Hey salads, what's the point of you?



  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I had a salad today, a small homemade greek salad (with feta) with some chicken on the side and a couple slices of pickles 600 and some odd cals and it kept me full
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Salads are not a meal.

    I use salads as a snack or side. For example, if there is pizza, I eat salad first (just plain low cal, low fat, low sugar veggies, no dressing or vinegar instead of dressing) and then I proceed to eat pizza. Maybe instead of eating half the box, I'll eat a third of the box, and I can be closer to my fiber goal, lol.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Meh, sounds about as filling as a bullet hole in my intestine. Meat and Potatoes/Pasta/Rice/Bread are meals.
  • I think it all depends on whether you like salads or not. I personally do side salads just for my daily veggies. That's about all.

    Plus all of the "good tasting" salads (especially the ones you get out to eat!) are sooooo high in calories. I don't want to waste my calories on something like that. I only get so many a day!
  • millie_de
    millie_de Posts: 55 Member
    I try to put more fiber in my salads to fill me up for longer, try bell peppers! Olives give me a pretty full feeling also :)
  • maxxi
    maxxi Posts: 27 Member
    All told my lunch was 631 calories...I could have had turkey and brie on a baguette for that!

    What gives, salads?

    LOL, I couldn't agree more!!! I may start with the intention of having just a salad but it always ends up being a salad sandwich as I need the carbs! I think its a carb thing, not a protein thing, and I definitely need to have carbs if I'm going to exercise. Protein and lettuce alone just don't do it.

    If you've just exercised you probably need something that is broken down quickly (carbs!), that protein will take longer - and the rabbit food - just filler and fibre in my eyes!

    If you would have preferred the turkey and brie - have it, maybe just a smaller one - but I'm sure it would sustain you until your next meal without the need for snacks!

  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well, salads are packed full of vitamins and nutritents!! :)

    However after a work out, I too would not be able to be full on a salad. I always need starchy carbs, veg and protein after, like a wholegrain wrap with some chicken, veggies and hummus.

    So maybe just try some kind of a meat and salad wrap or sandwich instead :)