How to get past being so bloody lazy



  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I so know how you feel!!!! My work does the same to me. :(
  • chefdak
    chefdak Posts: 10 Member
    take it one step at a time. For now forget the gym workout if that is too physically daunting for you. Just move your body. Get a pedometer and wear it faithfully. Each day after work get out and go for a walk. The more you move the better you will feel. Before you know if you will be challenging yourself to get more steps in. This has worked wonders for me. I will not stop until I reach my step goal for the day. As you continue to move you will see the results on the scale and that will motivate you to keep moving, eating healthy and eventually getting to the gym. Good luck. You can do this.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Yup. Another subscriber to 'is this chocolate bar worth the depressingly high amount of exercise that would be required to burn it off' school of thought. Cold hard facts, whilst depressing, work for me. I do a lot of exercise, but I also have the capacity to cheerfully polish off five chocolate bars in one sitting. That's a loooot of zumba; more than even I'd be willing to do!

    Slow and steady wins the race, too - it seems so daunting at the time, but baby steps all the way.

    Also - "You can numb things and ease your mind with food, or you can take care of your body with exercise and healthy eating and ease your mind in the process.

    Taking your stress out at the gym feels a lot better than taking it out with a pint of ice cream or a half-dozen cupcakes.

    Make healthy decisions that will leave you happy with yourself at the end of the day. "

    A truer word was never spoken.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Get up early and get your exercise done first thing in the morning. Then, no matter how bad the day gets, your exercise is done and out of the way.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Right, tough love, cos this is what works for me. Just make yourself do it. give yourself no choice.

    I have to exercise immediately upon getting home. i don't even sit down before I get changed and either go out for a run or stick on a home exercise DVD and get my weights out. If I sit, i'll slump and I'll stop.

    Junk food, well, if it fits in your macros its OK. If you exercise you CAN have junk food some of the time.
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    There's some great advice here! Avoid the junk food, but find something to snack on that is healthy. If you're craving salty and crunchy, try some nuts or roasted chick peas. If you want sweet, maybe some fruit will help. For me, I have certain "trigger" foods that I know if I eat them, I'm done for, at least for that day and maybe more. I avoid these at all costs.

    I too was lazy and did not want to get started. For me, accountability was a huge factor. Find someone that you trust and you know cares about you to keep you accountable. If they can do it with you, that's even better, but even if they are just checking in with you regularly to see how you are doing it is helpful, and be honest with them and yourself. And call on them if you need a boost of confidence of if you're struggling. If you have a day where you binge, that's OK. You can do better the next day.

    As for the expense, you're right - it does cost more to eat healthy. That's always been a mental struggle for me. Maybe you could find someone that could go in on one of those home delivery fresh fruit and veggie services. Buy in bulk and share with a friend or two.

    Don't give up. Take small steps and watch what happens. I believe we're all stronger than we think we are and can do more than we think we can.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi! My name is Jodi. And I am lazy. :-)
    I too can be good for a few weeks. Then I slip up and it's back to old ways. It starts with a little slip up. But the mean fat girl voice in my head just won't SHUT UP! You know what I'm talking about. That part of you that says You can't do this. It's to hard. Maybe you're meant to be fat. Or worse, And it's all down hill from there. With every slip up the doubt grows and grows. Then I say to hell with it, and jump head first in to crap food.

    We need to change how we talk to our selves. We encourage EVERYONE around us. We need to do the same for ourselves.


    Have a GREAT day!
  • alicepoppyh
    Oops, forgot half of my reply!

    On the lazy front, when I started doing this I was mega-lazy! My family still don't believe me I don't think, when I say I'm working out etc. Laziness seems to be a defining factor of my personality as far as some people are concerned. So if I can do it anyone can!

    Few things that helped to keep me at it until the habit was formed:

    -Have a piece of clothing around and visible that you love and want to fit into or want to be more comfortable in.

    -Every time you reach a workout goal give yourself a non-food related reward. Do your nails, have a hot bath, give your hair a deep condition, soak your feet, get a face mask... something that relaxes you and makes you feel pampered.

    -Probably the biggest factor in pushing me harder- I signed up to walk the Women's Mini Marathon in Dublin to raise money for an organisation I support, so now if I fail I'm not just letting myself down, I'm letting down a lot of other people too. I would recommend doing this to anyone who's finding it hard to get into the habit. Took all elements of choice out of it as far as I was concerned!

    Don't give up on yourself x
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I hate the gym, I signed up and never went. Since starting this I've decided I am not going to the gym at all. Instead I go walking, cycling, swimming, do workout DVD's and go to classes, generally loads more exercise than I ever used to at the gym.

    I love getting out and about in the country and walking outside and classes make it more fun. I dont think I'll ever sign up for the gym again! Just how I managed to get past being lazy now I feel I have to go and get fresh air everyday and really truely enjoy it. xx
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Right, tough love, cos this is what works for me. Just make yourself do it. give yourself no choice.

    I have to exercise immediately upon getting home. i don't even sit down before I get changed and either go out for a run or stick on a home exercise DVD and get my weights out. If I sit, i'll slump and I'll stop.

    Junk food, well, if it fits in your macros its OK. If you exercise you CAN have junk food some of the time.

    ^^^ I love you.