Hey salads, what's the point of you?



  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I just worked out at lunch also, but I had a protien shake after the workout. I will eat my salad as a snack this afternoon.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Salad usually makes me feel full, as long as it has a lot of protein. Your salad sounds like something I would eat and feel very full from...especially w/ the extra stuff you ate afterwards.

    I can only think that since you worked out- you are hungrier than normal. Maybe try a protein shake and then have the salad?

    Or- salads aren't your kind of lunch. Try eatng somethin else that is healthy.

    Lastly, maybe you're having an exra hungry kind of day?
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I used to feel the same way- I thought salad was for rabbits and such. . . until I started ordering salads at restaurants... I found that there are a lot of things you can add that make it fulfilling. Cheese, CHICKEN, fruits, nuts, crunchy chow mein noodles... all together I think it takes time to grow accustomed to it.
  • Buttercupmcgee
    Buttercupmcgee Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys...I'm new to the world of protein shakes, how does that work? Are we talking like, muscle milk, here, or fruit with a protein powder in it?

    I did work out pretty hard, maybe it was wishful thinking that a big bowl of veggies would satisfy. I know that veggies (especially broccoli) and chicken can fill me up at dinner most nights. But not fish. Maybe it's a fish thing?

    Hey fish, what's the point of YOU?
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    I hate them, AND I've never felt satisfied after eating one. I think they're holograms.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I usually don't eat salad by itself, or if I do, I load it up with nuts, bacon, chicken, cottage cheese, whatever.
    I guess eating them as your primary meal probably doesn't work. Why not go halvsies? Half sandwich, half salad?

    "halvsies" may be a good idea for you, as this poster metioned. :)
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Get more fat and protein on that salad and you likely wouldn't have been hungry afterwards.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I would have been full too, wouldn't have needed the muffin, PB, cheese........
  • Buttercupmcgee
    Buttercupmcgee Posts: 95 Member
    It might have something to do with what you ate in the morning or even yesterday or the day before. Not everyone is the same, of course, but if I eat something sweet or high carb in the morning, I feel hungry all day. I've learned to recognize these as "false hunger cues." For me, these can continue for days after an empty carb/high sugar meal. I didn't read all the posts - maybe someone else already mentioned that.

    How interesting...I did eat like utter ****e this weekend (hence the salad), maybe that's why? Breakfast today was pretty solid. Hmmm.
  • red_nine
    red_nine Posts: 8 Member
    Just do your best and everything will be okay. Hang in there, kiddo.
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    I only really like salads because I have thing for cucumbers and ranch.. other than that salads aren't filling at all. LOL
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    i think you just waited to long to eat ( idk for sure)..and when you did after working out it just wasnt cutting it. I try to eat a midmorning snack then im not starving to death by the time i eat lunch..if i dont i cannot get full!!
  • What works best for me so that I don't overeat is a protein shake or drink, then I wait about 30mn. and have a salad and some meat,
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys...I'm new to the world of protein shakes, how does that work? Are we talking like, muscle milk, here, or fruit with a protein powder in it?

    I did work out pretty hard, maybe it was wishful thinking that a big bowl of veggies would satisfy. I know that veggies (especially broccoli) and chicken can fill me up at dinner most nights. But not fish. Maybe it's a fish thing?

    Hey fish, what's the point of YOU?

    Fish can be really filling! I try and get some carbs in with it - new potatoes and salmon fillets. The best thing about fish is it tastes great with all sorts of non fattening seasonings on :) and its a great source of protein.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    after working out perhaps you can have a protein drink... or instead of the tuna add chicken to the salad full 4 oz of it...

    Is chicken more filling than tuna? Do tell.

    I am not sure if more filling - there are ab. 40 g of protein in a whole can of tuna and ab. 34 g of protein in 4oz of skinless chicken breast - I just pref. chicken that is all, lol
  • Buttercupmcgee
    Buttercupmcgee Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys...I'm new to the world of protein shakes, how does that work? Are we talking like, muscle milk, here, or fruit with a protein powder in it?

    I did work out pretty hard, maybe it was wishful thinking that a big bowl of veggies would satisfy. I know that veggies (especially broccoli) and chicken can fill me up at dinner most nights. But not fish. Maybe it's a fish thing?

    Hey fish, what's the point of YOU?

    That's true, I was mostly kidding. Sorry fish, I can't stay mad at you.

    Chicken is the best for holding me over though, I've found. Even more than steak.
    Fish can be really filling! I try and get some carbs in with it - new potatoes and salmon fillets. The best thing about fish is it tastes great with all sorts of non fattening seasonings on :) and its a great source of protein.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hey fish, what's the point of YOU?


    Now you've gone too far. :tongue:
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Difficult to know because the quantities of protein v. carbs included and not noted, however, it sounds pretty balanced. If you like the salad route, and I think it's a good one, consider adding more tuna, more chicken which will give you more non carb protein.
    And if you like walnuts, or almonds, eat a 100 calorie portion of those first. Slowly move on to the salad. The walnuts will make you feel full, it's a bit tricky but it works. I have forgotten all the scientific reasons about leptin and so on. The protein shake suggestion is also a good one if you don't mind the extra 100 or so calories you get with that. And you haven't said how long you have been adjusting your type and quantity of intake, so if you are new to that, well it takes time. I remember fondly the potato chip, we were long time lovers. But alas she is gone since I have met my new sweeties, nuts and fruits.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I eat HUGE salads with spinach and romaine, Persian cucumbers, grape tomatoes, avocado, chicken, sometimes cheddar cheese, and low fat Parmesan ranch from Trader Joe's. They keep me full for quite some time.

    But, after a workout I always have a protein shake before eating any food. Otherwise I'll be a bottomless pit.
  • Buttercupmcgee
    Buttercupmcgee Posts: 95 Member
    Difficult to know because the quantities of protein v. carbs included and not noted, however, it sounds pretty balanced. If you like the salad route, and I think it's a good one, consider adding more tuna, more chicken which will give you more non carb protein.
    And if you like walnuts, or almonds, eat a 100 calorie portion of those first. Slowly move on to the salad. The walnuts will make you feel full, it's a bit tricky but it works. I have forgotten all the scientific reasons about leptin and so on. The protein shake suggestion is also a good one if you don't mind the extra 100 or so calories you get with that. And you haven't said how long you have been adjusting your type and quantity of intake, so if you are new to that, well it takes time. I remember fondly the potato chip, we were long time lovers. But alas she is gone since I have met my new sweeties, nuts and fruits.

    This is reassuring--that one day I'll be able to eat like a normal human and not want to devour the entire contents of our cupboards at work like some kind of rabid beast after a perfectly lovely salad.

    There's hope!