60 Day Challenge (April 25-June 23)



  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm in challenging myself to do the following in preparation for a beach trip June 16. If I accomplish this goal I will be at goal.

    April 25: Starting Weight: 161

    (1) Lose 5-16 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Complete at least 10,000 steps a day
    (4) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (5) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week

    If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to local Humane Society.

    June 23: End Weight:
  • AnxBanx
    AnxBanx Posts: 1
    I'm in as well! I just signed up with mfp today and was browsing the boards. This is so excellent since today is April 25th and this challenge will provide great support and motivation :)

    April 25: Starting Weight: 155.6

    (1) Lose 15- 20 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Run 3 times a week
    (4) Weight train at least twice a week
    (5) Consume under calorie goal daily

    * if I meet goals 2-5, I will place $1 in a jar towards a massage*
    **if I miss goals 2-5, I will place $1 in a jar towards a donation to SickKids**

    June 23: end weight
  • sunshinerae1978
    sunshinerae1978 Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in too!

    April 25: Starting Weight:

    (1) Lose 16-20 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (4) Cardio 5x per week and Strength train 3x per week
    (5) Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily

    June 23: End Weight:

    *If I miss my goal for the day/week (2,3,4,5), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity
    *If I complete ALL daily goals, and/or weekly goals, I will put $1 in a separate jar to do something special for myself

    Good Luck everyone!! :tongue:
  • I am in too!

    April 25:

    (1) Lose 5-10 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (4) Exercise at least one hour a day
    (5) Drink NO soda!! (So hard for me)

    ***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box. Money will be donated to charity***
    ***If I complete ALL daily goals, and/or weekly goals, I will put $1 in a separate jar to do something special for myself***

    June 23: End Weight:
  • dejatyja
    dejatyja Posts: 109 Member
    I'm in....this is awesome!

    1) lose 15-20lbs (10lbs by my bday would be nice 5-21)
    2) Do atleast 30min cardio everyday (if time permits I'll go for an hr)
    3) Do strength training 3x a week
    4) Consume under calorie goal (I've gotten better)
    5) ONLY EAT HEALTHY SNACKS (this is usually where I mess up, but I can do this!!!)
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I'm In! This is just what I need.

    April 25: Starting Weight: Frumpy. Tight Clothes

    (1) Lose 20 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Exercise @ gym for 30 min - 1 hour , 3 times a week (Hectic schedule. This is all I can commit to)
    (4) Strength Training 2x a week
    (5) Consume under calorie goal daily

    ***If I miss my goal for the day (2,3,4), I'll put in a dollar (for each goal) in a box.
    **If I complee my goal for the day (2,3,4), dollar in a "ME" box**

    June 23: End Weight: ? Can't wait to see
  • IM IN!!

    April 25: Starting Weight: 296ibs
    (1) Lose 15-20ibs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Exercise at least 30 minutes for 6 days in a week
    (4) Consume under calorie goal daily
    (5) Be able to use the ellipticall for 15 minutes straight, by 6/23 (I cant last longer then 1 minute now)
    ***If I miss my 2,3,4 goals one day then I will also put 1 doller in a jar, if I do not lose atleast 15 ibs by 6/23/12 then I will donate the money to a breast cancer foundation, BUT as a treat to myself if I do meet my weight loss goal then I will keep the money and go get myself a treat***

    June 23: End Weight:
  • christic03
    christic03 Posts: 8 Member
    im in

    April 25th starting weight: unhappy & tight fitting clotes :(

    1) lose 15-20 lbs
    2) workout 45min-1hr at least 3-4 dys wk
    3) consume under calorie goal
    4) eat more fruits & veggies
    5) stay motivated & keep away from daily weight ins

    ** on every friday ill put in a $ for every lb lost in a "TREAT MYSELF BOX"

    June 23rd: ending weight: CANT WAIT!!
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    I am in! I love this idea. With summer breathing down our necks I want to get this last bit of weight off. We have alot of family functions coming up and I want to get some new clothes.

