Newbie - 1200 calories



  • I started at 201, and got down to 147 (5'8", 58 year old young guy). I've lost over 50 lbs, and 40 of them while using MFP. I'm a believer. I was on a 1200 cal diet too, but was able to eat a lot more, because I was fanatical about doing daily (7 day/wk) exercise...running outside or brisk treadmill walks. Exercise is the magic wand. Love those exercise credits! It really didn't take very long (about 4 months). Now, it's been about 7 months, and I'm still on MFP, still doing daily exercise, and even allowing a bit of weight gain...I kind of went too far. With exercise, 2000+ calories per day is easy maintenance. No fast food!!!, and go with lower calorie junk foods, if you must (I did)....Thinsations choc bars that are 100 cal's each or Fibre1 100 cal granola bars....have a few of them. Remember to drink low calorie high protein drinks after the work-outs (i.e. GNC). I can now run like the wind, for as long as I want to go. 30 to 80 minutes is the general range though. I feel good about myself, and went out and spent over $7,000 buying a bunch of new a reward. I'm back to my university days weight & size. Hang in's simply about commitment. I'm a very busy professional, and a minority partner in a business. You make time for yourself to take care of yourself. Just do it. Gary
  • icerafta
    icerafta Posts: 38
    I started MFP about 6 months ago, got tired of charting everything I put in my mouth and stopped using the program.
    I am back now, and I need to discipline myself to chart my food. This has been a never-ending battle for me. I HATE CHARTING!!!
    I have been going to water aerobics classes 5 days a week, EARLY in the morning, for a few months now. So far I have lost 23 lbs.
    I follow Weight Watchers with my mom and I seem to be doing OK with 28 points per day...Sometimes a little less. That comes out to be about 1400 calories per day. I am gaining muscle, so the results are more in a firmer body and flatter stomach than much actual weight loss. I avoid my scale and weigh myself about twice a month. I feel great, have more energy and sleep like a baby at night. The water aerobics are what does it. Look for a gym that has a swimming pool and if they don't offer classes (which they should), just water walk, jog jumping jacks etc, and you will be amazed at the results. I have severe arthritis in both knees and it is helping me out immensely. I hope some of you out there will take my advice seriousely. I have 150 pounds to lose, and I refuse to go $20,000 in debt for gutt surgery. I know I can do it and I know you can too.
  • ancha0702
    ancha0702 Posts: 26
    I'm on a 1300 calories diet and I would like to have more friends like you with similar goals. :)
    Feel free to add me. :))
  • kimboyle92
    kimboyle92 Posts: 26 Member
    I started last week and was put at 1200 cals. I used to eat less im sure cuz i only ate one meal and a few snacks during the day but now that i'm eating 3 squares and snacks, i'm hungry all the time! anyone else dealing with this? I drink lots of water and that help a little temporarily but this is driving me nuts! I have to eat about every 2 hours now. any suggestions?
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    1200 cals here too. I replaced all my salad dressings, cheeses, condiments etc for the low-fat versions, changed out certain canned ingredients for lower calorie/fat/sodium choices etc. Also changed from white to wheat bread. NO FAST FOOD! NO BEERS!
  • please all feel free to add me. Im currently 172, looking to be 138 and also following 1200
  • weekends are my let down :o(
  • I am also on 1200 calories and I want to loose 30 pounds. Add me if you like.
  • Even when I get to my goal weight, my bmr is going to be 1500 a day. 1200 is not always enough to maintain your body's functions if you are taller. I know my little sister who is a few inches shorter than me has a lower bmr like 1300 I think. 1200 calories to me is just kind of setting yourself up to fail miserably and then jump off the wagon completely with a binge.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm at 1200 and probably will be for a while. I have 10-15 more pounds to go...or whenever I am satisfied. My highest weight ever was 252 and my lowest was 151. I'm currently at 160. I started the C25K program a few weeks ago (I moved through quickly and I'm on week 7 now) and the weight seems to fall off with running. I love it!

    I tend to be a creature of habit with my food, but I don't get bored so I guess that's a plus. My food diary is open, if you're interested.

    Good luck to you. :smile:
  • Goodmorning, i am at 1200 as well. Please add me if you like.
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    I seem to be less hungary on 1200 calories than I ever was when I ate whatever I wanted... literally I would eat crisps/choc/chips etc pretty much every day at work & then gorge again at home.

    I don't really understand that but yeah...
  • me too 1200 here , 204, and have 40 pounds more to lose..feel free to add me..
  • mrswpg
    mrswpg Posts: 16 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories, looking for friends too :) you can add me!
  • spoons81
    spoons81 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'7 and 221 lbs... I did the 1200 calorie diet for about a month. I was always STARVING and was barely losing .5 lb per week. I upped my calories so I now net 1400-1500 calories AFTER exercise and I'm loosing 1-2 lbs per week. So I usually get to eat 1700-1800 calories a day. Your body needs fuel in order to burn fat....
  • blondgg
    blondgg Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm 5'1" 190.lbs. my friend and I just started yesterday, and I had never been this big, only through pregnancy's and my last baby i struggle to loss weight. I have no motivation and feel I've been really down. Anyway my thought to make this work it's a team effort, so I would like to
    loss approximately 65lbs, and would love ideas on snacks and foods that don't take up our 1200 calorie day intake. So if anyone could
    post great snack ideas it would be great. I will also post what I do also!!! Thanks for all your support MFP friends, I guess it takes a
    team to win!!! Let's WIN!!!
  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 95 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 30 and I am down 11 so I still have some to go but I stick with the 1200 calories you can add me if you want
  • AEF6388
    AEF6388 Posts: 1
    Hey Everyone! I've just started using MFP. I live in South Korea, and unfortunately have gained more weight than I'm happy with, I'm 5'7" at about 77-78 kg (everything here is metric...and it makes me feel a bit better since it's a smaller number). I'd like to get down to about 140 lbs./65 kg before I return to the U.S. in September, so about 20 lbs. I work a split shift at work, so it's really hard for me to keep a normal eating schedule and to stay motivated! Hopefully this time I can stick with it! Feel free to add me...because I'm not really sure how to add people. :-)
  • monyea
    monyea Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, I started at 170 on 1/27/12 and as of today I have lost 15 lbs. I restricted my food intake to try to average 1100 calories a day. I would like to loose another 5 lbs but have stayed where I am for too long. I am afraid that I will gain the weight back because I really don't know what to eat. I am 5'6" and I am 71 years old, per my fitness pal my BMI is just alittle over 1200, any suggestions?
  • jburre00
    jburre00 Posts: 3
    Some of my favorite things to snack on with a low cal diet are:

    dry soy bean nuts! 120 cal. with 10g protein!
    Atkins day break smoothies! 130 cal. with 12g protein!
    Special K cereal bars, 90 cal. 1g protein!
    Emerald Dry Roasted Almonds 150 cal. for 1/4 cup and 5g protein
    Any raw veggies such as carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower are always great snacks!

    Let me know of some of your favorites so we can swap info :]
    and you're welcome to add me as a friend!!