Who wants to lose weight before having a baby???

Hello ladies!! I am a busy momma to two babies, aged 2 and almost 4.

When I got pregnant with my oldest, I gained a TON of weight.. even though I was really careful about eating, drank only water and exercised every day. It got to the point that I would cry every time I stepped on a scale, so halfway through I quit weighing myself. Anyhow, I got HUGE!!

I was losing weight slowly but surely, then 13 months later I got a suprise pregnancy. I only gained 16 pounds with the second baby, even though I wasn't nearly as careful as I was with my first pregnancy. Of course, I was heavier to start with than I was with the first.

Anyway, my baby just turned two and now my maternal instincts are kicking in again and I want to start trying for a new baby soon. Here is the problem - I weigh 231 pounds - 60 more than when I got pregnant the first time. :grumble: I am still carrying the baby weight from my almost four year old..:frown:

So, I want to lose at least thirty pounds before I get pregnant again. I would love to hear from some of you ladies who are wanting to lose some weight before getting pregnant. Maybe we can encourage each other along and eventually welcome some new little members to MFP!!!:happy:


  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I am also trying to loose weight before getting pregnant. My youngest is two and I also gained more than the necessary during my pregnancy. I am currently 145 lbs and my height is 5'2". I want to go down to 130 lbs and would love the company :happy:
  • 4mykids
    4mykids Posts: 33 Member
    I'm with ya! My youngest is turning 4 next week, and I have a 5 yo as well. I would love to have 2 more babes, but I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and am refusing to get pregnant at this weight. I think it would kill me (literally). I need help!!!!!

    That's just one of the many reasons that I want to lose so badly.

    You can do it! I'll do it with you! Only I'd like to be down 60-ish. I know - that's a lot - and probably a long time away :(

    BUT - we CAN do it!!!!!!
  • berkeleygirlforever
    I'm with ya! I recently got back together with my ex-husband. We have an eight year old together. I too weigh almost 230. I was 170 before I got pregnant with my son eight years ago. I'd like to have another before it's too late but I don't want to get pregnant when I'm already so big! :embarassed: I'd like to at least get back to 170 or lower before getting pregnant again.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Okay Ladies, we can do this!! We are worth it! And our babies (the ones we have now and potential new ones!!) deserve fit and happy mommas! I'm so excited to have a common goal with you all! Let's keep each other posted and share our tips, achievements, setbacks, etc...

    I'm so excited for this!! I feel I will do better with my goal when I have likeminded ladies to share with. Have a great day!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I am also trying to loose weight before getting pregnant. My youngest is two and I also gained more than the necessary during my pregnancy. I am currently 145 lbs and my height is 5'2". I want to go down to 130 lbs and would love the company :happy:

    Yessie25 -

    You can do it! Baby weight is so hard to lose! But you are so close, you will get there before you know it!

    I am 5'9", but I have way farther to go than you! We will get there together! :flowerforyou:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I'm with ya! My youngest is turning 4 next week, and I have a 5 yo as well. I would love to have 2 more babes, but I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and am refusing to get pregnant at this weight. I think it would kill me (literally). I need help!!!!!

    That's just one of the many reasons that I want to lose so badly.

    You can do it! I'll do it with you! Only I'd like to be down 60-ish. I know - that's a lot - and probably a long time away :(

    BUT - we CAN do it!!!!!!

    cathydo -

    You will lose that baby weight quicker than you realize! I too am heavier than I have ever been, and I try to be positive about myself - you know, rock it no matter what size you are- but it's not that easy all the time. Keep your chin up and believe in yourself - I believe in you and I believe in me and I believe in all the ladies here! :heart:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I'm with ya! I recently got back together with my ex-husband. We have an eight year old together. I too weigh almost 230. I was 170 before I got pregnant with my son eight years ago. I'd like to have another before it's too late but I don't want to get pregnant when I'm already so big! :embarassed: I'd like to at least get back to 170 or lower before getting pregnant again.

    berkeleygirlforever -

    Wow, congrats on your renewed relationship, that's great! We can all join together and support one another! You can definately do this!! If we stay focused and motivated, we will be able to whip this weight thing before you know it!!

    It sounds like we are really close to the same size and I too was 170 before I got pregnant with my oldest. I would like to get down to 199 before quitting birth control and trying for a new baby. I don't want to wait to get down to my goal weight -170- because I don't want too much time between my oldest and youngest.
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in, i am 23 and 227lbs, i want to get down to at least 160 before trying. I want to have a baby in a few years but not at this weight, so i want to start loosing it now.
  • beckythebunny122
    beckythebunny122 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm with you! I went in for a preconception checkup and my doctor told me to lose weight before we started (this was back in January - I was 171).

    I've been working really hard to get down to a good weight. It's been pretty frustrating but this website has been a great support!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I'm with you! I went in for a preconception checkup and my doctor told me to lose weight before we started (this was back in January - I was 171).

    I've been working really hard to get down to a good weight. It's been pretty frustrating but this website has been a great support!

    171 seems like an okay weight to conceive, any reason why the DR. wants you to lose??? What is your goal???
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello ladies! I would love, love, love to join in on this thread! I am 35 yrs old. I will be 36 before the year is up. I have a 14 yr old autistic son(raised him on my own until met my darling dh!). We have a 5 yr old together.

    I had planned to have another about 3 yrs ago but my aunt, whom I was very close to, developed terminal brain cancer. I could not imagine going through a pregnancy while she was sick and inevitably going to die. She lived 18 mths.

    2 mths before that my father died of a sudden heart attack in his sleep at the young age of 55. This halted our plans yet again. I was not emotionally ready to go through that.

    And if all of that was not bad enough, this year in feb I was told that I needed my gall bladder out but couldnt have it out until my newly discovered severe anemia was under control. My gall bladder came out in March and the anemia is just now improving. I am ready to do this however I weight 193 pounds. I want to be 160 at the most before embarking on pregnancy. I gained 55 pounds with each pregnancy. I did lose the weight with my first but am still holding on with my second.
    There is my story. Probably more than all of you wanted but there you go!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    So, I know this thread kinda died - sorry about that! partly my fault - Ididn't keep it up and running. Anyway, my update is that I've decided to take my merina IUD out on the 9th. I feel that the hormones in the IUD are keeping me from losing weight as easily( I know it's not ever easy). I am hoping to use a non hormonal method for a few months and see if my body regulates itself - then we will see about starting the baby making....hmmm...
  • time2live
    time2live Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm new to MFP (well I've been a member for a while but I've fallen off the bandwagon many times) but know I need the support of others to succeed with this weight loss journey. I too just had my Mirena removed last week to start trying for a child soon. I am currently at 218 wanting to get down at least 20 pounds before we conceive. The last few weeks I've been working out everyday and watching more what I put in my mouth and I've seen some results, can't wait to see where I'll end up!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm new to MFP (well I've been a member for a while but I've fallen off the bandwagon many times) but know I need the support of others to succeed with this weight loss journey. I too just had my Mirena removed last week to start trying for a child soon. I am currently at 218 wanting to get down at least 20 pounds before we conceive. The last few weeks I've been working out everyday and watching more what I put in my mouth and I've seen some results, can't wait to see where I'll end up!

    It sounds like we are in the same boat!! I am currently at 228 and want to get down to below 200 before trying to conceive. Do you have any babies now or will this be your first?

    If we stick to it, we can help each other lose the pounds and who knows, this may turn into a pregnancy thread soon...:wink:
  • yessie75
    I was wondering what happen to this thread :flowerforyou:
    I used the mirena IUD after I had my daughter. She's two now. And I felt really weird when I stopped having periods, it's just not normal. I know you're probably thinking I'm weird. It's not that i enjoy my period, but it was just weird not having it. God gave us the cycle for a reason. Anyway, after that I got on the pill and my husband swears that's what gave me high blood pressure. He's been begging me to get off the pill for months, but I was afraid to get pregnant while being overweight. I'm down to 141 lbs. and although I have 15 pounds to go and I'm starting to feel like my old self. We decided to stop the pill this week and see what happens.:happy:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I was wondering what happen to this thread :flowerforyou:
    I used the mirena IUD after I had my daughter. She's two now. And I felt really weird when I stopped having periods, it's just not normal. I know you're probably thinking I'm weird. It's not that i enjoy my period, but it was just weird not having it. God gave us the cycle for a reason. Anyway, after that I got on the pill and my husband swears that's what gave me high blood pressure. He's been begging me to get off the pill for months, but I was afraid to get pregnant while being overweight. I'm down to 141 lbs. and although I have 15 pounds to go and I'm starting to feel like my old self. We decided to stop the pill this week and see what happens.:happy:

    Good luck with that!!! :wink: It's always an exciting time. I feel exactly the same way about the cycle too! I can hardly wait until Wednesday when I get Mirena out. Did it take you awhile to get a cycle back after mirena? I think I'll use a non-hormonal method called conceptrol for a few months while I lose more weight and so my body can have a chance to regulate a bit.

    Hopefully we can keep this thread going..I just kinda let it die...:cry: Keep us posted!!
  • yessie75
    I got my cycle a few days after I took the mirena out.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Yeah!! I got my mirena IUD out on Wednesday! I'm pretty excited to start this whole process.

    Yessie - How are things going for you? Any luck on the baby making :embarassed:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi there ladies....I too am hoping to lose some weight before trying to have another baby. I have a daughter who just turned 6 and we've tried to have another baby several times (we go through infertility treatment) and we've been through our share of heartache. I finally switched to a new doctor and I have found that even though I knew that I had a condition called PCOS its more severe then I thought. My doctor suggested to lose weight and I'd be surprised at what could happen.

    So can I join on in with you guys? I'm hoping to start TTC around November-ish. It sounds like everyone here is going off the pill - does that mean everyone is starting to try now?

    I'm hoping to lose 20 pounds in the next 9 weeks (I know it may be a stretch, but I'm motivated) and then we'll see where things lead! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi :) I actually decided to start back with this site for that very reason. I jioned about a year ago and fell off....story of my life! LOL. But this time I have a reason other than myself. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about 8 months or so now and no luck. I did some research and talked to my doctor and we think my extra weight is the reason we're having trouble. The extra fat cells contain estrogen which mimics the effects of the pill. So basically my body is making it's own birth control. Not cool! So that's why I'm here. I'm hoping this is finally the motivation I need to lose this weight.