    Starting Weight: 166

    1. Consume under calorie goal daily
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    3. Workout 5 days a week for 30-40 minutes
    4. Lose 10 pounds
    5. Eat at least 2-4 servings of fruits/veggies daily

    Ending weight:
  • daniellek10
    daniellek10 Posts: 45 Member
    love this!!
    my goals!
    1-lose 10-15 pounds by then!
    2-track daily, including weekends, where I slack!
    3-exercise at least 5 days a week!
    4-stay positive!
    5-drink my water, esp on weekends!!!!
  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    Hell, I'm in.

    Starting weight - I'm fluctuating between 212-215 because of my intense cardio and strength training workouts.

    1. Consume under calorie goal daily
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    3. Workout 5 days a week for 30-60 minutes (except Tuesdays while I'm still here. I'll do Turbo at the gym twice, for a total of 120 minutes)
    4. Lose 10 pounds or more.
    5. Eat at least 2-4 servings of fruits/veggies daily
    6. Get off the 'sugar addiction' wagon
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I'd like to join in, too. I could always use some extra motivation.

    April 25th: Starting weight - 243

    1) Lose 15-20lbs
    2) Do at least 30 min cardio everyday
    3) Do strength training 3x a week
    4) Consume under calorie goal daily
    5) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  • Alrighty then...lets go! Summer is coming fast and so is the heat...I want to be healthy and bikini ready!

    1. Lose 5-10 pounds - that last bit of stubborn fat!
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water and/or herbal tea
    3. 30-60 minutes of cardio 6 times per week
    4. Strength trainning 3 times per week
    5. Get rid of sugar-additiction, natural sweeteners only

    Starting weight 125 Ending goal weight 120 or under
  • April 25
    starting weight- 157 goal weight 140.
    1. lose 10-15 ponds, half of what I am planning to lose.
    2. drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    3. do at least 5 days of circut training a week
    4. cut out bad carbs
    5. eat at least 4 fruits and veggies a day.
    6. never go over 1200 calories a day.
  • pottiegirl
    pottiegirl Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in - starting April 25

    1: lose 10 lbs.
    2: Work out with dvd for 30 minutes daily
    3: Stay under calorie goal
    4: Drink 64 ozs. of water daily
    5: Stay away from night cravings.

    Put in $1 for everyday I do not do 2,3,4,& 5 and give to Church Building Fund above & beyond our regular offerings.
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 35 Member
    After much debate...I'm In!

    April 25: 198.6-200 (varied lately)

    (1) Lose 10-15 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Exercise 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week
    (4) Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily
    (5) Log everything & limit daily weigh-in's to no more than twice a week (these have been really hard for me lately)

    June 23: End Weight Goal: Definately under 190!
  • abimom
    abimom Posts: 8 Member
    Lets do it!!!!
    April 25: Starting Weight: 200lbs
    (1) Lose 20-25 lbs
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Exercise at least one hour 6x a week
    (4) Consume under calorie goal daily

    June 23: End Weight: hopefully 185 lbs or Lower
  • kmaddox1969
    kmaddox1969 Posts: 30 Member
    :smile: Like it. good luck everyone -

    I will try to stick with it too.

    Starting weight 237.6

    1. Exercise - no matter what just keep moving
    2. Lose 10% of body weight
    3. Keep logging information into journal to keep me on track
    4. Keep talking with others who are motivated to succeed.
    5. Keep drinking my water have only been able to do 48 oz need to up it
    6. Keep on going whether I reach the set goal or not to get to my health weigh.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    OK, here we goooo.....

    April 25: 137

    (1) Lose 5-10 lbs - Goal 130 or less!
    (2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    (3) Run 4X per week
    (4) Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily

    June 23: End Weight
  • tag0829
    tag0829 Posts: 40 Member
    Ok first day of challenge didn't go so well. Today is a new day. Good luck to all.