Tall Girls (5'9 and up): How Many Calories Are You Eating?



  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I tried netting 1200, I lose very little. I generally eat over 2000 calories on exercise days and around 1600 on rest days.

    I'm 5'10 and 173 pounds.

    I should add a bit more to this. My BMR is 1548. My goal is set to 1834 which is my TDEE -15%. I always try to net my BMR which can be extremely difficult on high burn days. On those high burn days I eat in excess of 2000 and net my BMR. If I only burn around 300 calories (like today) I don't have to eat back any calories to get there.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    Nikki you should listen to Glados and Rae.

    Your post is full of broscience and incorrect advice.

  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason.

    This is absolutely terrible advice!

    1200 is way too low for us tall girls. I can't believe someone would even advocate eating 1000 at our height. It's one thing if every now and then you just can't eat enough, but to consistently eat at this low level is very dangerous for anyone our height.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Nikki you should listen to Glados and Rae.

    Your post is full of broscience and incorrect advice.

    I could not agree more! Your advice is so far out of wack! Listen to Glados and Rae!
  • .
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm having a tough time breathing in all this Brozone....
  • I am 5 ft 11 inches and currently 179. After stalling out from low calories I took Helloitsdan's advice in his road map post and did my calculations. I now eat 2303 calories a day (BMR 1625) and work out 3-5 times a week. This has helped respark my weight loss and I am no longer feeling hungry and deprived.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am 5 ft 11 inches and currently 179. After stalling out from low calories I took Helloitsdan's advice in his road map post and did my calculations. I now eat 2303 calories a day (BMR 1625) and work out 3-5 times a week. This has helped respark my weight loss and I am no longer feeling hungry and deprived.

    This sounds like a fantastic idea!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I average between 1800 and 2200 but I exercise daily and burn 500-900 calories.
    I am 5'10 almost, and 125Ibs. I am trying to maintain hereabouts however, and not lose.

    A weight of 125 lbs is low for being nearly 5'10". I am the same height and the weight range is 144-174
    for a BMI of 20-25.

    In the uk, the lower end of a healthy bmi seems to be 18.5. When i check on pharmacy scales, it is 18.5 to 24. At 126 i hit a bmi of about 18.5
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well, I'm 5'8" and I do weight lifting 3 times a week (no cardio except for the 15 minute walk to and from the train on my way to work). On the days I weight lift, 1650-1700, on the days I don't, 1450-1500.
  • RebeldeMM
    RebeldeMM Posts: 7 Member
    This is some really good info...keep it coming. Bump
  • hclheath
    hclheath Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'9 SW 260 CW 221... I changed my eating.. counting calories. i stick to the 1280 that MFP suggests BUT do not eat the "extra" after I enter my work out. I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and now i just WALK WALK WALK 5-6 times a week with weights! By doing this in 4 months I have lost 39 lbs!! Just EAT HEALTHY calories and walk or do cardio and you WILL see a change. Your body can reach a point where you do need to change your eating by increasing you calories and changing up your workout but this is just until you get back to loosing weight. As you get more "fit" your endurance will build and you will need to workout harder but thats a good thing! GOOD LUCK to all and keep at it.
    Happy Walking, Healthy eating!
  • "Hey girls,

    ok so for a while I was wondering what the "wall" was about myself. Here's some tips to break it.

    Don't shoot for the same calorie goal every week MFP is a guide not the deciding factor, its giving you a good estimate but in all honesty so many more factors go into a proper caloric intake not just the info you offer on here (weight/height/etc). Do NOT shoot for the number that MFP provides you each week/day. First off we are tall (im just under 6ft) we burn more faster typically (not always but usually).
    -Try to lower your caloric intake to 1200-1500 a week. You will notice almost an instant difference.
    - Spaces your meals to every 3-4 hours and your snacks to every 2 hours between that (ex. bfast @ 8, snack @ 10, lunch at 12 or 1, snack at 2 or 3)
    - try not to eat past 8 or 9pm if you have to be up later than that snack on fruit, drink tea/water just make sure there is 3 hours between your last meal and when you fall asleep.
    - Make sure you keep your workouts changing the more you confuse your muscles the more weight you will lose
    - You MUST weight lift! it wont cause you to bulk up actually the more you develop muscle the more your metabolism will boost. Try 2-3 times a week nothing to heavy or crazy try 10-12lbs to start and add a bit as you go along. once you reach 15-20 dial it back a bit. Like I said keep your muscles guessing so they cant gain memory and slow down the intensity and effectiveness of your workout.
    - PS Planks over crunches every-/every other day you burn almost 70 calories in 1 30 second plank give or take.

