Fatty liver problems?

I had a pretty bad fatty liver for years and didn't really take it seriously until I started having some other issues because of it. Like pain and extreme exhaustion all the time. Then one day while just searching around on amazon I bought a couple books. I read the books and started the diet and bought he supplement that the Dr recommended in the book.

I am very skeptical when it comes to supplements because they are just a money maker and mostly snake oil. So I did a bit of home work and decided just to give it a go... and I am very impressed!! After a couple weeks I had no more pain or exhaustion. I also started to lose weight like never before. I did not realize that the liver played such a huge role in weight loss.

Here are some links to the book and supplement. It is a bit spendy but I cant really put a price on my health.. and there are no side effects like the prescription drugs.. It is working for me!




hope this helps ya out!


  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks for this.
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    My doctor mentioned several years ago that I had a fatty liver, but didn't give me any indication as to what it meant or what to do about it. Thanks for this info.

    I just purchased the book for Kindle and have already started to read it.
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Thanks for this my husband was just diagnosed with this I'll have to make sure he looks into this.
  • SuzieMae78
    SuzieMae78 Posts: 52 Member
    thank you for sharing...wow, this explains a lot...I've been experiancing the symptoms outlined and had high liver blood tests...

    I am going to have to check into these books!