Vacation to the beach! Yay! Ugh.

I am going on a vacation this year (possibly, closer than i have been in the past, lol)

I need to get serious with the weight loss thing. I am 5'1 and weigh 186 (i cringed as i typed that). I need suggestions to help me lose weight and tone up. Good recipes, specific exercises,etc. I definitely have to drop the sodas, that's a big issue.

Any advice would be great :) Breakfast and lunch recipes that can be eaten several times a week would be best due to the cost.

Also, my complexion is very spotty and not clear. Any foods that can help me clear that up as well? I'm hoping dropping the sodas should take care of that.

Come me get in bikini shape by the end of June!! Puh puh puh pleeeeeeeeease :)


  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Water can clear up your complexion - at least it does for me.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member

    I'd like to keep up with this thread and get suggestions as well. I'm 5'1 and weigh 177 (I cringe too)!! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm on here every day and give as much congrats and encouragement as I can. Good luck :)
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Drink lots of water, that should help your skin.

    As far as the weight loss thing, the only thing you can do is eat properly and exercise. There is no other magic behind it. Do your research and listen to your body. It will speak to you and let you know if things are working or not. If not, try something else!
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Breakfast: Oatmeal & Coffee
    Lunch: Sandwich, Soup or leftovers with fruits/veggies and cheese (carrots, celery, apples, oranges and bananas are really cheap pretty much all year)
    Dinner: Chicken breast or Tilapia fillet with Broccoli and sprinkle of cheddar (use different spices to spice up the meat; cajun, mcCormick's Montreal Chicken, parmesan, etc...)

    Exercise: commit to a program of some sort; BeFit in 90 is free on YouTube and the BeFit channel has lots of other free videos as well; a lot of people are doing the 30 day shred (you can try out level 1 for free on the BeFit channel)
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Im 5'1, and weight 210lbs. So.... dont cringe haha.
    If you kick sodas and drink tons of water this will help clear up your complexion. It will really help with your skin all over your body and not just your face. For breakfasts try a low fat/calorie cereal. I eat Kashi go lean. Its only 220cal for 1 cup and I use that will 1/2 cup almond breeze, with is 40cal or so. These will last me like a month and maybe cost 10bucks together. Its really worth it. I also buy bulk bags of spinach for salads, and that will last me close to a month as well, and its fairy inexpensive (maybe 5 bucks). Dont just watch calories, make sure your watching your sodium, and sugar in take as well. MFP is great for monitoring that stuff because it tells us how much we should eat and tells us when we go over. You can do this! there are tons of people here to support you and motivate you through your journey. Just remind yourself that even though it will be hard now, rocking a bikini on the beach is going to be so so worth it. =)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Water can clear up your complexion - at least it does for me.

    SO true! I've struggled with acne since I was 12, and since I started drinking a lot more, my skin is soooo much clearer and softer. Plus, it helps me not get sick very often (we're talking maybe once a year---and I have a 5 year old in pre-k with germy little kids all day!).

    There is SO much information I could give you, but so as not to be totally overwhelming, here are some good tips to get you started:

    -Replace those sodas with water (or at least diet soda---I'm not a fan, but it's better than regular). Drinking water is ultimately the best though.
    -Figure out your caloric needs. There are lots of threads in the forums you can search for to help you figure out exactly what you need.
    -Start a good workout program with a solid mix of strength training and cardio. The cardio can be whatever you like doing (walking, running, elliptical, stairmaster, Zumba class, whatever). If you don't like it, you won't do it :)
    - Feel free to take a look at my diary for some breakfast/lunch ideas (although today I got a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks lol).

    Good luck!
  • bergsangel
    bergsangel Posts: 131
    My diary is public if you want to check it out, I am also 5'1.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    I'm going to jamaica in 9 days & had to bust my butt to get in shape & I'm happy to say i was successful. It was NOT easy, but I will be wearing a bikini comfortably. I did alot of intense walking, several Jillian Micheal's DVDs & religiously logged my food. I kept it at 1200 calories & ate alot of fruit & veggies, protein, & limited carbs & only whole grain carbs. Definately QUIT the sodas!!! Lots of water!!! I have a family to cook for, so I had to be very adament with meal planning & working out a routine & I had to be VERY devoted. Friend me if you would like more detailed tips & food ideas, I'd be happy to share any strategies I have.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    As far as weight loss..log everything and stay within your daily totals. Try to eat cleaner and do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day. If you want to tone, add some strength training a couple of days a week too!

