Bad food day

Is it OK to occasionally have bad food days? I've just begun, and generally I've done a decent job of sticking to my calorie limit and drinking enough water. But, well, today we took the kids to the circus, and now I only have 300 calories left - and haven't had dinner yet. And, I'm DYING for a Dr Pepper (my one consistent indulgence). I know, I know, I could exercise - and I am considering taking the dog for a walk. Perhaps I should just go do that.

But, really, I wanna know - is it OK to occasionally have a day here and there (not regularly, just special occasions and such) where your diet is - umm ... ignored? :embarassed:


  • Solandra
    For me, every once in a while it has to happen. My fiance is a diabetic, and he explains his occasional rebellion as something that just has to happen occasionally, or he'll go insane. I humor him occasionally, but I draw the line at saying "yes" to powdered sugar donuts.

    So today I've been down with a bad headache since just before lunch. We'd had IHOP for breakfast (my own occasional indulgence), but he wound up in charge of lunch because my brain was on strike. Bless his heart, he got me something "healthy" - the *grilled* Sonic chicken club. And French Fries. And a cherry limeaide. And I think I remember a cookie being involved...

    And Lo, I was over on calories for the day, even though I didn't eat all of my lunch.

    Tomorrow I'll walk twice, and come in under on calories, but I don't think I'll be stepping on the scales.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Yes- once in a while is ok. I define once in a while as maybe a meal a month or so. Life happens. Remember, in order to truly be successful, you have to find something (food choices, exercise, etc.) that you can stick with permanently. Is it accurate to say that you will never again as long as you live have a day where you eat more than you should? NO. The most important thing is not to let a meal that's "bad" translate to a bad day, to a bad weekend, to a bad week, and then a bad month. Make great choices everyday, and make sure you live a little.

    I LOVE :love: Friendly's peanut butter cup sundaes and there is no way in hell I can say that I'm never going to have one again as long as I live because it's unhealthy. Eating them often is unhealthy- a few times a year is ok. I usually save them for special occasions and treat myself very rarely.

    Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:
  • eglass64
    I have a hard time behaving aound the holidays, but who doesnt. I seem to stay pretty much on track as long as I excercise.
  • Veronica320
    Sometimes (and this is just works for me) it's good to have a cheat day. Not necessarily a day where you just completely gorge out, but a day where you indulge a bit or treat yourself. I need to have days like that.....just to keep my sanity. If you make certain food(s) OFF LIMITS, its bound to be even more appealing in the long run.....just because you can't have it. So treat yourself....just in moderation:smile:
  • jmacarthur
    I think its ok as long as cheat days don't become too much of a habit, and as long as you don't come away feeling too guilty.
    Perhaps you can plan WHEN you are going to have a cheat day (i.e. a special event coming up later in the month, or some people do it a little every saturday, or whatever).

    I'm just saying that because I was successful at losing weight before, until I got into the habit of cheating too often, and then I gained all the weight back. If you know you are going to a party, or know you can't resist the buttered popcorn at the movies, or nachos at the ballgame, plan ahead and allow yourself that cheat with restrictions on the cheat- say you are only ordering a small popcorn to share, or you can have that glass of wine with dinner, but tell your frinds in advance tyhat is all you are planning to have and to ask them to keep you from having more.

    Come up with a plan first to help you not to go overboard when you cheat!:flowerforyou:
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'd say yes to it on occasion. I had my own "cheat day" this Thursday.

    I do have one big suggestion though- keep recording your calories, even if it's 7:00 AM and you designate it a "no-diet" day. I've found that if I don't record everything I eat on cheat days, I usually end up consuming around 4000 calories- which pretty much ruins everything you've done in the past week.

    All in all, I say go for it, just be careful, and don't have these days too often.
  • As long you stick to your diet 80%. It's not bad to have a hi calorie day once a while it keeps you're out of plateau... When your body see there is plenty of food.. there is no need to store it.
  • ham1299
    Thank you so much everyone! You all have helped me feel so much better! I did take the dog for a nice long walk this afternoon, and have since had dinner. I'm only 4 calories over now. MUCH better than I'd feared. I'm just trying to decide whether the Dr Pepper is worth it at this point! :ohwell: Again, thank you. :heart: