London marathon 2013

Ok so on the 30th the ballot opens for 2013 London marathon.
I've only ever ran sort distances, hurdles etc at school, but since my mum ran it the other year, the competitive side of my wants to run it and well in all honesty beat her time.
The question is sod couch to 5km how about couch to a bloody marathon!

Any comments greatfuly received, but hoping to here from thoses thinking of doing the same, or who have done it it the past!
Hugs and Kisses


  • sueb12345678
    sueb12345678 Posts: 41 Member
    good for you.. Good luck honey :smile:
  • Teenytiny07
    Teenytiny07 Posts: 6 Member

    I am thinking of doing the same. I am reasonably fit but I don't really run (not outdoors anyway, have recently been doing about 10k on a treadmill though).I am now going to start. I have signed up for a 5k and there is a local 10k and half marathon later in the year which I will also work towards.

    Since I was young I said I would run the London Marathon and now I have decided is the time to get on and do it. I will be applying for a place on Friday. Feels a bit scary finally making the decision to do it. So also looking for advice
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe I'll see you on race day!
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    Anyone else?
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    And I'm in the ballot!