There's ice cream in my freezer- I'm going crazy!



  • SallyMQ
    SallyMQ Posts: 4 Member
    I say, if you want it, have a spoonful. It is better than hanging on to the craving and then having the whole tub when you've had a bad day or are not feeling as motivated.

    The best weight loss plan is the one you can maintain forever... and who can go a lifetime without ice cream?? ;-)

    You can have it all, just be conscious of how much you are having.

    Good luck!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    @GasMasterFlas - LOL

    I'm possibly just weird but treats and "not" depriving myself of treats is 1 of the reasons; probably one of the main reasons, MFP has been a success for me. You don't have to deprive yourself of all treats if you work them into an overall balanced intake. If I tried to just go super clean eating, no this, not that - I'd just end up bitter & twisted and give it all up.

    So yeh I have my treats but nowadays say a packet of chocy biscuits lasts me 2 weeks rather than 2 days ;)