That pouch on the tummy?

I look in the mirror and the image of a kangaroo springs to mind. :/

I've been battling with my tummy for a while now. I'm 40lbs down since joining MFP (thank you guys!) but now, I have this pouch, or pooch as I've seen it been called elsewhere on here.

What exercised can I do to tackle this? I know that there's no way I can diet it away, because I think it's to do with skin stretching and lack of muscle tone? I could be wrong.

I've seen some of your before and after pics, and you guys are all amazing. Just putting that out there. Feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:


  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi there! I have the same problem with my "pouch". I'm pretty sure you can't totally diet it away as I have tried and it didn't work. I know mine is from having kids, my stomach muscles and skin is stretched. I think the only thing you can do is abdominal workouts. If anyone knows specifically which exercises will work best on the lower abdomen I would be forever grateful.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    You can't spot reduce. period. But cardio helps alot...i've been doing jillian michaels and running since xmas ans mine has reduced significantly
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks guys! I've already done the 30DS once, I'm going to do it again and see what happens.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    If you hit goal weight start lifting some weights now :)
  • Mrsdaffy2
    Mrsdaffy2 Posts: 91
    I,m in the same boat, unfortunately Time is the answer, of course we'll still have to tone up the muscles in our 'Core' with things like sit ups & leg extensions, while walking , just pull your tummy in about half way, you'll be surprised how difficult it is to keep it, I'm getting better at it now & I have to say I have noticed a diffence... =D I have a long way to go to get it to 'cute' level.... =D Hang in there Hayley it,s a slow process but it will be worth it... =D
  • jak2315
    jak2315 Posts: 47 Member
    Is the pouch from having babies? If so, it won't go away no matter how much exercise you do. I know. I had 2 large babies and ended up with a tummy tuck. Best thing I ever did (other than having the babies!).
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Argh. Just keep at it.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    doing exercises such as squats and over head presses work your core :) tighten it up!
  • rsriga
    rsriga Posts: 1 Member
    i alsohave this problem, cardio does help, running, spinning, zumba.. but some extra always hangsaround,, i find more post c-section deliveries..
  • I've also noticed a big difference after doing Jillian Michaels. Especially No More Trouble Zones. I really think strength traing helps, I noticed I use alot of core strength to help me through movements. Also watch your sodium, and processed foods. Eating very clean will help too. Hang in there!
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    When I think about it, I noticed changes in my tummy when I was doing squat presses and supermans (supermen? lol) from Jillian Michael's DVD. I really should do more of those.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    You can't spot reduce......Lift heavy and eat less.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Is the pouch from having babies? If so, it won't go away no matter how much exercise you do. I know. I had 2 large babies and ended up with a tummy tuck. Best thing I ever did (other than having the babies!).

    I've had four kids, all over 8 lbs, and gained between 30-65 lbs with each one (and I'm not even 5 feet tall). My profile pic is me. You don't necessarily need a tummy tuck.

    Regardless of whether you've had kids, you could have diastasis recti, meaning that your ab muscles have separated down the middle and you don't naturally hold your stomach. The solution is to rebuild those muscles -- the right way. I strongly recommend the Tupler Technique. Or just do lots of planks and elevator exercises! There are some good suggestions on YouTube as well.

    I'm still poochier than I'd like, but I've been able to repair my diastasis recti before and have washboard abs and I feel confident I can do it again this time, too :-)
  • I have the same problem after two kiddos! After lots of research and suggestions from my sister who is in the exercise science field! If you really really want it gone, you have to be strict and "EAT CLEAN". The best exercises & meal plan I have found online is at with Cassey Ho! She has a 90 day challenge on there that has really helped me! Good luck!
    I'm personally still working at it but I know it's possible if I keep pushing!
  • JVandesteeg
    JVandesteeg Posts: 157 Member
    I am in the same boat! I'm so sick of this pouch(( or as I call it a "booty front"))- looks like I have a butt in the front LOL. I've been working my tail off working out 5 times a week, trying to get rid of this nasty lookin' thing and nothing seems to be helping. I seem to be losing everywhere but THERE and my arms! My husband tells me that he can tell a difference, but it still looks the same to me! UGH! I need HELP too!!!
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    You can't spot reduce......Lift heavy and eat less.

    I'll be lifting once my exams are done, but I don't think I should eat less. I'm on 1200 a day as it is haha!
  • jak2315
    jak2315 Posts: 47 Member
    Try pilates and yoga.
  • peaceinside
    peaceinside Posts: 272
    You can't spot reduce......Lift heavy and eat less.
    This ^^^^^^period.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    I have melted 4 inches off my "pooch" since joining MFP! (Jan 28, 2012)

    It still isnt pretty, but I am far less ashamed of it!

    And really, its not bad for my age!

    All I have done is lower calories, cardio and lifting.

    God speed!