**READ THIS** Figuring out your calorie goals



  • weaziemand
    weaziemand Posts: 83 Member
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    Bump !
  • Brdn_nkd
    Brdn_nkd Posts: 3
    I'm sorry to jump on the bandwagon of people looking for affirmation but since I started a conscious effort to lose weight i've often encountered (seemingly) conflicting information. Today was one of those days when I read the information posted and found myself feeling totally lost again.

    My fitness pal gives me a goal of 1830 which i've really just used as a general guideline. I know, however, that there's no way I'm getting the additional calories I "earn" all the time. 1830 is based on me sitting at my desk all day but I work out regularly, strength training 3 times a week, soccer on two teams (2-4 games a week), and intervals on the treadmill and rowing machine to round it all out. additionally i go up and down two flights of stairs at least twice a day and make a point to get up and walk, at least a little, somewhat frequently (maybe these should be hints not to use the "sedentary" for the auto goal setting?).

    1830 is already lower than f2f gives me for my BMR which is 2216. if i look t f2f's moderate and active goals they give me 3470 and 3862 respectively. I think i probably fall between those two categorizations but look at those numbers! that's a HUGE difference. Am I really supposed to start taking all that in?

    I've enjoyed the success both in numbers and the way i feel and look so trying to consider changing things now is more than a little daunting but I have always intended this to be a life change and would like to give myself the greatest opportunity at success sooo.... here are my numbers, am i getting something wrong somewhere?

    SW 318
    CW 266
    GW 229 (18% BF)
    BF 29.4%
    H 77 in
    age 35
  • ljf1976
    ljf1976 Posts: 10
    I have just read through the whole long topic about BMR and TDDE. I am now even more confused that what I was to begin with!! Sorry but could someone help me figure out how much I should be eating?

    I am 5'3" and weigh 108 pounds. My goal is to loose about 10 pounds. According to MFP I should be eating 1200 calories a day? I do JM workouts 5/6 times a week and walk/run 3 times a week.
    My measurements are
    neck 11.5
    hips 30
    waist 29

    I am a 36 year old mum of 5 and am desperate to loose these last 10 pounds.....can someone please help me?
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I have just read through the whole long topic about BMR and TDDE. I am now even more confused that what I was to begin with!! Sorry but could someone help me figure out how much I should be eating?

    I am 5'3" and weigh 108 pounds. My goal is to loose about 10 pounds. According to MFP I should be eating 1200 calories a day? I do JM workouts 5/6 times a week and walk/run 3 times a week.
    My measurements are
    neck 11.5
    hips 30
    waist 29

    I am a 36 year old mum of 5 and am desperate to loose these last 10 pounds.....can someone please help me?

    Go to fat2fitradio they have a super simple chart that you can look at when you calculate your BMR. Plug in the numbers and eat the calories that match your activity.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member

    I have done the calculations on fat2fit and it gives me this:

    My BMR is 1313

    The chart is this:

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1652
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1893
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2134
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2375
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2616

    I have a desk job so that means my TDEE is 1652 x 20% which is 1982. My MFP goal is currently set to 1480 (to lose 1/2 lb per week at sedentary). I work out about 5 times per week burning approx 2000 calories in total through these workouts (mix of running and weight training/kettlebell classes). At the moment I try to NET 1300-1500 calories per day.

    I just wondered if anyone had any views/help with this/can advise if my calculations are correct. My weight loss tends to be very slow. For example I haven't lost weight for 2 weeks (not gained either though!).

    I understand that according to the fat2fit chart I am actually moderately active and could just eat 2134 calories per day and ignore exercise calories! Would this be a better approach??

  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member

    I have done the calculations on fat2fit and it gives me this:

    My BMR is 1313

    The chart is this:

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1652
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1893
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2134
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2375
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2616

    I have a desk job so that means my TDEE is 1652 x 20% which is 1982. My MFP goal is currently set to 1480 (to lose 1/2 lb per week at sedentary). I work out about 5 times per week burning approx 2000 calories in total through these workouts (mix of running and weight training/kettlebell classes). At the moment I try to NET 1300-1500 calories per day.

    I just wondered if anyone had any views/help with this/can advise if my calculations are correct. My weight loss tends to be very slow. For example I haven't lost weight for 2 weeks (not gained either though!).

    I understand that according to the fat2fit chart I am actually moderately active and could just eat 2134 calories per day and ignore exercise calories! Would this be a better approach??


    You have calculated wrong, you don't anything on to the chart! you would deduct to give you your defecit! I would put you as moderately active thus givin gyou 2134 as your TDEE you then deduct up to 20% from that which is 1707 cals or 15% which is 1813, this is what you should aim to eat every day! You need to keep your NET at or above your BMR of 1313.

    For example if you have eaten 1707 cals today but burnt off 500 cals working out then you would need to eat at least an extra 106 cals to get your NET at your BMR! But if you ate 1707 cals and burnt off 300 then your NET would be above your BMR which is fine so no need to eat more.

    Does this make sense? You basically need to fuel your body to work properly x

    EDIT: You can manually change your goals on MFP x
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member

    I have done the calculations on fat2fit and it gives me this:

    My BMR is 1313

    The chart is this:

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1652
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1893
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2134
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2375
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2616

    I have a desk job so that means my TDEE is 1652 x 20% which is 1982. My MFP goal is currently set to 1480 (to lose 1/2 lb per week at sedentary). I work out about 5 times per week burning approx 2000 calories in total through these workouts (mix of running and weight training/kettlebell classes). At the moment I try to NET 1300-1500 calories per day.

    I just wondered if anyone had any views/help with this/can advise if my calculations are correct. My weight loss tends to be very slow. For example I haven't lost weight for 2 weeks (not gained either though!).

    I understand that according to the fat2fit chart I am actually moderately active and could just eat 2134 calories per day and ignore exercise calories! Would this be a better approach??


    You have calculated wrong, you don't anything on to the chart! you would deduct to give you your defecit! I would put you as moderately active thus givin gyou 2134 as your TDEE you then deduct up to 20% from that which is 1707 cals or 15% which is 1813, this is what you should aim to eat every day! You need to keep your NET at or above your BMR of 1313.

    For example if you have eaten 1707 cals today but burnt off 500 cals working out then you would need to eat at least an extra 106 cals to get your NET at your BMR! But if you ate 1707 cals and burnt off 300 then your NET would be above your BMR which is fine so no need to eat more.

    Does this make sense? You basically need to fuel your body to work properly x

    EDIT: You can manually change your goals on MFP x

    Thanks - it does say at the beginning of the thread to ADD 20% to suggested calories on fat2fit to get TDEE. The chart says that those are the calories you should eat to lose weight according to activity level - those figures don't give TDEE. Or am I still reading it wrong!
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member

    I have done the calculations on fat2fit and it gives me this:

    My BMR is 1313

    The chart is this:

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1652
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1893
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2134
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2375
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2616

    I have a desk job so that means my TDEE is 1652 x 20% which is 1982. My MFP goal is currently set to 1480 (to lose 1/2 lb per week at sedentary). I work out about 5 times per week burning approx 2000 calories in total through these workouts (mix of running and weight training/kettlebell classes). At the moment I try to NET 1300-1500 calories per day.

    I just wondered if anyone had any views/help with this/can advise if my calculations are correct. My weight loss tends to be very slow. For example I haven't lost weight for 2 weeks (not gained either though!).

    I understand that according to the fat2fit chart I am actually moderately active and could just eat 2134 calories per day and ignore exercise calories! Would this be a better approach??


    You have calculated wrong, you don't anything on to the chart! you would deduct to give you your defecit! I would put you as moderately active thus givin gyou 2134 as your TDEE you then deduct up to 20% from that which is 1707 cals or 15% which is 1813, this is what you should aim to eat every day! You need to keep your NET at or above your BMR of 1313.

    For example if you have eaten 1707 cals today but burnt off 500 cals working out then you would need to eat at least an extra 106 cals to get your NET at your BMR! But if you ate 1707 cals and burnt off 300 then your NET would be above your BMR which is fine so no need to eat more.

