


  • AmandasJourney2012
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    My mom tried it. She did weight watchers for 2 months, one month of weight watchers WITH 7-keto, followed by 2 more months of weight watchers without the 7-keto. She didn't lose anymore weight with the 7-keto and she did doing weight watchers alone. It doesn't appear to work (not just going off her experience but other things I've read on the web) and there is a chance it could harm your body, so why bother then?

    There's nothing in it to harm you, My primary care Dr's nurse uses it and has lost weight taking it and she rarely exercises.
    She buys it from nutrigold.com and I have just ordered my 1st bottle. They also have green tea extract and other things as well.
    They even have patent numbers on the bottle because they were tested.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    My mom tried it. She did weight watchers for 2 months, one month of weight watchers WITH 7-keto, followed by 2 more months of weight watchers without the 7-keto. She didn't lose anymore weight with the 7-keto and she did doing weight watchers alone. It doesn't appear to work (not just going off her experience but other things I've read on the web) and there is a chance it could harm your body, so why bother then?
    This was my experience as well. But it could also be the drug company that makes the pill, who knows whats actually in the pill.
  • church130
    church130 Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of times people mix up 7 Keto with DHEA. DHEA is going to affect the hormones in your body. It raises estrogen and testosterone levels so women get facial hair and deeper voices. But using 7 keto does not affect the hormones at all is safe. There are no know side effects from 7 keto. It helps to speed the metabolism, it increases energy, and slows the aging process.
  • cheryla47
    cheryla47 Posts: 1 Member
    Check Dr. Andrew Weil's website. I bought a bottle of it yesterday after reading his comments first.