

  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    same here (minus the babies)
    but my family doesnt know I like to smoke - so if Im around them, I cant have em - and Im fine! (no feelings of withdrawl)
    I just LIKE to smoke. ...

    on a side note - -- I have my 3rd marathon coming up in 2 weeks and while I dont want to jinx myself, I have smoked during the training for all 3 and havent experienced any problems....
  • FreeThotStrm
    I wonder why Mrs. McHaterPants deleted her comments?
    Probably because we called her out for being intolerant.

    Ah yes, a shot of hypocrisy call-out. I hear it cures cancer.
  • sarai79
    sarai79 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    same here (minus the babies)
    but my family doesnt know I like to smoke - so if Im around them, I cant have em - and Im fine! (no feelings of withdrawl)
    I just LIKE to smoke. ...

    on a side note - -- I have my 3rd marathon coming up in 2 weeks and while I dont want to jinx myself, I have smoked during the training for all 3 and havent experienced any problems....

    way to go...congrats and good luck
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    First things first..

    Those pics are disgusting.

    Second, Don't judge anyone else. You look silly.

    Third, those who preach "this is a health website". Um hello....Chit Chat section and smoking both apply to this thought.

    Fourth, I don't smoke regularly except for when I drink...seems cigs taste a hell of a lot better with a few shots BUT trying to not bother with them at all.

    Fifth, I do agree....they are the gateway to pizza, which is how I ended up on MFP today.
    I 100% wholeheartedly agree with 2, 3 and 5.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I can't wait to work out, and then enjoy a cigarette :smokin:
  • kerribrumley
    kerribrumley Posts: 10 Member
    I feel like I might be ready to try quitting, I have never tried before. I started smoking after my kids were born so I didn't have to stop while I was pregnant. I am tired of the smell, and the expense and the wrinkles around my lips! But I just LIKE IT! it is so relaxing and enjoyable...and I know there is no way to quit smoking and try to lose weight at the same time, that would be self-sabotage!
  • kerribrumley
    kerribrumley Posts: 10 Member
    Haha Classy Couture! I thought I was the only one! :tongue:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    What kind of smoking are we talking here?
    Easy with that or you'll get this thread deleted! :wink: We need a MFP approved euphemism for this...

    /off to attend a "safety meeting"

    There is a group called 'Baked not Fried'. We have euphemisms. :)

  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I like smoking and I don't want to live forever. I'd rather die doing what I like then die denying myself of everything. I like a drink and a takeout every now and then too but that's a different thread... :P
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I quit december 9th. would kick kittens for a smoke today.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    DAWNSTEP Posts: 47 Member
    Current 251
    Goal 150
    Stop smoking weight 200
    Not ready to quit just yet
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    So it will be completely ok with you guys when your children start smoking right?

    I'm confused. It is mentioned that this person isn't addicted to smoking and just smokes because she loves it and can't find a reason to quit.. I just don't understand how people can't find a "reason" to quit considering all the health related evidence and facts that are out there on smoking.... especially if you're truly not addicted.

    My mother has smoked since she was 16 and has tried to quit once, but is almost 50 and still smoking away. She has always been very into fitness and exercise but it saddens me to see her start developing a slight cough when she exercises or from the slighted exertion lately. She shrugs it off like its nothing but I know deep down it has to w/the smoking.
  • smiles4deb
    I quit smoking cigs at the beginning of the year and I'm glad, but I'll always have my fellow smokers' backs.

    ^ This. It's been 108 days. I actually go stand with them, just so I can smell it... :bigsmile:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I actually quit smoking analog cigarettes in April 2009 (woo hoo 3 years!) with the help of the E-Cig. All the benefits that we love of smoking with out the smell of an ashtray, the death, and with more breathing!!
    Right now I am vaping Orange Creamcicle! Mmmmmmm

    Here's a pic of me dolled up in February being a goof and vaping off of the Vitae.

    I <3 vaping. I've been doing 1/2 1.2% cherry and 1/2 0% coffee, since I was dumb enough to get myself addicted to nicotine again last week. I simply use less and less nicotine, until I'm at none at all. The only time I really miss analogs is while drinking.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I don't smoke because I'm addicted, I smoke simply because I love it. Each time I've found out I was pregnant, I've quit that same day and not smoked for the duration of my pregnancies. Last year was hospitalized for two weeks. Doctor suggested giving me a patch or meds to "Help you get through your time here without smoking." I refused them and did not suffer withdrawal symptoms nor did I crave a smoke. Smoked as soon as I got home. I simply love smoking and cannot think of a reason to quit. Sorry, but it is enjoyable to me.........:smokin:

    Same here, exactly! I don't smoke a whole pack a day and I can go without for hours and even days if I want to. I definitely stopped during both of my pregnancies. But I don't have the desire to stop smoking. I remember when people used to smoke in grocery stores and malls, lol.

    So it will be completely ok with you guys when your children start smoking right?

    I'm confused. It is mentioned that this person isn't addicted to smoking and just smokes because she loves it and can't find a reason to quit.. I just don't understand how people can't find a "reason" to quit considering all the health related evidence and facts that are out there on smoking.... especially if you're truly not addicted.

    My mother has smoked since she was 16 and has tried to quit once, but is almost 50 and still smoking away. She has always been very into fitness and exercise but it saddens me to see her start developing a slight cough when she exercises or from the slighted exertion lately. She shrugs it off like its nothing but I know deep down it has to w/the smoking.

    this really bugs the **** out of me. your mom is a grown *kitten* woman and if she wants to smoke then let her. smoking is not good for you. we all know. but neither is running your mouth about not smoking to smokers. that can be bad for your health too.

    oh but i forgot those that are on here preaching the non-smoking bull**** are perfect. you make me want to smoke a cig and blow it in your face.

    i say if you smoke thats your choice. too many people want to take away our freedom of choices.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    and in conclusion, for those of you that have kicked the habit, GOOD JOB! I know how difficult it is.

    Also, my husband has been trying new cigars so if any of you have some really good favs let me know. I would love to surprise him with one.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Technically - you don't ENJOY smoking... just just don't enjoy NOT smoking. I quit - in 2003 when all of a sudden - on my 26th birthday - I realized that if I didn't, I would have to say I had smoked for MORE than 1/2 my life...

    Pure Grit, sheer determination, a lotta tears and temper-tantrums - but I did it! helped.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    Technically - you don't ENJOY smoking... just just don't enjoy NOT smoking. I quit - in 2003 when all of a sudden - on my 26th birthday - I realized that if I didn't, I would have to say I had smoked for MORE than 1/2 my life...

    Pure Grit, sheer determination, a lotta tears and temper-tantrums - but I did it! helped.

    im 41 and ive smoke for 26 years. Sadly, some part of me is proud of that. Try
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I smoke 2 smokes before I smoke 2 smokes, and then I smoke 2 more...

    ok, really, I am a social smoker, I don't drink and I don't want to sit around like a bump on a log at the bar. Used to work as a 'cigarette girl' and smoked a pack a day for 4 months, I got paid to stand around and smoke. After that job ended (it was summer work) I went back to smoking when I was at the bar only.

    All in all it takes me probably 2 months to go thru a pack of smokes. I don't go to the bar very often.

    And to the person that wonders why a person 'loves to smoke, but isn't addicted' it's the addiction to the actual act of smoking, it's relaxing.

    I hate that there is an indoor smoking law here, I fully believe that it should be up to the bar owner's decision to allow or ban smoking within their establishment.