Mandatory Flu vaccine?



  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    Lots of things to think's a supercharged topic, that's for sure. I'm not too proud to get the vaccine. I just choose not to get it, as is my right being an American citizen. Being injected with a foreign substance is not the same thing as being required to wear a uniform. I guess once all companies and the government mandate it, it'll be a dead issue...and they can move on to the next right to take away from us. I have a clear understanding of how germs are spread and what they can do, I also believe our bodies need to build up a natural resistance. As for being a carrier and possibly giving the virus to someone with a weakened immune system...well THOSE are the people who the vaccine was intended for in the first place, so that shouldn't be an issue...why waste a vaccine on me, when there are people out there who REALLY need it? I guess it's not worth losing my job over, but I wonder what recourse I'll have against my employer should I have any adverse reactions to it...NONE.