    Does this make sense? You basically need to fuel your body to work properly x

    EDIT: You can manually change your goals on MFP x

    Thanks - it does say at the beginning of the thread to ADD 20% to suggested calories on fat2fit to get TDEE. The chart says that those are the calories you should eat to lose weight according to activity level - those figures don't give TDEE. Or am I still reading it wrong!

    I think the adding 20% is onto your BMR rather than the TDEE! as that would put it at 1575. Your STATs seem similar to mine, my BMR is1363 and my TDEE is 2050 so I eat at around 20% less (1640 cals) and try to and keep my NET as close to my BMR as possible x
  • Brdn_nkd
    Brdn_nkd Posts: 3
    I'm sorry to jump on the bandwagon of people looking for affirmation but since I started a conscious effort to lose weight i've often encountered (seemingly) conflicting information. Today was one of those days when I read the information posted and found myself feeling totally lost again.

    My fitness pal gives me a goal of 1830 which i've really just used as a general guideline. I know, however, that there's no way I'm getting the additional calories I "earn" all the time. 1830 is based on me sitting at my desk all day but I work out regularly, strength training 3 times a week, soccer on two teams (2-4 games a week), and intervals on the treadmill and rowing machine to round it all out. additionally i go up and down two flights of stairs at least twice a day and make a point to get up and walk, at least a little, somewhat frequently (maybe these should be hints not to use the "sedentary" for the auto goal setting?).

    1830 is already lower than f2f gives me for my BMR which is 2216. if i look t f2f's moderate and active goals they give me 3470 and 3862 respectively. I think i probably fall between those two categorizations but look at those numbers! that's a HUGE difference. Am I really supposed to start taking all that in?

    I've enjoyed the success both in numbers and the way i feel and look so trying to consider changing things now is more than a little daunting but I have always intended this to be a life change and would like to give myself the greatest opportunity at success sooo.... here are my numbers, am i getting something wrong somewhere?

    SW 318
    CW 266
    GW 229 (18% BF)
    BF 29.4%
    H 77 in
    age 35

  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm sorry to jump on the bandwagon of people looking for affirmation but since I started a conscious effort to lose weight i've often encountered (seemingly) conflicting information. Today was one of those days when I read the information posted and found myself feeling totally lost again.

    My fitness pal gives me a goal of 1830 which i've really just used as a general guideline. I know, however, that there's no way I'm getting the additional calories I "earn" all the time. 1830 is based on me sitting at my desk all day but I work out regularly, strength training 3 times a week, soccer on two teams (2-4 games a week), and intervals on the treadmill and rowing machine to round it all out. additionally i go up and down two flights of stairs at least twice a day and make a point to get up and walk, at least a little, somewhat frequently (maybe these should be hints not to use the "sedentary" for the auto goal setting?).

    1830 is already lower than f2f gives me for my BMR which is 2216. if i look t f2f's moderate and active goals they give me 3470 and 3862 respectively. I think i probably fall between those two categorizations but look at those numbers! that's a HUGE difference. Am I really supposed to start taking all that in?

    I've enjoyed the success both in numbers and the way i feel and look so trying to consider changing things now is more than a little daunting but I have always intended this to be a life change and would like to give myself the greatest opportunity at success sooo.... here are my numbers, am i getting something wrong somewhere?

    SW 318
    CW 266
    GW 229 (18% BF)
    BF 29.4%
    H 77 in
    age 35


    Ok your BMR is 2214

    Sedentary: 2679
    Lightly Active: 3070
    Moderately Active: 3460
    Very Active: 3851

    Ok lets say you are moderate: 3460 minus 20% is 2768 this is the amount of cals you should try and eat every day, after exercise you shourln't need to eat any cals back UNLESS your NET is below your BMR of 2214 (so if you burn off more than 554 in a day. Does this make sense?

    EDIT: Try smoothies and nuts etc.... They will up your cals without out filling you up too much
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have just read through the whole long topic about BMR and TDDE. I am now even more confused that what I was to begin with!! Sorry but could someone help me figure out how much I should be eating?

    I am 5'3" and weigh 108 pounds. My goal is to loose about 10 pounds. According to MFP I should be eating 1200 calories a day? I do JM workouts 5/6 times a week and walk/run 3 times a week.
    My measurements are
    neck 11.5
    hips 30
    waist 29

    I am a 36 year old mum of 5 and am desperate to loose these last 10 pounds.....can someone please help me?

    You're already at the lower end of your healthy weight range. Why in god's name do you want to be under a 100 lbs?
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member

    I think the adding 20% is onto your BMR rather than the TDEE! as that would put it at 1575. Your STATs seem similar to mine, my BMR is1363 and my TDEE is 2050 so I eat at around 20% less (1640 cals) and try to and keep my NET as close to my BMR as possible x

    Ah right....I see now! D'uh! Its all just so confusing and so easy to overanalyse! I will stick to what I have my cals set at for now (1480) which seems about right, and net my BMR if poss. Thanks for your help!!
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member

    I think the adding 20% is onto your BMR rather than the TDEE! as that would put it at 1575. Your STATs seem similar to mine, my BMR is1363 and my TDEE is 2050 so I eat at around 20% less (1640 cals) and try to and keep my NET as close to my BMR as possible x

    Ah right....I see now! D'uh! Its all just so confusing and so easy to overanalyse! I will stick to what I have my cals set at for now (1480) which seems about right, and net my BMR if poss. Thanks for your help!!

    I got soooo confused myself it took me a good couple of weeks to really get my head round it! But I get it now :) plus I work with numbers and actually enjoy figuring it all out lol x
  • bumping for great information.
  • hadl0032
    hadl0032 Posts: 117
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    bump AND QUESTION.

    I've made all my calculations and I believe my calorie intake to between1358-1511 based on the chart they give you . my BMR was 1175.

    How do I know how much to eat to loose 1lb a week?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm sorry to jump on the bandwagon of people looking for affirmation but since I started a conscious effort to lose weight i've often encountered (seemingly) conflicting information. Today was one of those days when I read the information posted and found myself feeling totally lost again.

    My fitness pal gives me a goal of 1830 which i've really just used as a general guideline. I know, however, that there's no way I'm getting the additional calories I "earn" all the time. 1830 is based on me sitting at my desk all day but I work out regularly, strength training 3 times a week, soccer on two teams (2-4 games a week), and intervals on the treadmill and rowing machine to round it all out. additionally i go up and down two flights of stairs at least twice a day and make a point to get up and walk, at least a little, somewhat frequently (maybe these should be hints not to use the "sedentary" for the auto goal setting?).

    1830 is already lower than f2f gives me for my BMR which is 2216. if i look t f2f's moderate and active goals they give me 3470 and 3862 respectively. I think i probably fall between those two categorizations but look at those numbers! that's a HUGE difference. Am I really supposed to start taking all that in?

    I've enjoyed the success both in numbers and the way i feel and look so trying to consider changing things now is more than a little daunting but I have always intended this to be a life change and would like to give myself the greatest opportunity at success sooo.... here are my numbers, am i getting something wrong somewhere?

    SW 318
    CW 266
    GW 229 (18% BF)
    BF 29.4%
    H 77 in
    age 35


    I calculate mine from real data (weigh in's, BF%, and calories ate/burned). I exercise a hair more than you, but pretty close I think (3x strength training, 3x running, 1x Yoga X, +10 miles walking weekly). My maintenence level for that exercise output is in the 3500-4000 cal/day area (3050 without exercise). I have a much, much harder time eating enough than eating too much. I'm dialing back my defiict now as I've nearly reached my goal weight and BF% (momentum will carry me there), it isn't easy for me to do. Fueling heavy exercise is quite a task, its a whole different world than the near starving skinny women on here.

    Whole milk is your friend for adding massive amounts of calories. As a bonus if you should stop exercising or the weight starts growing in a bad way, stop or reduce the milk and stay as you were with the eating.
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    bump AND QUESTION.

    I've made all my calculations and I believe my calorie intake to between1358-1511 based on the chart they give you . my BMR was 1175.

    How do I know how much to eat to loose 1lb a week?

    Bump for any halp?
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member