

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I never liked cigarettes, but I love myself a nice full flavor cigar. I hate that NYC no longer allows smoking in bars, I had a great Irish pub I used to go to on Fridays and everyone was smoking cigars and drinking whiskey... now the place closed.

    i also love a good cigar on a hike or when I am out fishing. People always look at me funny when I blow past them on the trail with a big puff of smoke!
  • JovianErinys
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.
  • billyverret
    I'm not looking to bum any of you out, just to share my experience. Twice in my life I had quit for over a year; but started again. I was by no means a heavy smoker (about a pack every 2 days). My kids never saw me smoke and I mostly did it at work due to the fact that my wife is a non-smoker. All that aside, here is my story. On Sept 8, 2011 I urinated blood. No pain, discomfort or any warning or health issue. It only happened once; but I immediately started the Dr. visits the next morning. Well, sparing all of the details I HAD BLADDER CANCER!! Not only that; but it is DIRECTLY related to smoking in males. I was fortunate enough to have caught it early and all of it was removed; but I will tell you that the treatments where a BIT*H and while going threw them is when I decided to get my sh@t together and get back in shape. I threw out the smokes the day I got my lab results back and have not had nor wanted one since. They nearly robbed me of watching my children have children of their own. We always think that it happens to "other" people; but guess what...eventually you turn out to be the other people. Even as I write this there is a nervous feeling overwhelming me today due to the fact that I go for my first 3 month scoping since finishing my treatments. Don't get me wrong ...I AM A FIGHTER!! If they find more polyps, I'll kick it's *kitten* again ...but some fights you would be better to avoid if you have the choice to. MFP is about healthy living and choices...if you smoke, you are not doing either. You just assume eat until you explode, because the cigs will kill you quicker than the food ever will. :explode:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    What kind of smoking are we talking here?
    Easy with that or you'll get this thread deleted! :wink: We need a MFP approved euphemism for this...

    /off to attend a "safety meeting"

    There is a group called 'Baked not Fried'. We have euphemisms. :)
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    quit about 180 days ago...

    don't miss the cost
    don't miss huffing and weezing going up stairs
    don't miss being fat
    don't miss not being able to run a mile (and more)
    don't miss sweating when the temp goes up 5deg

    and I can keep going, I honestly enjoyed it when I did, but didn't miss the fact that it's killing me and now that I quit for a half a year, I DON'T miss how bad I stunk now that I can smell it on others..

    This is where I am at-I quit 22 yrs ago and it was the best investment I could have made for my health! I also can't believe the price now days, holy ****, how do people afford this? Id rather take that $ and go on a fabulous vacay once a year! BTW, this is a health site so Im not even sure why we are talking about this?
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm not eating or smoking ever again..............
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I'm not looking to bum any of you out, just to share my experience. Twice in my life I had quit for over a year; but started again. I was by no means a heavy smoker (about a pack every 2 days). My kids never saw me smoke and I mostly did it at work due to the fact that my wife is a non-smoker. All that aside, here is my story. On Sept 8, 2011 I urinated blood. No pain, discomfort or any warning or health issue. It only happened once; but I immediately started the Dr. visits the next morning. Well, sparing all of the details I HAD BLADDER CANCER!! Not only that; but it is DIRECTLY related to smoking in males. I was fortunate enough to have caught it early and all of it was removed; but I will tell you that the treatments where a BIT*H and while going threw them is when I decided to get my sh@t together and get back in shape. I threw out the smokes the day I got my lab results back and have not had nor wanted one since. They nearly robbed me of watching my children have children of their own. We always think that it happens to "other" people; but guess what...eventually you turn out to be the other people. Even as I write this there is a nervous feeling overwhelming me today due to the fact that I go for my first 3 month scoping since finishing my treatments. Don't get me wrong ...I AM A FIGHTER!! If they find more polyps, I'll kick it's *kitten* again ...but some fights you would be better to avoid if you have the choice to. MFP is about healthy living and choices...if you smoke, you are not doing either. You just assume eat until you explode, because the cigs will kill you quicker than the food ever will. :explode:

    I agree, very well said and congrats on kickin cancers *kitten*!
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    quit about 180 days ago...

    don't miss the cost
    don't miss huffing and weezing going up stairs
    don't miss being fat
    don't miss not being able to run a mile (and more)
    don't miss sweating when the temp goes up 5deg

    and I can keep going, I honestly enjoyed it when I did, but didn't miss the fact that it's killing me and now that I quit for a half a year, I DON'T miss how bad I stunk now that I can smell it on others..

    This is where I am at-I quit 22 yrs ago and it was the best investment I could have made for my health! I also can't believe the price now days, holy ****, how do people afford this? Id rather take that $ and go on a fabulous vacay once a year! BTW, this is a health site so Im not even sure why we are talking about this?

    Actually this is the section of the site where we talk about anything.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Smoking always makes my beer taste better :smokin:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member





    Enjoy your cigarettes. :sick:

    *SIGHS* There is always one person to ruin the fun for everyone else.

    So much for tolerance and acceptance for all I guess....

    gross, but kinda true icky!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    quit about 180 days ago...

    don't miss the cost
    don't miss huffing and weezing going up stairs
    don't miss being fat
    don't miss not being able to run a mile (and more)
    don't miss sweating when the temp goes up 5deg

    and I can keep going, I honestly enjoyed it when I did, but didn't miss the fact that it's killing me and now that I quit for a half a year, I DON'T miss how bad I stunk now that I can smell it on others..

    This is where I am at-I quit 22 yrs ago and it was the best investment I could have made for my health! I also can't believe the price now days, holy ****, how do people afford this? Id rather take that $ and go on a fabulous vacay once a year! BTW, this is a health site so Im not even sure why we are talking about this?

    Actually this is the section of the site where we talk about anything.

    Still on a site where people are trying to get control of their health right, or did I miss something?
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    What kind of smoking are we talking here?
    Easy with that or you'll get this thread deleted! :wink: We need a MFP approved euphemism for this...

    /off to attend a "safety meeting"

    There is a group called 'Baked not Fried'. We have euphemisms. :)

    Oooh thanks! Just had to turn off safe search and I found it! :happy:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    So it will be completely ok with you guys when your children start smoking right?
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    <---- ex-smoker. I finally quit after about 11 or 12 years.

    Blow some cigar smoke into my face please. I love the smell of a good cigar. :smokin:
  • FreeThotStrm
    Im in Central America right now...this is the warning listed on their cigarettes

    Los Componentes De Los Productos Del Tabaco Causan Emfermedad Y MUerte

    It doesn sound anywhere near as bad in Spanish.

    The ingredients of tobacco products cause sickness and death.

    Sounds pretty bad to me.

    Yeah, but if you dont speak Spanish it looks pretty benign. It could say "Smoking this is like riding a unicorn on a sunny day" and I wouldnt know the difference.


    We should make labels that say that and put them on people's packs.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    If I could just stop the 2 smokes in the morning anf the smoking on a car ride and the smoking after a meal, and the smoking when I walk the dog and the smoking when I have a drink and the smoking when im bored....

    I could totally quit
    dont forget the smoke after sex and the one right before you pass out at night :smokin:
    btw heading out for a smoke break
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Hmmmm cigars count? Hope so, love me a good cigar.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    quit about 180 days ago...

    don't miss the cost
    don't miss huffing and weezing going up stairs
    don't miss being fat
    don't miss not being able to run a mile (and more)
    don't miss sweating when the temp goes up 5deg

    and I can keep going, I honestly enjoyed it when I did, but didn't miss the fact that it's killing me and now that I quit for a half a year, I DON'T miss how bad I stunk now that I can smell it on others..

    This is where I am at-I quit 22 yrs ago and it was the best investment I could have made for my health! I also can't believe the price now days, holy ****, how do people afford this? Id rather take that $ and go on a fabulous vacay once a year! BTW, this is a health site so Im not even sure why we are talking about this?

    Actually this is the section of the site where we talk about anything.

    Still on a site where people are trying to get control of their health right, or did I miss something?

    I use this site for WEIGHT LOSS. What you use it for is up to you. I do not however use the site for people to ***** to me or peopel like myself about things I am quite aware of.
  • sarai79
    sarai79 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.
    Ahh yes the good old days...smoking in the teacher's lounge
  • sarai79
    sarai79 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    So it will be completely ok with you guys when your children start smoking right?

    My parent's are non-smokers...this has zero effect on my heavy smoking :) your point is irrelevant