So, I'm gonna give this gardening thing a shot (pics)



  • 281rocky
    281rocky Posts: 5
    I am having a garden in the city community garden this year and since I raise my own plants and eat just about anyhting I am really looking forward to the good stuff. Summer squash, okra,tomatoes,cabbage,cucumbers( love them) sweetpotatoes also. beets and radishes too. tempted to try kale and turnip greens and mustard greens. Living in Iowa we don't find this stuff in stores. Yours looks awesome. pretty large too.:smile:
  • kamillathunder
    kamillathunder Posts: 4 Member
    I think you will do a great job there:)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    so, stepped it off this afternoon. looks like the prepped area is right about 30 x 30. (the un-prepped but tilled area behind that I may eventually either use or rotate planting into is probably about the same.)

    is that really that big?

    hhhhaaaaaa, ha, ha... ummm, yeah that is REALLY... THAT... BIG!! Wow... 30 x 30?!? I'd say that is pretty huge, considering this is your first garden. So... how many rows have you prepped in that 30'? That makes a difference too... if you have the 30' rows - just wondering how many of said rows you have then...

    The good news? Welp - first there is no way that you aren't going to have some success with something... let's hope all of it grows really well. Second, you will get plenty of natural exercise in caring for the thing. Third, you will make good with your neighbors when you have lots and lots of produce to share! ... I'm happy to have some of the extras, I know I am not next door - but, feel free to share up the road! ha!

    Honestly... it's just gonna be fun to watch and listen to how it's all going! I was excited when I planted mine the first time and it's a 4' x 12' garden... which was enough. I remembered thinking at the beginning of the summer, this is nothin'! By the end, I was glad that it wasn't double the size, which is what I was originally hoping for... BUT - I think it's gonna be great for you and what you want to do. I think that you will have fun with it and as I said before, maybe this will help you eat your veggies! LOL.

    And... did you check out the things that you needed for the peas? (nope, still didn't look to see what they are called) And, get some sugar snap pea seeds... getting your extra produce of those would be worth a drive to Billings! ha, ha, ha. Gee - maybe I should be encouraging you to plant already... so you have stuff ready by Dash time... LOL.

    It's a great looking garden and I wish you much luck and success with it...
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    huh. just seemed like a small garden to me. see? I'm clueless.

    rows? I believe I have either seven or eight there. I think seven. wanted plenty of walking room in between.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Well... that might be why it doesn't feel so big... that and you have what an acre? acre and a half? of yard... so of course 30x30 wouldn't seem that big in perspective!

    Seven or Eight rows... seems way more managable versus thinking in terms of 30x30... Because you are really looking at more like a 240 foot linear area... that seems more reasonable!

    ... yeah, I see the photos up top! You aren't as clueless as you might pretend... I'm not buying that, not completely! LOL.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    yeah, I have about an acre in the back ... that doesn't really include the garden area, though ... that's kind of more front/side.

    and, really, truly ... I'm pretty clueless. I just fake it well. sometimes.
  • ptcruiser55
    ptcruiser55 Posts: 11
    love your garden, you'll burn lots of calories working that :) . I started a square foot garden this year, had to put hardware cloth underneath and fence it to protect it from our plentiful gophers.