    Any more tips i'm here to help im a university athlete (4yrs are up but I want to model, I have to drop 12 but I want to lose the weight by eating healthy an w/ hardwork, no I don't starve myself your more than welcome to check out my food diary ). I eat 1000-1200 cals a day and workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day depending on homework.

    PS Don't eat the calories back you worked them off for a reason. "

    Nikki, I totally agree with you!! I am 5'11" and have about 25# to lose to get to my goal weight. My BMR is 2174 and I consider myself very active. I try to shoot for 1200cal/day(although my willpower sucks sometimes and I come in above that goal), I LOVE lifting weights and lift 3 times a week. Even though I try to stay at my 1200 cal/day goal, the weight does sometimes seem slow to come off, but I know that is because I am not doing enough cardio....that is my own fault for I hate cardio....LOL!! Once I get really disiplined and hit the treadmill several times a week, the weight starts to come off a LOT faster.....And I don't EVER allow my burned calories to raise my daily caloric intake!!! To me that is just a counterproductive way of thinking!! Sorry ladies, but if I were eating the amount of calories y'all are suggesting, I would NEVER lose weight!! IMO 1200cal/day is NOT too little of an amount of cal/day if you are serious about losing weight. And "My Fitness Pal" even has my recommended daily caloric intake for weight loss as 1200cal/day. Nikki, I think your advice is very good advice and just ignore the nay-sayers!!
  • I am 5'9 SW 260 CW 221... I changed my eating.. counting calories. i stick to the 1280 that MFP suggests BUT do not eat the "extra" after I enter my work out. I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and now i just WALK WALK WALK 5-6 times a week with weights! By doing this in 4 months I have lost 39 lbs!! Just EAT HEALTHY calories and walk or do cardio and you WILL see a change. Your body can reach a point where you do need to change your eating by increasing you calories and changing up your workout but this is just until you get back to loosing weight. As you get more "fit" your endurance will build and you will need to workout harder but thats a good thing! GOOD LUCK to all and keep at it.
    Happy Walking, Healthy eating!

    Totally agree with you too hclheath!! You and Nikki both have great advice!! And I know from experience, for all my weightloss has come from when I follow plans similar to what you both have described!!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm 5'9", CW 170. Currently eating 2000-2300. BMR is 1500, TDEE is around 2500. Each week I lift 3x, do cardio 2x, and do 1 full yoga practice. I'm starting to fit into clothes that haven't seen the light of day since 2009.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I'm 5'11, 159 lbs. Right now, 1560, but I just upped it from 1420 on Tuesday, so not sure of it's affects yet.
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'9", 208lbs. Currently eating 1380/day. I've only started 2 weeks ago and I haven't yet figured out fitting in a workout routine so I was planning my caloric intake based on the fact that I'm not working out right now. I'm finding the whole "eat more" etc thing a bit confusing since well, eating more is what got me to this place!
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    5'10" 158lbs, started on MFP at 180, lost 10 lbs eating 1200 calories/day. Hated it...always hungry and basically I just got burned out--I also got very sick--bronchitis, which I attribute to not eating enough to keep my immune system strong. After that I upped my calories...I eat between 1670-1800/day and I have lost 12 more lbs doing this. Either way I am losing weight, but this way I am not bitter, angry, sick and hungry all the time. But whatever works for you...I won't judge.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    5' 10", 205 lbs, 1750 NET as goal. I eat my exercise calories too. Average daily cals since 1 Apr (not counting today) = 2441.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I am 5'11 and on my "rest days" my calories are 1760. When I work out I can range between 2110 and 2160. MFP gave me a lower calorie goal when I started (around 1430 I think), but I thought it was too low after reading a lot of success stories of people eating more calories. So far, it seems to be the perfect range. Never feel too hungry or too full :smile: