
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    Can someone please help me?? Just did my very 1st 30 ds workout but do not know how to log it into my exercises!!!
    I read on another thread to input it as 20 minutes of circuit training, it tends to be very close to what the calories burned are...

    Thank you. I am having the worst time figuring out how to log exercises. It seems the only thing I can find is tae bo, walking, and running. I did manage to find circuit training under cardio. I need a how to manual. LOL
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    A group on here would be best for me, rather than on FB. But willing to go with the flow.
  • how much does the DVD cost? 20 minutes a day sounds very do-able lol
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    I've already started the 30DS and love it - just a quick question - you have put that dancing on the wii burns mad calaries - do you use a HRM to know that or do you put it in as something on here? I ask because I regularly do just dance on my wii and never know how to put the calories down! thanks!
    I've been searching for a way to do it, and actually came up with the formula, the sweat points are not equal to a calorie. It's really neat.
    For every 4.2 sweat points is a calorie burned.

    For example, if you get 300 sweat points during a song, you've just burned 71 calories. And that's also if you are actually doing the moves and getting into it, because the wii is creepy and knows if you are actually doing stuff... haha

    ETA: I found the formula here, MFP through google. Because I was convinced I was burning more than just regular dancing.

    thanks sooo much!!! I knew I was burning more!!!! I'm going to tell all my friends!!!
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    I just started it today :o) adding it in as extra time away from the gym!
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I don't know how to make groups on here...... LOL
  • 1amdeev
    1amdeev Posts: 42 Member
    I found mine for $9.00 at Target.
  • 1amdeev
    1amdeev Posts: 42 Member
    OK. I'd like to join. I've started at least 3 times and have never finished. I've had success loosing weight but I have been lazy and have gained back about 1.5 pounds and don't want to climb any higher. When exactly is start date?
  • LizzBetty
    LizzBetty Posts: 11
    I'd like to join.....I have the DVD but have never opened it. I think its time.
  • I found mine for $9.00 at Target.

    oh wow lol ok if I don't get it than I'm lazy that's not bad at all!
  • allycat5723
    allycat5723 Posts: 189 Member
    I'd like in on this one. I have started 30DS many times and I always get to busy, sick, or lazy. Let's do this!
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I would like to officially start Monday April 30
    How in the world do I figure out how to make groups on here... :/
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    Okay, I think, I figured it out.

    I invited all who have said they were in
  • tayla78
    tayla78 Posts: 25 Member
    I'd like to be in too. I started it a couple of weeks ago but got too busy to keep going.
  • graebnerkm15
    graebnerkm15 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in!!! I started earlier in April but then I got sick and I never really got back into it. I did one day of Level 2 after being off for a few days and I was like Oh Helllllllllll No. I need some people to kick my butt back into it too! Please invite me to the group :)
  • mdanae87
    mdanae87 Posts: 19 Member
    i would like to join in. i also need to make new friends on here so i can get some support! i haven't made it past day 3, haha terrible !
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    Invites sent!
  • 1amdeev
    1amdeev Posts: 42 Member
    OK. 04/30/12 IT IS! What stats do we want to post? Or shall we just go with the posts letting the group know where we are with our workouts?
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    We can put a thread in the group with our starting stats. I can make the group private if everyone likes?
    I'm okay with having it out there. I need to be held accountable!
  • aiwich
    aiwich Posts: 63 Member
    will we be doing it every day? i think jillian said you have to take days off and i think she is right if we want to stick to the end :laugh: