have for the last 9 years. I am a little too close to the kitchen at times but it's all good.
  • Graphic designer for the Department of Defense...because someone has to make our government look good. :wink:

    Oh, and I pack my lunch every day...not helpful, huh?
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    Royal Canadian Air Force Sgt. I used to work on fighter jets, now I just work on paperwork :sad:
  • im a cake decorator ... pretty hard sometimes with all of the sweet things around
  • Administrative Assistant for Defence Construction Canada.

    I pack lunch/snacks every day so I wont be tempted to eat out!