Men - whats the best way to....



  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    Get in the friends zone with him : )
    Make HIM be the one to break the ice.
    When he tries to get into the More Than Friends Zone, don't reject him.
    He'll know you're interested then :D
    this sounds like games, and when games are played someone can end up losing. Like the other guys have said just hi and that will more then enough. Good luck1
  • Woolooloo
    Woolooloo Posts: 82
    A lot of guys like to have some clue that a woman is actually interested before they will put themselves out there and ask her out. It's tough to get rejected and you shy away from it after a while. I'd say if you want to show that interest, things that have worked for me in the past are touching (like reaching out and touching his arm while you guys laugh about something) or a cute wink (like after having a fun conversation with him, laugh and say something like "see you later hon" *wink* and walk off).

    I think these things would inspire enough confidence in him to ask you out, but can be perceived as just friendly so you are leaving the actual pursuit up to him, or if he doesn't happen to be interested in you (which I doubt would be the case).
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Pretend sprain your ankle whilst doing some pad work with him and fall onto him.. If he catches you try to fall on top of him just like in the movies... If he lets you drop and laughs...move along lol.
  • Changing__Christina
    I know you were looking for a man's perspective on this, but I figured that I would throw my 2 cents in too. I think women need to stop with the coy act and start acting mature. I think if you are interested in this guy, you should just be open about it. If he isn't picking up on your subtle signals that you are into him, then you need to just tell him that you are going to get coffee or a bite to eat and ask him if he'd like to go along. If he says yes, initiate a conversation about exploring being more than friends. I don't know why the guy always has to be the one to persue the girl. I'm sure there are guys who would prefer to be the persued. Maybe he is one of those guys. OR maybe he is just really bad at dating and doesn't know how to start the conversation. Just jump in and see where it goes!!!
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    A lot of guys like to have some clue that a woman is actually interested before they will put themselves out there and ask her out. It's tough to get rejected and you shy away from it after a while. I'd say if you want to show that interest, things that have worked for me in the past are touching (like reaching out and touching his arm while you guys laugh about something) or a cute wink (like after having a fun conversation with him, laugh and say something like "see you later hon" *wink* and walk off).

    I think these things would inspire enough confidence in him to ask you out, but can be perceived as just friendly so you are leaving the actual pursuit up to him, or if he doesn't happen to be interested in you (which I doubt would be the case).

    ooooh, I like the wink ;)
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    Pretend sprain your ankle whilst doing some pad work with him and fall onto him.. If he catches you try to fall on top of him just like in the movies... If he lets you drop and laughs...move along lol.

    hahaha, nice
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    Crazy Update for anyone still reading through this thread - I just got a call from a different guy asking me out. He works with my brother in law and wants to get to know me. Dun dun dun!

    but if this ^ doesn't work out, I will start trying all of your suggestions :)

    Thanks everyone!
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Easy. . . eye contact and a big smile
    If he talks to you, turn toward him. . maintain eye contact and keep smiling.
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    Easy. . . eye contact and a big smile
    If he talks to you, turn toward him. . maintain eye contact and keep smiling.

    well that's just too simple :) I'll try that :D
  • BodyPumpDaveInFL
    BodyPumpDaveInFL Posts: 30 Member

    Flirt. Touch his arm.


    Lick your lips.

    Tilt your head. Smile.

    Touch his other arm.

    Ask for "help" with simple thing - "could you grab my bag for me?" linger too long when he hands it to you. "Could you help me take off my gloves"

    He should get it.