does zumba really work?



  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    I started zumba 1.5 months ago...I've lost almost 10 pds and 3 inches from my waist. Started MFP a couple of weeks ago. Zumba + MFP + HRM = LOVE!
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    I have started more Zumba..Trying for 4 days a week with strength training 3 days a week..I hope I can lose like you have!!
  • Find a workout that you would enjoy doing. I'm sure of you go to YouTube you will find alot of different exercises to try. Once you find one, buy the dvd that offers the same music/exercise and go for it. This is my 4th month doing Zumba twice a week. I also go walking a couple times a week. I love Zumba but I also like to dance so I look at it a as a big party twice a week. Better than being a couch potatoe. If you decide to use weights, remember to start out slowly to prevent injury.
  • akninsas
    akninsas Posts: 49 Member
    It works!! I burn tons of calories and my muscles are always sore the next day! We even do a dance holding hand weights to work our upper body and its killer!!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I tried it at my old gym and didn't like it. I switched gyms and need to give it a try.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Well, I find that most women need to get over their fear of lifting weights (and I mean REAL weights, not the little pink 5lb hand weights). Muscle burns fat and raises your resting metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more fat your burn. Currently, I'm not dropping the weight real fast, but I'm loosing inches like crazy (not to mention starting to see my abs again). There is a reason the term "skinny fat" exists :wink:

    no one here said they are afraid of lifting weights. And nor is there anything wrong with a pink 5lb weight. You can't go from zero to 20lbs...that's unsafe..
  • Zumba is amazing i am proof 100 percent...i started my weightloss journey last january and in march exactly 2 mobths i had already lost 68 lbs no diet at all thats a bad word i just ate smaller portions if I knew how to load a picture on here I would do it and show u my before and after pictures...I also have not onced lifted a weight and my arms are huge and my abs aren't perfect but they are there no I never meet my goal weight but I went from a size 13 to a size 2 and lost 68 lbs just zumba...If you go to once class and u don't like it try another class till you find one u like they are all different only thing the same is that its latin music... on fb my zumba page there is pictures spring lake zumba take a look for ur self and u can see..just stay motivated you losse inches before lbs.... zumba love ; )
  • I am new to zumba and find the dances really hard. i feel like giving up because i cant do them.
  • maruxf
    maruxf Posts: 39
    Well, I find that most women need to get over their fear of lifting weights (and I mean REAL weights, not the little pink 5lb hand weights). Muscle burns fat and raises your resting metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more fat your burn. Currently, I'm not dropping the weight real fast, but I'm loosing inches like crazy (not to mention starting to see my abs again). There is a reason the term "skinny fat" exists :wink:


    Plus, I really dig working out in the free weights section of my gym with all the dudes with biceps the size of my head!

    Yesterday I was doing sumo squats with a 30lbs dumbbell and I was dying by the middle of my 3rd set. Next to me, this wall of a man was doing chest presses with 95 lbs in EACH arm. Then the "little" *kitten* gives me a smirk and says: "I'll count the next set...keep going." Lays back down and starts pressing again. That 4th set, I did with a smile on my face...

    I get so much motivation from the way these guys treat their bodies like 'temples.' It's amazing.

    Women should stop being afraid of bulking up. You will firm up what you have, not get massive. I have no idea why women think this...
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    If you like Zumba, you may want to try Jazzercise too, if its available near you. I don't know how Zumba teachers are trained, but I know Jazzercise instructors get lots of training and reviews. I preferred Jazzercise to Zumba due the better music variety and more knowledgeable instructors. The Zumba instructors spent too much time admiring themselves in the mirror, when they should have been giving cues and suggesting low impact modifications. It was like they were performing rather than leading.
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    yes it does it'a fab work out and even though i have trouble with cordanition i enjoy it and don't let it bother me :)
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    I am new to zumba and find the dances really hard. i feel like giving up because i cant do them.

    aww don't give up i have cordanation probs and don't let it bother me as long as i know i got a good work out

    and i enjoy it that is the main thing for me
  • Sam426f
    Sam426f Posts: 47 Member
    I have been going to a zumba class once per week for almost a year now, I LOVE it. I tend to agree that it isn't the best workout, but you're jumping around for an hour and I sweat buckets. I would say it is the best fun exercise class I have ever taken and would recommend everyone to try it, although taking one class isn't enough, invest in 4 or 5 classes and you'll be hooked.
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    I have been going to a zumba class once per week for almost a year now, I LOVE it. I tend to agree that it isn't the best workout, but you're jumping around for an hour and I sweat buckets. I would say it is the best fun exercise class I have ever taken and would recommend everyone to try it, although taking one class isn't enough, invest in 4 or 5 classes and you'll be hooked.

    Agree with the above.

    Its a good cardio workout the more you put into it the more you get out of it, I love it - it feels like I am out on a Friday night with my friends, minus the late night and alcohol!!
  • Is the Zumba Wii game out yet? Did anyone try it? What do you think?


    I just bought Zumba 2 and love, love, love it!! I've been using it all week and am burning the same amount of calories as when I'm running! My kids are getting a great workout too. I lift weights for toning so I'm not too sure about the toning benefits, however, I can say my sides and abs were sore the next day after I used it.
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I have been going to a zumba class once per week for almost a year now, I LOVE it. I tend to agree that it isn't the best workout, but you're jumping around for an hour and I sweat buckets. I would say it is the best fun exercise class I have ever taken and would recommend everyone to try it, although taking one class isn't enough, invest in 4 or 5 classes and you'll be hooked.

    Agree with the above.

    Its a good cardio workout the more you put into it the more you get out of it, I love it - it feels like I am out on a Friday night with my friends, minus the late night and alcohol!!

    I agree too. When I attend a class I tend to burn 500ish calories but teaching it is a different story. I burned 780 calories in my class on Tuesday.

    I feel Zumba is a great way in to exercise. I started with just Zumba in my gum, got my confidence and now go to lots of other different classes in a week (spinning, step, combat' pilates). I do Zumba for a fun calorie burn/as my job and I do the Les Mills classes for strength, flexibility and sports training.
  • i have the zumba wii game, and its just as intense as the videos, it gives you 3 levels of intenstiy, low, mid and high.....and the mid is even a lil too instense. I love it, i do it about 3-4 times a week. Im getting ready to start insanity with my boyfriend though, but i plan on still fitting zumba in a couple times a week!!
  • Thanks,
    i am just going to stick with it. i am sure i will get the hang of it after a while :smile:
  • coquigretch
    coquigretch Posts: 5 Member
    The Wii version has low-intensity versions of the songs...I would start off with low until you get the hang of it, then switch to the medium or high...I'm SOOO not coordinated and figured it out pretty quickly doing that. Buena suerte!
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    I just wanted to say I really like the Wii zumba it is hard and fun but it is a workout! :)
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