    As far as skin...I'm there with ya! I have PCOS and is causes me to have terrible skin. After several visits to the dermatologist and tons of money on prescriptions, I started using Proactive. I have been using it for a while now and it has really started to help. Also (I know it's not healthy), but I also go to the tanning bed 1-2 times a week. I go into a standard bed for about 16 minutes at a time. It helps to keep the oiliness in check!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i am 5'1" and i was 193 in November, currently 147-ish.

    My diary is open to friends if you'd like to add me. The others above have already given some great tips!
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    I also buy bulk bags of spinach for salads, and that will last me close to a month as well, and its fairy inexpensive (maybe 5 bucks).

    How do you keep the spinach from going bad for that long?
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I had the soda problem when I started my journey too. You just gotta go cold turkey. The first few days are ROUGH, but before you know it you won't even miss it. At first I thought I could just go from regular to diet. But then I just missed regular. Had to break the cycle.

    I also cut out French Fries at first too. You know, you go to a restaurant and you order a sandwich and it comes with French Fries? Get something else. In the past year and 1/2 I have not found restaurant that won't substitute something a bit healthier for free. You'll still want the fries, but you'll be so proud of yourself that you made the decision not to eat them!

    For me it's been a big progression. First was soda. Then fries. Then potato chips. Then all fried foods. I still have chips and salsa on rare occasions. And buffalo wings. But for the most part I avoid fried things like the plague.

    When you start eating things that are good for body you'll notice that you feel sooooo much better. Then you'll keep doing it, then you'll be motivated to cut even more out. I'm now working on lowering sugar (I don't eat white flour or baked goods, but you'd be surprised how much sugar is even in a protein bar).

    Good luck getting into bikini shape. I have the same goal and deadline - I'm close to goal weight, but I'm not as toned and fit as I'd like to be...
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    My diary is public if you want to check it out, I am also 5'1.
    How are those Body by Vi shakes?
  • lady_scientist
    You mentioned that you're looking for good recipes, so I thought I'd share a link to to this blog -- I really love her stuff.

    Personally, I think the main thing about exercise is to trying many things until you find something that you actually like to do -- I think it really helps with motivation. For example, I pretty much hate running, but, although I felt a little silly at first, I tried a Zumba class several years ago and LOVED it -- now I go all the time.
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    Definitely drop the soda. Water, H2O, and then some more water! If you need to, put a slice of lemon or lime to flavor it.

    I'm 5'2" and currently 155.8 lbs. I started this journey at 215 lbs last year. Goal is to hit 150 lbs and perhaps 130lbs? It all depends on how much body fat % I got and how my clothes fit me. I'm wearing size 8 these days a big improvement from the size 15/16 and 17/18 back in January 2011. Perhaps a size 4-6 would be good?

    Eat clean- as much as natural foods as you can- fruits and veggies. Steam, broil, bake but avoid fried stuff.

    A simple walk 2-3x a week pushing your wee one is not only good for you but also some bonding time and good cardio to start.

    Here's perhaps a good tip to drop the soda: Depending what soda you drink, it's a known fact that some professional cleaners use soda to help clean up RUST on metal. Would you want that type of corrosive stuff in your body? :noway: Plus the amount of $ you save from soda, you can put towards better alternative healthier foods for you to enjoy.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Replace soda with water, and eat as many "clean" foods as possible/...fresh fruits and veggies, fresh meats, shop the perimeter of the grocery store instead of the processed convenience foods in the aisles, etc.

    Google "clean eating" websites to get started!
  • SVMR17
    SVMR17 Posts: 33
    I find that drinnking water and eating more fruits/veggies helps with the acne.